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MessageSession Class


Represents a message session that allows grouping of related messages for processing in a single transaction.

public abstract class MessageSession : Microsoft.ServiceBus.Messaging.MessageReceiver
type MessageSession = class
    inherit MessageReceiver
Public MustInherit Class MessageSession
Inherits MessageReceiver



Gets the batch flush interval.

(Inherited from MessageReceiver)

Gets a value indicating whether the batching is enabled.

(Inherited from MessageReceiver)
IsClosed (Inherited from ClientEntity)

Gets or sets the last peeked sequence number in the session.


Gets or sets the date and time at which the message session is unlocked.


Gets the message receive mode.

(Inherited from MessageReceiver)

Gets the queue's, topic's, or subscription's path relative to the MessagingFactory base address.

(Inherited from MessagingEntityClient)

Gets or sets the number of messages that the message receiver can simultaneously request.

RefreshEntityRuntimeDescription (Inherited from MessageReceiver)
RetryPolicy (Inherited from ClientEntity)

Gets or sets the message session identifier.

ThisLock (Inherited from ClientEntity)


Abandon(Guid, IDictionary<String,Object>)

Discards the message and relinquishes the message lock ownership.

(Inherited from MessageReceiver)

Discards the message and relinquishes the message lock ownership.

(Inherited from MessageReceiver)
AbandonAsync(Guid, IDictionary<String,Object>)

Asynchronously discards the message and relinquishes the message lock ownership.

(Inherited from MessageReceiver)

Asynchronously discards the message and relinquishes the message lock ownership.

(Inherited from MessageReceiver)

Performs abort functionality on the messaging entity.

(Inherited from ClientEntity)

Sends a cleanup message to Service Bus to signal the completion of the usage of an entity.

(Inherited from ClientEntity)

Sends a cleanup message asynchronously to Service Bus to signal the completion of the usage of an entity.

(Inherited from ClientEntity)

Completes the receive operation on a message. If using AMQP, this operation can only be performed on messages that were received by this receiver.

(Inherited from MessageReceiver)

Asynchronously completes the receive operation on a message. If using AMQP, this operation can only be performed on messages that were received by this receiver.

(Inherited from MessageReceiver)

Completes the receive operation on a batch of message. If using AMQP, this operation can only be performed on messages that were received by this receiver.

(Inherited from MessageReceiver)

Asynchronously completes the receive operation on a batch of message. If using AMQP, this operation can only be performed on messages that were received by this receiver.

(Inherited from MessageReceiver)
DeadLetter(Guid, IDictionary<String,Object>)

Moves the undelivered message to the dead letter queue.

(Inherited from MessageReceiver)
DeadLetter(Guid, String, String)

Moves the undelivered message to the dead letter queue.

(Inherited from MessageReceiver)

Moves the undelivered message to the dead letter queue.

(Inherited from MessageReceiver)
DeadLetterAsync(Guid, IDictionary<String,Object>)

Asynchronously moves the undelivered message to the dead letter queue.

(Inherited from MessageReceiver)
DeadLetterAsync(Guid, String, String)

Asynchronously moves the undelivered message to the dead letter queue.

(Inherited from MessageReceiver)

Asynchronously moves the undelivered message to the dead letter queue.

(Inherited from MessageReceiver)
Defer(Guid, IDictionary<String,Object>)

Indicates that the receiver wants to defer the processing for the message.

(Inherited from MessageReceiver)

Indicates that the receiver wants to defer the processing for the message.

(Inherited from MessageReceiver)
DeferAsync(Guid, IDictionary<String,Object>)

Asynchronously defer the processing of the message.

(Inherited from MessageReceiver)

Asynchronously defer the processing of the message.

(Inherited from MessageReceiver)

For internal use only. Do not inherit from this class.

(Inherited from ClientEntity)
GetProperty<T>() (Inherited from MessageReceiver)

Gets the state of the message session.


Asynchronously gets the state of the message session.

OnAbandon(TrackingContext, IEnumerable<Guid>, IDictionary<String,Object>, TimeSpan)

Abandons a peek locked message.


Aborts the message session.

OnBeginAbandon(TrackingContext, IEnumerable<Guid>, IDictionary<String,Object>, Boolean, TimeSpan, AsyncCallback, Object)

Executes the begin abandon action.

OnBeginClose(TimeSpan, AsyncCallback, Object)

Begins an asynchronous operation to close the communication object for the message session.

OnBeginComplete(TrackingContext, IEnumerable<ArraySegment<Byte>>, Boolean, TimeSpan, AsyncCallback, Object)

Executes upon calling the OnComplete or BeginComplete operation.

OnBeginComplete(TrackingContext, IEnumerable<Guid>, Boolean, TimeSpan, AsyncCallback, Object)

Executes upon calling the OnComplete or BeginComplete operation.

OnBeginDeadLetter(TrackingContext, IEnumerable<Guid>, IDictionary<String,Object>, String, String, Boolean, TimeSpan, AsyncCallback, Object)

Executes the begin move to dead letter queue action.

OnBeginDefer(TrackingContext, IEnumerable<Guid>, IDictionary<String,Object>, Boolean, TimeSpan, AsyncCallback, Object)

Executes the begin defer action.

OnBeginGetState(TrackingContext, TimeSpan, AsyncCallback, Object)

Executes the begin get state action.

OnBeginOpen(TimeSpan, AsyncCallback, Object)

Executes upon calling the OnOpen operation of the message receiver.

OnBeginPeek(TrackingContext, Int64, Int32, TimeSpan, AsyncCallback, Object)

Executes upon calling the OnPeek or BeginPeek operation.

OnBeginRenewLock(TrackingContext, TimeSpan, AsyncCallback, Object)

Executes upon calling the RenewLock or BeginRenewLock operation.

OnBeginRenewMessageLocks(TrackingContext, IEnumerable<Guid>, Boolean, TimeSpan, AsyncCallback, Object)

Executes upon calling the OnBegin operation for lock messages.

OnBeginSetState(TrackingContext, Stream, TimeSpan, AsyncCallback, Object)

Executes the begin set state action.

OnBeginTryReceive(TrackingContext, IEnumerable<Int64>, TimeSpan, AsyncCallback, Object)

Executes the begin try receive action.

OnBeginTryReceive(TrackingContext, Int32, TimeSpan, AsyncCallback, Object)

Executes the begin try receive action.

OnBeginTryReceive2(TrackingContext, Int32, TimeSpan, AsyncCallback, Object)

Executes the begin try receive action.

OnBeginTryReceiveEventData(TrackingContext, Int32, TimeSpan, AsyncCallback, Object)

Executes upon calling the OnTryReceive or BeginTryReceive operation for the event data.

(Inherited from MessageReceiver)
OnClose(TimeSpan) (Inherited from ClientEntity)
OnClosed() (Inherited from ClientEntity)
OnComplete(TrackingContext, IEnumerable<Guid>, TimeSpan)

Completes a peek locked message.

OnDeadLetter(TrackingContext, IEnumerable<Guid>, IDictionary<String,Object>, String, String, TimeSpan)

Moves a message to the dead letter queue.

OnDefer(TrackingContext, IEnumerable<Guid>, IDictionary<String,Object>, TimeSpan)

Defers a message.


Ends an asynchronous operation to abandon the message and relinquish its lock.


Ends an asynchronous operation to close the communication object for the message session.


Executes the end complete operation of the message receiver.


Executes the end deadletter operation of the message receiver.


Executes the end defer operation of the message receiver.


Executes upon calling the OnGetState or EndGetState operation.


Ends the asynchronous operation to open a communication object for the message session.


Executes upon calling the EndPeek operation.


Executes the EndRenewLock operation of the message receiver.


Executes the EndRenew action for message locks.


Ends the asynchronous operation to set the state of the message session.

OnEndTryReceive(IAsyncResult, IEnumerable<BrokeredMessage>)

Executes the end try receive operation of the message receiver.

OnEndTryReceive2(IAsyncResult, IEnumerable<BrokeredMessage>)

Executes the end try receive operation of the message receiver.

OnEndTryReceiveEventData(IAsyncResult, IEnumerable<EventData>)

Executes the EndTryReceive action for the event data.

(Inherited from MessageReceiver)
OnFaulted() (Inherited from ClientEntity)
OnGetState(TrackingContext, TimeSpan)

Executes the get state action.

OnMessage(Action<BrokeredMessage>, OnMessageOptions)

Processes a message in an event-driven message pump.

(Inherited from MessageReceiver)
OnMessageAsync(Func<BrokeredMessage,Task>, OnMessageOptions)

Asynchronously processes a message in an event-driven message pump.

(Inherited from MessageReceiver)
OnOpen(TimeSpan) (Inherited from ClientEntity)
OnOpened() (Inherited from ClientEntity)
OnPeek(TrackingContext, Int64, Int32, TimeSpan)

Executes upon calling the Peek operation.

(Inherited from MessageReceiver)
OnRenewLock(TrackingContext, TimeSpan)

Executes the RenewLock action for message locks.

OnRenewMessageLocks(TrackingContext, IEnumerable<Guid>, TimeSpan)

Executes the Renew action for lock messages.

(Inherited from MessageReceiver)
OnSetState(TrackingContext, Stream, TimeSpan)

Executes the set state action.

OnTryReceive(TrackingContext, IEnumerable<Int64>, TimeSpan, IEnumerable<BrokeredMessage>)

Executes the try receive action.

OnTryReceive(TrackingContext, Int32, TimeSpan, IEnumerable<BrokeredMessage>)

Executes the try receive action.


Reads the next message without changing the state of the receiver or the message source.

(Inherited from MessageReceiver)

Reads the next message without changing the state of the receiver or the message source.

(Inherited from MessageReceiver)

Asynchronously reads the next message without changing the state of the receiver or the message source.

(Inherited from MessageReceiver)

Asynchronously reads the next message without changing the state of the receiver or the message source.

(Inherited from MessageReceiver)

Reads the next batch of message without changing the state of the receiver or the message source.

(Inherited from MessageReceiver)
PeekBatch(Int64, Int32)

Reads the next batch of message without changing the state of the receiver or the message source.

(Inherited from MessageReceiver)

Asynchronously reads the next batch of message without changing the state of the receiver or the message source.

(Inherited from MessageReceiver)
PeekBatchAsync(Int64, Int32)

Asynchronously reads the next batch of message without changing the state of the receiver or the message source.

(Inherited from MessageReceiver)

Receives a BrokeredMessage from the current queue or topic.

(Inherited from MessageReceiver)

Receives a deferred message from the current queue or topic. This method only works for deferred message, not regular one.

(Inherited from MessageReceiver)

Receives a BrokeredMessage from the current queue or topic.

(Inherited from MessageReceiver)

Asynchronously receives a message from the current queue or topic.

(Inherited from MessageReceiver)

Asynchronously receives a deferred message from the current queue or topic. This method only works for deferred message, not regular one.

(Inherited from MessageReceiver)

Asynchronously receives a message from the current queue or topic.

(Inherited from MessageReceiver)

Receives a batch of messages.

(Inherited from MessageReceiver)
ReceiveBatch(Int32, TimeSpan)

Receives a batch of messages.

(Inherited from MessageReceiver)

Receives a batch of messages.

(Inherited from MessageReceiver)

Asynchronously receives a batch of messages.

(Inherited from MessageReceiver)
ReceiveBatchAsync(Int32, TimeSpan)

Asynchronously receives a batch of messages.

(Inherited from MessageReceiver)

Asynchronously receives a batch of messages.

(Inherited from MessageReceiver)

Specifies the time period within which the host renews its lock on a message.


Specifies the time period within which the host renews its lock on a message.


Sets the state of the message session.


Asynchronously sets the state of the message session.

ThrowIfClosed() (Inherited from ClientEntity)
ThrowIfDisposed() (Inherited from ClientEntity)
ThrowIfDisposedOrImmutable() (Inherited from ClientEntity)
ThrowIfDisposedOrNotOpen() (Inherited from ClientEntity)
ThrowIfFaulted() (Inherited from ClientEntity)

Applies to