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The .NET Multi-platform App UI (.NET MAUI) GraphicsView is a graphics canvas on which 2D graphics can be drawn using types from the Microsoft.Maui.Graphics namespace. For more information about Microsoft.Maui.Graphics, see Graphics.

GraphicsView defines the Drawable property, of type IDrawable, which specifies the content that will be drawn. This property is backed by a BindableProperty, which means it can be the target of data binding, and styled.

GraphicsView defines the following events:

  • StartHoverInteraction, with TouchEventArgs, which is raised when a pointer enters the hit test area of the GraphicsView.
  • MoveHoverInteraction, with TouchEventArgs, which is raised when a pointer moves while the pointer remains within the hit test area of the GraphicsView.
  • EndHoverInteraction, which is raised when a pointer leaves the hit test area of the GraphicsView.
  • StartInteraction, with TouchEventArgs, which is raised when the GraphicsView is pressed.
  • DragInteraction, with TouchEventArgs, which is raised when the GraphicsView is dragged.
  • EndInteraction, with TouchEventArgs, which is raised when the press that raised the StartInteraction event is released.
  • CancelInteraction, which is raised when the press that made contact with the GraphicsView loses contact.

Create a GraphicsView

A GraphicsView must define an IDrawable object that specifies the content that will be drawn on the control. This can be achieved by creating an object that derives from IDrawable, and by implementing its Draw method:

namespace MyMauiApp
    public class GraphicsDrawable : IDrawable
        public void Draw(ICanvas canvas, RectF dirtyRect)
            // Drawing code goes here

The Draw method has ICanvas and RectF arguments. The ICanvas argument is the drawing canvas on which you draw graphical objects. The RectF argument is a struct that contains data about the size and location of the drawing canvas. For more information about drawing on an ICanvas, see Draw graphical objects.

In XAML, the IDrawable object can be declared as a resource and then consumed by a GraphicsView by specifying its key as the value of the Drawable property:

<ContentPage xmlns=
        <drawable:GraphicsDrawable x:Key="drawable" />
        <GraphicsView Drawable="{StaticResource drawable}"
                      WidthRequest="400" />

Position and size graphical objects

The location and size of the ICanvas on a page can be determined by examining properties of the RectF argument in the Draw method.

The RectF struct defines the following properties:

  • Bottom, of type float, which represents the y-coordinate of the bottom edge of the canvas.
  • Center, of type PointF, which specifies the coordinates of the center of the canvas.
  • Height, of type float, which defines the height of the canvas.
  • IsEmpty, of type bool, which indicates whether the canvas has a zero size and location.
  • Left, of type float, which represents the x-coordinate of the left edge of the canvas.
  • Location, of type PointF, which defines the coordinates of the upper-left corner of the canvas.
  • Right, of type float, which represents the x-coordinate of the right edge of the canvas.
  • Size, of type SizeF, which defines the width and height of the canvas.
  • Top, of type float, which represents the y-coordinate of the top edge of the canvas.
  • Width, of type float, which defines the width of the canvas.
  • X, of type float, which defines the x-coordinate of the upper-left corner of the canvas.
  • Y, of type float, which defines the y-coordinate of the upper-left corner of the canvas.

These properties can be used to position and size graphical objects on the ICanvas. For example, graphical objects can be placed at the center of the Canvas by using the Center.X and Center.Y values as arguments to a drawing method. For information about drawing on an ICanvas, see Draw graphical objects.

Invalidate the canvas

GraphicsView has an Invalidate method that informs the canvas that it needs to redraw itself. This method must be invoked on a GraphicsView instance:


.NET MAUI automatically invalidates the GraphicsView as needed by the UI. For example, when the element is first shown, comes into view, or is revealed by moving an element from on top of it, it's redrawn. The only time you need to call Invalidate is when you want to force the GraphicsView to redraw itself, such as if you have changed its content while it's still visible.