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AddIn Interface


Represents a single add-in, either installed or not installed.

public interface class AddIn
public interface AddIn
Public Interface AddIn


The AddIn object is a member of the AddIns collection. The AddIns collection contains a list of all the add-ins available to Microsoft Excel, regardless of whether they’re installed. This list corresponds to the list of add-ins displayed in the Add-Ins dialog box (Tools menu).

Use AddIns(index), where index is the add-in title or index number, to return a single AddIn object.

Don’t confuse the add-in title, which appears in the Add-Ins dialog box, with the add-in name, which is the file name of the add-in. You must spell the add-in title exactly as it’s spelled in the Add-Ins dialog box, but the capitalization doesn’t have to match.

The index number represents the position of the add-in in the Add-ins available box in the Add-Ins dialog box.

The Add(String, Object) method adds an add-in to the list of available add-ins but doesn’t install the add-in. Set the Installed property of the add-in to True to install the add-in. To install an add-in that doesn’t appear in the list of available add-ins, you must first use the Add method and then set the Installed property. This can be done in a single step

Use Workbooks(index) where index is the add-in filename (not title) to return a reference to the workbook corresponding to a loaded add-in. You must use the file name because loaded add-ins don’t normally appear in the Workbooks collection.

If the Installed property returns True, but calls to functions in the add-in still fail, the add-in may not actually be loaded. This is because the Addin object represents the existence and installed state of the add-in but doesn't represent the actual contents of the add-in workbook. To guarantee that an installed add-in is loaded, you should open the add-in workbook.



Returns an Application object that represents the Microsoft Excel application.


Reserved for internal use.


Returns a read-only unique identifier, or CLSID, identifying an object, as a String.


Reserved for internal use.


Returns a 32-bit integer that indicates the application in which this object was created.


Returns the name of the object, including its path on disk, as a string.


True if the add-in is installed.


Gets whether the add-in is currently open.


Reserved for internal use.


Returns the name of the object.


Returns the parent object for the specified object.


Returns the complete path to the application, excluding the final separator and name of the application.


Returns the programmatic identifiers for the object.


Reserved for internal use.


Reserved for internal use.

Applies to