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Gör så här: Exportera anpassad WSDL

I det här avsnittet beskrivs hur du exporterar anpassad WSDL-information. För att göra detta definierar vi ett nytt kodattribut med namnet WsdlDocumentationAttribute som lägger till anpassad information i den WSDL som genereras av tjänsten.

Så här exporterar du anpassad WSDL-information

  1. Implementera gränssnittet IWsdlExportExtension. Det här gränssnittet kan implementeras på en klass som implementerar något av följande gränssnitt: IOperationBehavior, IContractBehavioreller IEndpointBehavior. Det kan också implementeras på en klass som härletts från BindingElement. Det här exemplet implementerar IWsdlExportExtension på en attributklass som implementerar IContractBehavior.

  2. IWsdlExportExtension definierar två metoder ExportEndpoint(WsdlExporter, WsdlEndpointConversionContext) och ExportContract(WsdlExporter, WsdlContractConversionContext). Med de här metoderna kan du ändra eller lägga till (eller både ändra och lägga till) ytterligare information i WsdlContractConversionContext. Det här exemplet i ExportContract(WsdlExporter, WsdlContractConversionContext) metoden hämtar en samling OperationDescription objekt och itererar sedan genom samlingen som söker efter en WsdlDocumentationAttribute. Om en hittas extraheras texten som är associerad med attributet, ett sammanfattningselement genereras och sammanfattningselementet läggs till i DocumentationElement åtgärden.

    public void ExportContract(WsdlExporter exporter, WsdlContractConversionContext context)
        Console.WriteLine("Inside ExportContract");
        if (context.Contract != null)
            // Set the document element; if this is not done first, there is no XmlElement in the
            // DocumentElement property.
            context.WsdlPortType.Documentation = string.Empty;
            // Contract comments.
            XmlDocument owner = context.WsdlPortType.DocumentationElement.OwnerDocument;
            XmlElement summaryElement = Formatter.CreateSummaryElement(owner, this.Text);
            foreach (OperationDescription op in context.Contract.Operations)
                Operation operation = context.GetOperation(op);
                object[] opAttrs = op.SyncMethod.GetCustomAttributes(typeof(WsdlDocumentationAttribute), false);
                if (opAttrs.Length == 1)
                    string opComment = ((WsdlDocumentationAttribute)opAttrs[0]).Text;
                    // This.Text returns the string for the operation-level attributes.
                    // Set the doc element; if this is not done first, there is no XmlElement in the
                    // DocumentElement property.
                    operation.Documentation = String.Empty;
                    XmlDocument opOwner = operation.DocumentationElement.OwnerDocument;
                    XmlElement newSummaryElement = Formatter.CreateSummaryElement(opOwner, opComment);


I följande kodexempel visas den fullständiga implementeringen av WsdlDocumentationAttribute klassen.

public class WsdlDocumentationAttribute : Attribute, IContractBehavior, IWsdlExportExtension
string text;
       XmlElement customWsdlDocElement = null;
public WsdlDocumentationAttribute(string text)
{ this.text = text;}

       public WsdlDocumentationAttribute(XmlElement wsdlDocElement)
        { this.customWsdlDocElement = wsdlDocElement; }

        public XmlElement WsdlDocElement
            get { return this.customWsdlDocElement; }
            set { this.customWsdlDocElement = value; }
       public string Text
get { return this.text; }
set { this.text = value; }

     public void ExportContract(WsdlExporter exporter, WsdlContractConversionContext context)
          Console.WriteLine("Inside ExportContract");
if (context.Contract != null)
                // Set the document element; if this is not done first, there is no XmlElement in the
                // DocumentElement property.
                context.WsdlPortType.Documentation = string.Empty;
                // Contract comments.
                XmlDocument owner = context.WsdlPortType.DocumentationElement.OwnerDocument;
                XmlElement summaryElement = Formatter.CreateSummaryElement(owner, this.Text);

                foreach (OperationDescription op in context.Contract.Operations)
                    Operation operation = context.GetOperation(op);
                    object[] opAttrs = op.SyncMethod.GetCustomAttributes(typeof(WsdlDocumentationAttribute), false);
                    if (opAttrs.Length == 1)
                        string opComment = ((WsdlDocumentationAttribute)opAttrs[0]).Text;

                        // This.Text returns the string for the operation-level attributes.
                        // Set the document element; if this is not done first, there is no XmlElement in the
                        // DocumentElement property.
                        operation.Documentation = String.Empty;

                        XmlDocument opOwner = operation.DocumentationElement.OwnerDocument;
                        XmlElement newSummaryElement = Formatter.CreateSummaryElement(opOwner, opComment);

public void ExportEndpoint(WsdlExporter exporter, WsdlEndpointConversionContext context)
            Console.WriteLine("ExportEndpoint called.");

        public void AddBindingParameters(ContractDescription description, ServiceEndpoint endpoint, BindingParameterCollection parameters)
        { return; }

        public void ApplyClientBehavior(ContractDescription description, ServiceEndpoint endpoint, ClientRuntime client)
        { return; }

        public void ApplyDispatchBehavior(ContractDescription description, ServiceEndpoint endpoint, DispatchRuntime dispatch)
        { return; }

        public void Validate(ContractDescription description, ServiceEndpoint endpoint) { return; }

  public class Formatter

#region Utility Functions

    public static XmlElement CreateSummaryElement(XmlDocument owningDoc, string text)
      XmlElement summaryElement = owningDoc.CreateElement("summary");
      summaryElement.InnerText = text;
      return summaryElement;

public static CodeCommentStatementCollection FormatComments(string text)
       * Note that in Visual C# the XML comment format absorbs a
       * documentation element with a line break in the middle. This sample
       * could take an XmlElement and create code comments in which
       * the element never had a line break in it.

      CodeCommentStatementCollection collection = new CodeCommentStatementCollection();
collection.Add(new CodeCommentStatement("From WsdlDocumentation:", true));
collection.Add(new CodeCommentStatement(String.Empty, true));

foreach (string line in WordWrap(text, 80))
collection.Add(new CodeCommentStatement(line, true));

collection.Add(new CodeCommentStatement(String.Empty, true));
return collection;

public static Collection<string> WordWrap(string text, int columnWidth)
Collection<string> lines = new Collection<string>();
System.Text.StringBuilder builder = new System.Text.StringBuilder();

string[] words = text.Split(' ');
foreach (string word in words)
if ((builder.Length > 0) && ((builder.Length + word.Length + 1) > columnWidth))
builder = new System.Text.StringBuilder();
builder.Append(' ');

return lines;


    public static XmlElement CreateReturnsElement(XmlDocument owner, string p)
      XmlElement returnsElement = owner.CreateElement("returns");
      returnsElement.InnerText = p;
      return returnsElement;

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