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Anvisningar: Exportera metadata från tjänstslutpunkter

Det här avsnittet beskriver hur du exporterar metadata från tjänstslutpunkter.

Exportera metadata från tjänstslutpunkter

  1. Skapa ett nytt Visual Studio Console App Project. Lägg till koden som visas i följande steg i den genererade Program.cs-filen i metoden main().

  2. Skapa en WsdlExporter.

    WsdlExporter exporter = new WsdlExporter();
    Dim exporter As New WsdlExporter()
  3. Ange egenskapen PolicyVersion till ett av värdena från PolicyVersion uppräkningen. Det här exemplet anger det värde Policy15 som motsvarar WS-Policy 1.5.

    exporter.PolicyVersion = PolicyVersion.Policy15;
    exporter.PolicyVersion = PolicyVersion.Policy15
  4. Skapa en matris med ServiceEndpoint objekt.

    ServiceEndpoint [] myServiceEndpoints = new ServiceEndpoint[2];
    ContractDescription myDescription = new ContractDescription ("myContract");
    myServiceEndpoints[0] = new ServiceEndpoint(myDescription,new BasicHttpBinding(),new EndpointAddress("http://localhost/myservice"));
    myServiceEndpoints[1] = new ServiceEndpoint(myDescription,new BasicHttpBinding(),new EndpointAddress("http://localhost/myservice"));
    Dim myServiceEndpoints() As ServiceEndpoint = New ServiceEndpoint(1) {}
    Dim myDescription As New ContractDescription("myContract")
    myServiceEndpoints(0) = New ServiceEndpoint(myDescription, New BasicHttpBinding(), New EndpointAddress("http://localhost/myservice"))
    myServiceEndpoints(1) = New ServiceEndpoint(myDescription, New BasicHttpBinding(), New EndpointAddress("http://localhost/myservice"))
  5. Exportera metadata för varje tjänstslutpunkt.

    // Export all endpoints for each endpoint in collection.
    foreach (ServiceEndpoint endpoint in myServiceEndpoints)
    'Export all endpoints for each endpoint in collection.
    For Each endpoint As ServiceEndpoint In myServiceEndpoints
  6. Kontrollera att inga fel uppstod under exportprocessen och hämta metadata.

    // If there are no errors, get the documents.
    MetadataSet metadataDocs = null;
    if (exporter.Errors.Count != 0)
        metadataDocs = exporter.GetGeneratedMetadata();
    'If there are no errors, get the documents.
    Dim metadataDocs As MetadataSet
    metadataDocs = Nothing
    If (exporter.Errors.Count = 0) Then
        metadataDocs = exporter.GetGeneratedMetadata()
    End If
  7. Nu kan du använda metadata, till exempel skriva dem till en fil genom att anropa WriteTo(XmlWriter) metoden.


Följande är den fullständiga kodlistan för det här exemplet.

using System;
using System.ServiceModel;
using System.ServiceModel.Description;

namespace WsdlExporterSample
    class Program
        static void Main(string[] args)
            WsdlExporter exporter = new WsdlExporter();
            exporter.PolicyVersion = PolicyVersion.Policy15;

            ServiceEndpoint [] myServiceEndpoints = new ServiceEndpoint[2];
            ContractDescription myDescription = new ContractDescription ("myContract");
            myServiceEndpoints[0] = new ServiceEndpoint(myDescription,new BasicHttpBinding(),new EndpointAddress("http://localhost/myservice"));
            myServiceEndpoints[1] = new ServiceEndpoint(myDescription,new BasicHttpBinding(),new EndpointAddress("http://localhost/myservice"));

            // Export all endpoints for each endpoint in collection.
            foreach (ServiceEndpoint endpoint in myServiceEndpoints)
            // If there are no errors, get the documents.
            MetadataSet metadataDocs = null;
            if (exporter.Errors.Count != 0)
                metadataDocs = exporter.GetGeneratedMetadata();
Imports System.ServiceModel
Imports System.ServiceModel.Description

Module Module1

    Sub Main()
        Dim exporter As New WsdlExporter()
        exporter.PolicyVersion = PolicyVersion.Policy15

        Dim myServiceEndpoints() As ServiceEndpoint = New ServiceEndpoint(1) {}
        Dim myDescription As New ContractDescription("myContract")
        myServiceEndpoints(0) = New ServiceEndpoint(myDescription, New BasicHttpBinding(), New EndpointAddress("http://localhost/myservice"))
        myServiceEndpoints(1) = New ServiceEndpoint(myDescription, New BasicHttpBinding(), New EndpointAddress("http://localhost/myservice"))

        'Export all endpoints for each endpoint in collection.
        For Each endpoint As ServiceEndpoint In myServiceEndpoints

        'If there are no errors, get the documents.
        Dim metadataDocs As MetadataSet
        metadataDocs = Nothing

        If (exporter.Errors.Count = 0) Then
            metadataDocs = exporter.GetGeneratedMetadata()
        End If
    End Sub

End Module

Kompilera koden

När du kompilerar Program.cs referens System.ServiceModel.dll.

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