Anvisningar: Läsa in sammansättningar i kontexten endast reflektion
Med inläsningskontexten endast för reflektion kan du undersöka sammansättningar som kompilerats för andra plattformar eller för andra versioner av .NET. Kod som läses in i den här kontexten kan bara undersökas. Det går inte att köra den. Det innebär att objekt inte kan skapas eftersom konstruktorer inte kan köras. Eftersom koden inte kan köras läses inte beroenden in automatiskt. Om du behöver undersöka dem måste du läsa in dem själv.
Så här läser du in en sammansättning i inläsningskontexten endast för reflektion
ReflectionOnlyLoad(String) Använd metodens överlagring för att läsa in sammansättningen med dess visningsnamn, eller ReflectionOnlyLoadFrom metoden för att läsa in sammansättningen med hjälp av dess sökväg. Om sammansättningen är en binär avbildning använder du ReflectionOnlyLoad(Byte[]) metodens överlagring.
Du kan inte använda reflektionskontexten för att läsa in en version av mscorlib.dll från en annan version av .NET Framework än versionen i körningskontexten.
Om sammansättningen har beroenden ReflectionOnlyLoad läser metoden inte in dem. Om du behöver undersöka dem måste du läsa in dem själv.
Avgör om en sammansättning läses in i kontexten endast för reflektion med hjälp av sammansättningens ReflectionOnly egenskap.
Om attribut har tillämpats på sammansättningen eller på typer i sammansättningen undersöker du dessa attribut med hjälp CustomAttributeData av klassen för att säkerställa att inget försök görs att köra kod i kontexten endast för reflektion. Använd lämplig överlagring av CustomAttributeData.GetCustomAttributes metoden för att hämta CustomAttributeData objekt som representerar attributen som tillämpas på en sammansättning, medlem, modul eller parameter.
Attribut som tillämpas på sammansättningen eller dess innehåll kan definieras i sammansättningen, eller så kan de definieras i en annan sammansättning som läses in i reflektionskontexten. Det finns inget sätt att i förväg se var attributen definieras.
I följande kodexempel visas hur du undersöker de attribut som tillämpas på en sammansättning som läses in i kontexten endast reflektion.
Kodexemplet definierar ett anpassat attribut med två konstruktorer och en egenskap. Attributet tillämpas på sammansättningen, på en typ som deklarerats i sammansättningen, på en metod av typen och på en parameter för metoden. När sammansättningen körs läses den in i kontexten endast reflektion och visar information om de anpassade attribut som tillämpades på den och för de typer och medlemmar som den innehåller.
För att förenkla kodexemplet läser sammansättningen in och undersöker sig själv. Normalt skulle du inte förvänta dig att hitta samma sammansättning som lästs in i både körningskontexten och kontexten för endast reflektion.
using namespace System;
using namespace System::Reflection;
using namespace System::Collections::Generic;
using namespace System::Collections::ObjectModel;
// An enumeration used by the ExampleAttribute class.
public enum class ExampleKind
FirstKind, SecondKind, ThirdKind, FourthKind
// An example attribute. The attribute can be applied to all
// targets, from assemblies to parameters.
public ref class ExampleAttribute: public Attribute
// Data for properties.
ExampleKind kindValue;
String^ noteValue;
array<String^>^ arrayStrings;
array<int>^ arrayNumbers;
// Constructors.
void ExampleAttributeInitialize( ExampleKind initKind, array<String^>^ initStrings )
kindValue = initKind;
arrayStrings = initStrings;
ExampleAttributeInitialize( ExampleKind::FirstKind, nullptr );
ExampleAttribute( ExampleKind initKind )
ExampleAttributeInitialize( initKind, nullptr );
ExampleAttribute( ExampleKind initKind, array<String^>^ initStrings )
ExampleAttributeInitialize( initKind, initStrings );
// Properties. The Note and Numbers properties must be read/write, so they
// can be used as named parameters.
property ExampleKind Kind
ExampleKind get()
return kindValue;
property array<String^>^ Strings
array<String^>^ get()
return arrayStrings;
property String^ Note
String^ get()
return noteValue;
void set( String^ value )
noteValue = value;
property array<int>^ Numbers
array<int>^ get()
return arrayNumbers;
void set( array<int>^ value )
arrayNumbers = value;
// The example attribute is applied to the assembly.
[assembly:Example(ExampleKind::ThirdKind,Note="This is a note on the assembly.")];
// The example attribute is applied to the test class.
gcnew array<String^> { "String array argument, line 1",
"String array argument, line 2",
"String array argument, line 3" },
Note="This is a note on the class.",
Numbers = gcnew array<int> { 53, 57, 59 })]
public ref class Test
// The example attribute is applied to a method, using the
// parameterless constructor and supplying a named argument.
// The attribute is also applied to the method parameter.
[Example(Note="This is a note on a method.")]
void TestMethod( [Example] Object^ arg ){}
// Main() gets objects representing the assembly, the test
// type, the test method, and the method parameter. Custom
// attribute data is displayed for each of these.
static void Main()
Assembly^ assembly = Assembly::ReflectionOnlyLoad( "Source" );
Type^ t = assembly->GetType( "Test" );
MethodInfo^ m = t->GetMethod( "TestMethod" );
array<ParameterInfo^>^p = m->GetParameters();
Console::WriteLine( "\r\nAttributes for assembly: '{0}'", assembly );
ShowAttributeData( CustomAttributeData::GetCustomAttributes( assembly ) );
Console::WriteLine( "\r\nAttributes for type: '{0}'", t );
ShowAttributeData( CustomAttributeData::GetCustomAttributes( t ) );
Console::WriteLine( "\r\nAttributes for member: '{0}'", m );
ShowAttributeData( CustomAttributeData::GetCustomAttributes( m ) );
Console::WriteLine( "\r\nAttributes for parameter: '{0}'", p );
ShowAttributeData( CustomAttributeData::GetCustomAttributes( p[ 0 ] ) );
static void ShowValueOrArray(CustomAttributeTypedArgument^ cata)
if (cata->Value->GetType() == ReadOnlyCollection<CustomAttributeTypedArgument>::typeid)
Console::WriteLine(" Array of '{0}':", cata->ArgumentType);
for each (CustomAttributeTypedArgument^ cataElement in
(ReadOnlyCollection<CustomAttributeTypedArgument>^) cata->Value)
Console::WriteLine(" Type: '{0}' Value: '{1}'",
cataElement->ArgumentType, cataElement->Value);
Console::WriteLine( " Type: '{0}' Value: '{1}'",
cata->ArgumentType, cata->Value );
static void ShowAttributeData( IList< CustomAttributeData^ >^ attributes )
for each ( CustomAttributeData^ cad in attributes )
Console::WriteLine( " {0}", cad );
Console::WriteLine( " Constructor: '{0}'", cad->Constructor );
Console::WriteLine( " Constructor arguments:" );
for each ( CustomAttributeTypedArgument^ cata in cad->ConstructorArguments )
Console::WriteLine( " Named arguments:" );
for each ( CustomAttributeNamedArgument cana in cad->NamedArguments )
Console::WriteLine( " MemberInfo: '{0}'", cana.MemberInfo );
int main()
/* This code example produces output similar to the following:
Attributes for assembly: 'source, Version=, Culture=neutral, PublicKeyToken=null'
Constructor: 'Void .ctor(Int32)'
Constructor arguments:
Type: 'System.Int32' Value: '8'
Named arguments:
[System.Runtime.CompilerServices.RuntimeCompatibilityAttribute(WrapNonExceptionThrows = True)]
Constructor: 'Void .ctor()'
Constructor arguments:
Named arguments:
MemberInfo: 'Boolean WrapNonExceptionThrows'
Type: 'System.Boolean' Value: 'True'
[ExampleAttribute((ExampleKind)2, Note = "This is a note on the assembly.")]
Constructor: 'Void .ctor(ExampleKind)'
Constructor arguments:
Type: 'ExampleKind' Value: '2'
Named arguments:
MemberInfo: 'System.String Note'
Type: 'System.String' Value: 'This is a note on the assembly.'
Attributes for type: 'Test'
[ExampleAttribute((ExampleKind)1, new String[3] { "String array argument, line 1", "String array argument, line 2", "String array argument, line 3" }, Note = "This is a note on the class.", Numbers = new Int32[3] { 53, 57, 59 })]
Constructor: 'Void .ctor(ExampleKind, System.String[])'
Constructor arguments:
Type: 'ExampleKind' Value: '1'
Array of 'System.String[]':
Type: 'System.String' Value: 'String array argument, line 1'
Type: 'System.String' Value: 'String array argument, line 2'
Type: 'System.String' Value: 'String array argument, line 3'
Named arguments:
MemberInfo: 'System.String Note'
Type: 'System.String' Value: 'This is a note on the class.'
MemberInfo: 'Int32[] Numbers'
Array of 'System.Int32[]':
Type: 'System.Int32' Value: '53'
Type: 'System.Int32' Value: '57'
Type: 'System.Int32' Value: '59'
Attributes for member: 'Void TestMethod(System.Object)'
[ExampleAttribute(Note = "This is a note on a method.")]
Constructor: 'Void .ctor()'
Constructor arguments:
Named arguments:
MemberInfo: 'System.String Note'
Type: 'System.String' Value: 'This is a note on a method.'
Attributes for parameter: 'System.Object arg'
Constructor: 'Void .ctor()'
Constructor arguments:
Named arguments:
using System;
using System.Reflection;
using System.Collections.Generic;
using System.Collections.ObjectModel;
// The example attribute is applied to the assembly.
[assembly:Example(ExampleKind.ThirdKind, Note="This is a note on the assembly.")]
// An enumeration used by the ExampleAttribute class.
public enum ExampleKind
// An example attribute. The attribute can be applied to all
// targets, from assemblies to parameters.
public class ExampleAttribute : Attribute
// Data for properties.
private ExampleKind kindValue;
private string noteValue;
private string[] arrayStrings;
private int[] arrayNumbers;
// Constructors. The parameterless constructor (.ctor) calls
// the constructor that specifies ExampleKind and an array of
// strings, and supplies the default values.
public ExampleAttribute(ExampleKind initKind, string[] initStrings)
kindValue = initKind;
arrayStrings = initStrings;
public ExampleAttribute(ExampleKind initKind) : this(initKind, null) {}
public ExampleAttribute() : this(ExampleKind.FirstKind, null) {}
// Properties. The Note and Numbers properties must be read/write, so they
// can be used as named parameters.
public ExampleKind Kind { get { return kindValue; }}
public string[] Strings { get { return arrayStrings; }}
public string Note
get { return noteValue; }
set { noteValue = value; }
public int[] Numbers
get { return arrayNumbers; }
set { arrayNumbers = value; }
// The example attribute is applied to the test class.
new string[] { "String array argument, line 1",
"String array argument, line 2",
"String array argument, line 3" },
Note="This is a note on the class.",
Numbers = new int[] { 53, 57, 59 })]
public class Test
// The example attribute is applied to a method, using the
// parameterless constructor and supplying a named argument.
// The attribute is also applied to the method parameter.
[Example(Note="This is a note on a method.")]
public void TestMethod([Example] object arg) { }
// Main() gets objects representing the assembly, the test
// type, the test method, and the method parameter. Custom
// attribute data is displayed for each of these.
public static void Main()
Assembly asm = Assembly.ReflectionOnlyLoad("Source");
Type t = asm.GetType("Test");
MethodInfo m = t.GetMethod("TestMethod");
ParameterInfo[] p = m.GetParameters();
Console.WriteLine("\r\nAttributes for assembly: '{0}'", asm);
Console.WriteLine("\r\nAttributes for type: '{0}'", t);
Console.WriteLine("\r\nAttributes for member: '{0}'", m);
Console.WriteLine("\r\nAttributes for parameter: '{0}'", p);
private static void ShowAttributeData(
IList<CustomAttributeData> attributes)
foreach( CustomAttributeData cad in attributes )
Console.WriteLine(" {0}", cad);
Console.WriteLine(" Constructor: '{0}'", cad.Constructor);
Console.WriteLine(" Constructor arguments:");
foreach( CustomAttributeTypedArgument cata
in cad.ConstructorArguments )
Console.WriteLine(" Named arguments:");
foreach( CustomAttributeNamedArgument cana
in cad.NamedArguments )
Console.WriteLine(" MemberInfo: '{0}'",
private static void ShowValueOrArray(CustomAttributeTypedArgument cata)
if (cata.Value.GetType() == typeof(ReadOnlyCollection<CustomAttributeTypedArgument>))
Console.WriteLine(" Array of '{0}':", cata.ArgumentType);
foreach (CustomAttributeTypedArgument cataElement in
(ReadOnlyCollection<CustomAttributeTypedArgument>) cata.Value)
Console.WriteLine(" Type: '{0}' Value: '{1}'",
cataElement.ArgumentType, cataElement.Value);
Console.WriteLine(" Type: '{0}' Value: '{1}'",
cata.ArgumentType, cata.Value);
/* This code example produces output similar to the following:
Attributes for assembly: 'source, Version=, Culture=neutral, PublicKeyToken=null'
Constructor: 'Void .ctor(Int32)'
Constructor arguments:
Type: 'System.Int32' Value: '8'
Named arguments:
[System.Runtime.CompilerServices.RuntimeCompatibilityAttribute(WrapNonExceptionThrows = True)]
Constructor: 'Void .ctor()'
Constructor arguments:
Named arguments:
MemberInfo: 'Boolean WrapNonExceptionThrows'
Type: 'System.Boolean' Value: 'True'
[ExampleAttribute((ExampleKind)2, Note = "This is a note on the assembly.")]
Constructor: 'Void .ctor(ExampleKind)'
Constructor arguments:
Type: 'ExampleKind' Value: '2'
Named arguments:
MemberInfo: 'System.String Note'
Type: 'System.String' Value: 'This is a note on the assembly.'
Attributes for type: 'Test'
[ExampleAttribute((ExampleKind)1, new String[3] { "String array argument, line 1", "String array argument, line 2", "String array argument, line 3" }, Note = "This is a note on the class.", Numbers = new Int32[3] { 53, 57, 59 })]
Constructor: 'Void .ctor(ExampleKind, System.String[])'
Constructor arguments:
Type: 'ExampleKind' Value: '1'
Array of 'System.String[]':
Type: 'System.String' Value: 'String array argument, line 1'
Type: 'System.String' Value: 'String array argument, line 2'
Type: 'System.String' Value: 'String array argument, line 3'
Named arguments:
MemberInfo: 'System.String Note'
Type: 'System.String' Value: 'This is a note on the class.'
MemberInfo: 'Int32[] Numbers'
Array of 'System.Int32[]':
Type: 'System.Int32' Value: '53'
Type: 'System.Int32' Value: '57'
Type: 'System.Int32' Value: '59'
Attributes for member: 'Void TestMethod(System.Object)'
[ExampleAttribute(Note = "This is a note on a method.")]
Constructor: 'Void .ctor()'
Constructor arguments:
Named arguments:
MemberInfo: 'System.String Note'
Type: 'System.String' Value: 'This is a note on a method.'
Attributes for parameter: 'System.Object arg'
Constructor: 'Void .ctor()'
Constructor arguments:
Named arguments:
Imports System.Reflection
Imports System.Collections.Generic
Imports System.Collections.ObjectModel
' The example attribute is applied to the assembly.
<Assembly: Example(ExampleKind.ThirdKind, Note:="This is a note on the assembly.")>
' An enumeration used by the ExampleAttribute class.
Public Enum ExampleKind
End Enum
' An example attribute. The attribute can be applied to all
' targets, from assemblies to parameters.
<AttributeUsage(AttributeTargets.All)> _
Public Class ExampleAttribute
Inherits Attribute
' Data for properties.
Private kindValue As ExampleKind
Private noteValue As String
Private arrayStrings() As String
Private arrayNumbers() As Integer
' Constructors. The parameterless constructor (.ctor) calls
' the constructor that specifies ExampleKind and an array of
' strings, and supplies the default values.
Public Sub New(ByVal initKind As ExampleKind, ByVal initStrings() As String)
kindValue = initKind
arrayStrings = initStrings
End Sub
Public Sub New(ByVal initKind As ExampleKind)
Me.New(initKind, Nothing)
End Sub
Public Sub New()
Me.New(ExampleKind.FirstKind, Nothing)
End Sub
' Properties. The Note and Numbers properties must be read/write, so they
' can be used as named parameters.
Public ReadOnly Property Kind As ExampleKind
Return kindValue
End Get
End Property
Public ReadOnly Property Strings As String()
Return arrayStrings
End Get
End Property
Public Property Note As String
Return noteValue
End Get
noteValue = value
End Set
End Property
Public Property Numbers As Integer()
Return arrayNumbers
End Get
arrayNumbers = value
End Set
End Property
End Class
' The example attribute is applied to the test class.
<Example(ExampleKind.SecondKind, _
New String() {"String array argument, line 1", _
"String array argument, line 2", _
"String array argument, line 3"}, _
Note:="This is a note on the class.", _
Numbers:=New Integer() {53, 57, 59})> _
Public Class Test
' The example attribute is applied to a method, using the
' parameterless constructor and supplying a named argument.
' The attribute is also applied to the method parameter.
<Example(Note:="This is a note on a method.")> _
Public Sub TestMethod(<Example()> ByVal arg As Object)
End Sub
' Sub Main gets objects representing the assembly, the test
' type, the test method, and the method parameter. Custom
' attribute data is displayed for each of these.
Public Shared Sub Main()
Dim asm As [Assembly] = Assembly.ReflectionOnlyLoad("source")
Dim t As Type = asm.GetType("Test")
Dim m As MethodInfo = t.GetMethod("TestMethod")
Dim p() As ParameterInfo = m.GetParameters()
Console.WriteLine(vbCrLf & "Attributes for assembly: '{0}'", asm)
Console.WriteLine(vbCrLf & "Attributes for type: '{0}'", t)
Console.WriteLine(vbCrLf & "Attributes for member: '{0}'", m)
Console.WriteLine(vbCrLf & "Attributes for parameter: '{0}'", p)
End Sub
Private Shared Sub ShowAttributeData( _
ByVal attributes As IList(Of CustomAttributeData))
For Each cad As CustomAttributeData _
In CType(attributes, IEnumerable(Of CustomAttributeData))
Console.WriteLine(" {0}", cad)
Console.WriteLine(" Constructor: '{0}'", cad.Constructor)
Console.WriteLine(" Constructor arguments:")
For Each cata As CustomAttributeTypedArgument _
In CType(cad.ConstructorArguments, IEnumerable(Of CustomAttributeTypedArgument))
Console.WriteLine(" Named arguments:")
For Each cana As CustomAttributeNamedArgument _
In CType(cad.NamedArguments, IEnumerable(Of CustomAttributeNamedArgument))
Console.WriteLine(" MemberInfo: '{0}'", _
End Sub
Private Shared Sub ShowValueOrArray(ByVal cata As CustomAttributeTypedArgument)
If cata.Value.GetType() Is GetType(ReadOnlyCollection(Of CustomAttributeTypedArgument)) Then
Console.WriteLine(" Array of '{0}':", cata.ArgumentType)
For Each cataElement As CustomAttributeTypedArgument In cata.Value
Console.WriteLine(" Type: '{0}' Value: '{1}'", _
cataElement.ArgumentType, cataElement.Value)
Console.WriteLine(" Type: '{0}' Value: '{1}'", _
cata.ArgumentType, cata.Value)
End If
End Sub
End Class
' This code example produces output similar to the following:
'Attributes for assembly: 'source, Version=, Culture=neutral, PublicKeyToken=null'
' [System.Runtime.CompilerServices.CompilationRelaxationsAttribute((Int32)8)]
' Constructor: 'Void .ctor(Int32)'
' Constructor arguments:
' Type: 'System.Int32' Value: '8'
' Named arguments:
' [System.Runtime.CompilerServices.RuntimeCompatibilityAttribute(WrapNonExceptionThrows = True)]
' Constructor: 'Void .ctor()'
' Constructor arguments:
' Named arguments:
' MemberInfo: 'Boolean WrapNonExceptionThrows'
' Type: 'System.Boolean' Value: 'True'
' [ExampleAttribute((ExampleKind)2, Note = "This is a note on the assembly.")]
' Constructor: 'Void .ctor(ExampleKind)'
' Constructor arguments:
' Type: 'ExampleKind' Value: '2'
' Named arguments:
' MemberInfo: 'System.String Note'
' Type: 'System.String' Value: 'This is a note on the assembly.'
'Attributes for type: 'Test'
' [ExampleAttribute((ExampleKind)1, new String[3] { "String array argument, line 1", "String array argument, line 2", "String array argument, line 3" }, Note = "This is a note on the class.", Numbers = new Int32[3] { 53, 57, 59 })]
' Constructor: 'Void .ctor(ExampleKind, System.String[])'
' Constructor arguments:
' Type: 'ExampleKind' Value: '1'
' Array of 'System.String[]':
' Type: 'System.String' Value: 'String array argument, line 1'
' Type: 'System.String' Value: 'String array argument, line 2'
' Type: 'System.String' Value: 'String array argument, line 3'
' Named arguments:
' MemberInfo: 'System.String Note'
' Type: 'System.String' Value: 'This is a note on the class.'
' MemberInfo: 'Int32[] Numbers'
' Array of 'System.Int32[]':
' Type: 'System.Int32' Value: '53'
' Type: 'System.Int32' Value: '57'
' Type: 'System.Int32' Value: '59'
'Attributes for member: 'Void TestMethod(System.Object)'
' [ExampleAttribute(Note = "This is a note on a method.")]
' Constructor: 'Void .ctor()'
' Constructor arguments:
' Named arguments:
' MemberInfo: 'System.String Note'
' Type: 'System.String' Value: 'This is a note on a method.'
'Attributes for parameter: 'System.Object arg'
' [ExampleAttribute()]
' Constructor: 'Void .ctor()'
' Constructor arguments:
' Named arguments: