Dela via

Seismic Planner (Preview)

Seismic planner connector provides a set of actions to interact with enablement planner projects, tasks and requests.

This connector is available in the following products and regions:

Service Class Regions
Logic Apps Standard All Logic Apps regions except the following:
     -   Azure Government regions
     -   Azure China regions
     -   US Department of Defense (DoD)
Power Automate Premium All Power Automate regions except the following:
     -   US Government (GCC)
     -   US Government (GCC High)
     -   China Cloud operated by 21Vianet
     -   US Department of Defense (DoD)
Power Apps Premium All Power Apps regions except the following:
     -   US Government (GCC)
     -   US Government (GCC High)
     -   China Cloud operated by 21Vianet
     -   US Department of Defense (DoD)
Name Seismic
Connector Metadata
Publisher Seismic
Privacy policy
Categories Marketing;Sales and CRM

Throttling Limits

Name Calls Renewal Period
API calls per connection 100 60 seconds


Create comment

Create a comment on a given project, task, or request. Requires node (project, task, or request) ID.

Create project

Create a project.

Create request

Create a request.

Create task

Create a task.

Delete comment

Delete a comment. Requires node (project, task, or request) and comment ID.

Delete project

Delete a project.

Delete projects

Delete one or more projects.

Delete request

Delete a request.

Delete requests

Bulk delete requests.

Delete task

Delete a task.

Get comment

Get a single comment. Requires node (project, task, or request) and comment ID.

Get comments

Get all comments for a given project, task, or request. Requires node (project, task, or request) ID.

Get project

Get a single project by ID. Return tasks if desired.

Get projects

Get a list of projects with their attributes and associations.

Get request

Get a single request.

Get requests

Get a list of requests.

Get status schema

Get a single status schema by ID. These schemas hold the data for set statuses for specific work.

Example: (Not started, In progress, Complete)

Get status schemas

Get a list of task/request status schemas. These schemas hold the data for set statuses for specific work.

Example: (Not started, In progress, Complete)

Get task

Get a single task by ID.

Get tasks

Get a list of tasks.

Update a project

Update and return a project.

Update comment

Update an existing comment. Requires node (project, task, or request) and comment ID.

Update request

Update a request.

Update task

Update an existing task.

Create comment

Create a comment on a given project, task, or request. Requires node (project, task, or request) ID.


Name Key Required Type Description
Space ID
spaceId True string

Space ID

Node ID
nodeId True string

Node ID

Annotation Payload
annotationPayload string
Annotation Type
annotationType string

Annotation type

Comment Content
commentContent string

Content of the comment

Is Resolved
isResolved boolean

True/false on whether the comment is resolved



Create project

Create a project.


Name Key Required Type Description
Space ID
spaceId True string

Space ID

Node ID
nodeId string

Node ID

Node Type
nodeType string

Node type of the association

Space ID
spaceId string

Space ID

Custom Property ID
id string
Value ID
id string

Value data for custom property value

description string

Title of description

Manager ID
managerId string

User ID of manager

Planned Duration
plannedDuration integer

Planned duration in days

Planned End Date
plannedEndDate date-time

Date string of end date

Planned Start Date
plannedStartDate date-time

Date string of start date

title string

Title of project


Create request

Create a request.


Name Key Required Type Description
Space ID
spaceId True string

Space ID

Assignee ID
assigneeId string

User ID of assignee

Node ID
nodeId string

Node ID

Node Type
nodeType string

Node type of the association

Space ID
spaceId string

Space ID

Content ID
contentId uuid

Content ID

DocCenter Full Path
docCenterFullPath string

Full location path of where content exists in DocCenter

Major Version
majorVersion integer

Number of major version

Minor Version
minorVersion integer

Number of minor version

Modified Date
modifiedDate date-time

Date the content reference was last updated

Order Number
orderNo integer

Number to indicate order

Profile ID
profileId uuid

Profile ID

Profile Version ID
profileVersionId uuid

Version ID of profile

source string

Source of content

TeamSite ID
teamSiteId string

TeamSite ID

Thumbnail ID
thumbnailId string

ID for image thumbnail

Version ID
versionId uuid

Version ID of content

Custom Property ID
id string
Value ID
id string

Value data for custom property value

Form Reference

Form reference object

Planned Duration
plannedDuration integer

Planned duration in days

Planned End Date
plannedEndDate date-time

Date string of end date

Planned Start Date
plannedStartDate date-time

Date string of start date

priority string

Priority value

Project ID
projectId string

ID of project the request belongs to

Status Schema ID
statusSchemaId string
title string

Title of request


Create task

Create a task.


Name Key Required Type Description
Space ID
spaceId True string

Space ID

Assignee ID
assigneeId string

User ID of assignee

Node ID
nodeId string

Node ID

Node Type
nodeType string

Node type of the association

Space ID
spaceId string

Space ID

Custom Property ID
id string
Value ID
id string

Value data for custom property value

description string

Description of task

Parent ID
parentId string

Task ID of parent

Planned Duration
plannedDuration integer

Planned duration in days

Planned End Date
plannedEndDate date-time

Date string of end date

Planned Start Date
plannedStartDate date-time

Date string of start date

priority string

Priority values

Project ID
projectId string

ID of project the task is associated with

title string

Title of task


Delete comment

Delete a comment. Requires node (project, task, or request) and comment ID.


Name Key Required Type Description
Space ID
spaceId True string

Space ID

Node ID
nodeId True string

Node ID

Comment ID
commentId True string

Comment ID

Delete project

Delete a project.


Name Key Required Type Description
Space ID
spaceId True string

Space ID

Project ID
projectId True string

Project ID

Delete Tasks
deleteTasks boolean

Also delete associated tasks


Delete projects

Delete one or more projects.


Name Key Required Type Description
Space ID
spaceId True string

Space ID

Project IDs
ids True array

List of project IDs

Delete Tasks
deleteTasks boolean

Also delete associated tasks


Delete request

Delete a request.


Name Key Required Type Description
Space ID
spaceId True string

Space ID

Request ID
requestId True string

Request ID

Delete requests

Bulk delete requests.


Name Key Required Type Description
Space ID
spaceId True string

Space ID

Content-Type string


Request IDs
ids array of string

List of Request IDs to delete


Delete task

Delete a task.


Name Key Required Type Description
Space ID
spaceId True string

Space ID

Task ID
taskId True string

Task ID


Get comment

Get a single comment. Requires node (project, task, or request) and comment ID.


Name Key Required Type Description
Space ID
spaceId True string

Space ID

Node ID
nodeId True string

Node ID

Comment ID
commentId True string

Comment ID



Get comments

Get all comments for a given project, task, or request. Requires node (project, task, or request) ID.


Name Key Required Type Description
Space ID
spaceId True string

Space ID

Node ID
nodeId True string

Node ID

Creator IDs
creatorIds array

List of user IDs to query by creator

cursor string

Cursor used for pagination

limit integer

Number to limit records

sort array

Sort by query


Get project

Get a single project by ID. Return tasks if desired.


Name Key Required Type Description
Space ID
spaceId True string

Space ID

Project ID
projectId True string

Project ID

Associated Nodes Depth
associatedNodesDepth integer

Number to indicate depth of associated node data returned

Include Works
includeWorks boolean

Indicator to include associated tasks data


Get projects

Get a list of projects with their attributes and associations.


Name Key Required Type Description
Space ID
spaceId True string

Space ID

Planned End Date From
plannedEndDateFrom date-time

Filter from a planned end date

Planned End Date To
plannedEndDateTo date-time

Filter to a planned end date

Planned Start Date From
plannedStartDateFrom date-time

Filter from a planned start date

Planned Start Date To
plannedStartDateTo date-time

Filter to a planned start date

Project IDs
ids array

List of project IDs to query by

Project Title
title string

Project title to query by

Manager IDs
managerIds array

List of user IDs to query by manager

Creator IDs
creatorIds array

List of user IDs to query by creator

Associated Node IDs
associatedNodeIds array

List of association IDs to query by

cursor string

Cursor used for pagination

limit integer

Number to limit records returned

sort array

Sort query

Custom Properties
customProperties string

List of custom properties to query by

Follower IDs
followerIds array

List of user IDs to query by follower

Include Associations
includeAssociations boolean

Indicator to allow for inclusion of association data


Get request

Get a single request.


Name Key Required Type Description
Space ID
spaceId True string

Space ID

Request ID
requestId True string

Request ID


Get requests

Get a list of requests.


Name Key Required Type Description
Space ID
spaceId True string

Space ID

Planned End Date From
plannedEndDateFrom date-time

filter by request due date (inclusive)

Planned End Date To
plannedEndDateTo date-time

filter by request due date (exclusive)

Planned Start Date From
plannedStartDateFrom date-time

filter by request start date (inclusive)

Planned Start Date To
plannedStartDateTo date-time

filter by request start date (exclusive)

Created At From
createdAtFrom date-time

filter by request created date (inclusive)

Created At To
createdAtTo date-time

filter by request created date (exclusive)

Updated At From
updatedAtFrom date-time

filter by request updated date (inclusive)

Updated At To
updatedAtTo date-time

filter by request updated date (exclusive)

Request IDs
ids array

A list of request IDs

title string

Keyword values to search for on request titles

Assignee IDs
assigneeIds array

A list of assignees' user IDs to filter by

priorities array

A list of priority values, Available values : critical, high, medium, low

keywords string

Keyword values to search

Assigner IDs
assignerIds array

A list of assigner' user Ids to filter by

Creator IDs
creatorIds array

A list of creators' user IDs to filter by

Step IDs
stepIds array

A list of step IDs to filter by

Status Schema ID
statusSchemaId string

Status schema ID to filter by

cursor string

A token used to guide the next page window

limit integer

Number of items to return per page, default: 50

sort array

Sort by requests

Project ID
projectId string

The project ID a request is associated to

Has Project
hasProject boolean

Filter by if requests are associated with a project

Custom Properties
customProperties string

Filter by custom properties

Follower IDs
followerIds array

A list of followers' user id

Associated Node IDs
associatedNodeIds array

A list of Associated node IDs to filter by

Content Reference Objects
contentRefs array

List of content reference objects

Include Request Form Custom Properties
includeRequestFormCustomProperties boolean

whether to include request form custom properties, default false


Get status schema

Get a single status schema by ID. These schemas hold the data for set statuses for specific work.

Example: (Not started, In progress, Complete)


Name Key Required Type Description
Space ID
spaceId True string

Space ID

Status Schema ID
statusSchemaId True string

Status schema ID


Get status schemas

Get a list of task/request status schemas. These schemas hold the data for set statuses for specific work.

Example: (Not started, In progress, Complete)


Name Key Required Type Description
Space ID
spaceId True string

Space ID

Is Default
isDefault boolean

Get default status schema

type string

Query by node type

Status Schema IDS
ids array

List of status schemas IDs

Creator IDs
creatorIds array

List of user IDs to query by creator

cursor string

Cursor used for pagination

limit integer

Number to limit returned records


Get task

Get a single task by ID.


Name Key Required Type Description
Space ID
spaceId True string

Space ID

Task ID
taskId True string

Task ID


Get tasks

Get a list of tasks.


Name Key Required Type Description
Space ID
spaceId True string

Space ID

Planned End Date From
plannedEndDateFrom date-time

Filter by task due date (inclusive)

Planned End Date To
plannedEndDateTo date-time

Filter by task due date (exclusive)

Planned Start Date From
plannedStartDateFrom date-time

Filter by task start date (inclusive)

Planned Start Date To
plannedStartDateTo date-time

Filter by task start date (exclusive)

Created At From
createdAtFrom date-time

Filter by task created date (inclusive)

Created At To
createdAtTo date-time

Filter by task created date (exclusive)

Updated At From
updatedAtFrom date-time

Filter by task updated date (inclusive)

Updated At To
updatedAtTo date-time

Filter by task updated date (exclusive)

Task IDs
ids array

Filter by a list of task IDs

title string

Filter by task title

description string

Filter by task description

Assignee IDs
assigneeIds array

List of user IDs to filter by assignee

priorities array

Filter by list of priorities

keywords string

Filter by keywords

Assigner IDs
assignerIds array

List of user IDs to filter by user that assigned the task

Step IDs
stepIds array

Filter by status value IDs

Status Schema ID
statusSchemaId string

Filter by status schema IDs

cursor string

Cursor used for pagination

limit integer

Number to limit returned records

sort array

Sort by query

recursive boolean

Include subtasks within the returned list

Project ID
projectId string

Filter by project ID

Has Project
hasProject boolean

Filter by tasks that are associated with a project

Custom Properties
customProperties string

Filter by custom property values

Follower IDs
followerIds array

List of user IDs to filter by followers

Associated Node IDs
associatedNodeIds array

List of association IDs to filter by

Creator IDs
creatorIds array

List of user IDs to filter by creator

Include Associations
includeAssociations boolean

Include association data in the response

Parent ID
parentId string

List of task IDs to filter by


Update a project

Update and return a project.


Name Key Required Type Description
Space ID
spaceId True string

Space ID

Project ID
projectId True string

Project ID

Custom Property ID
id string
localizations object

Localization object

Multiple Value
multipleValue boolean

Indicate if the custom property allows multiple values

name string

Name of custom property

Value ID
id string

Value data for custom property value

description string

Description of project

Is Active
isActive boolean

Indicator on whether a project is active?

Manager ID
managerId string

User ID of project manager

Max Rank
maxRank string

Maximum rank number

Min Rank
minRank string

Minimum rank number

Planned Duration
plannedDuration integer

Planned duration in days

Planned End Date
plannedEndDate date-time

Date string of planned end date

Planned Start Date
plannedStartDate date-time

Date string of planned start date

title string

Title of project


Update comment

Update an existing comment. Requires node (project, task, or request) and comment ID.


Name Key Required Type Description
Space ID
spaceId True string

Space ID

Node ID
nodeId True string

Node ID

Comment ID
commentId True string

Comment ID

Annotation Payload
annotationPayload string
Annotation type
annotationType string
Comment Content
commentContent string

Content of the comment

Is Resolved
isResolved boolean

True/false on whether the comment is resolved



Update request

Update a request.


Name Key Required Type Description
Space ID
spaceId True string

Space ID

Request ID
requestId True string

Request ID

Assignee ID
assigneeId string

User ID of the assignee

Content ID
contentId uuid

Content ID

DocCenter Full Path
docCenterFullPath string

Full location path of where content exists in DocCenter

Major Version
majorVersion integer

Number of major version

Minor Version
minorVersion integer

Number of minor version

Modified Date
modifiedDate date-time

Date the content reference was last updated

Order Number
orderNo integer

Number to indicate order

Profile ID
profileId uuid

Profile ID

Profile Version ID
profileVersionId uuid

Version ID of profile

source string

Source of content

TeamSite ID
teamSiteId string

TeamSite ID

Thumbnail ID
thumbnailId string

ID for image thumbnail

Version ID
versionId uuid

Version ID of content

Custom Property ID
id string
Value ID
id string

Value data for custom property value

Form Reference

Form reference object

note string

Note used for notifications on status changes

Planned Duration
plannedDuration integer

Planned duration in days

Planned End Date
plannedEndDate date-time

Date string of planned end date (due date)

Planned Start Date
plannedStartDate date-time

Date string of planned start date

priority string

Priority value

Project ID
projectId string

Project ID of the project the request belongs to

Step ID
stepId integer

Step ID indicating status

title string

Title of the request


Update task

Update an existing task.


Name Key Required Type Description
Space ID
spaceId True string

Space ID

Task ID
taskId True string

Task ID

Assignee ID
assigneeId string

User ID of the assignee

Custom Property ID
id string
Value ID
id string

Value data for custom property value

description string

Description of task

Parent ID
parentId string

Task ID of parent task

Planned Duration
plannedDuration integer

Planned duration in days

Planned End Date
plannedEndDate date-time

Date string of planned end date

Planned Start Date
plannedStartDate date-time

Date string of planned start date

priority string

Priority value

Project ID
projectId string

Project ID that the task belongs to

Step ID
stepId integer

Step ID indicating the task status

title string

Title of task




Name Path Type Description
description string

Description of association

name string

Name of association

nodeGuid string

Longer GUID format

Node ID
nodeId string

Node ID

Node Type
nodeType string

Node type of the association

Space GUID
spaceGuid string

Longer GUID format

Space ID
spaceId string

Space ID


Name Path Type Description
Async Operation IDs
asyncOperationIds array of string

List of async action IDs


Name Path Type Description
Annotation Payload
annotationPayload string
Annotation Type
annotationType string
Comment Content
commentContent string
Created At
createdAt date-time

Date string of date created

Creator ID
creatorId string

User ID of the creator

Comment ID
id string

Comment ID

Is Resolved
isResolved boolean

True/false on whether the comment is resolved

Node ID
nodeId string

Node ID

Node Type
nodeType string

Node type of the comment

Page Index
pageIndex string

Number page index

Parent ID
parentId string

Parent comment ID

Reply Count
replyCount integer

Number of replies

Space ID
spaceId string

Space ID

Updated At
updatedAt date-time

Date string of updated date


Name Path Type Description
count integer

Number of records returned

cursor string

Cursor used for pagination

items array of Comment

List of items in the response

limit integer

Number to limit records

Metadata object
meta Meta

Metadata object


Name Path Type Description
Content ID
contentId uuid

Content ID

DocCenter Full Path
docCenterFullPath string

Full location path of where content exists in DocCenter

Major Version
majorVersion integer

Number of major version

Minor Version
minorVersion integer

Number of minor version

Modified Date
modifiedDate date-time

Date the content reference was last updated

Order Number
orderNo integer

Number to indicate order

Profile ID
profileId uuid

Profile ID

Profile Version ID
profileVersionId uuid

Version ID of profile

source string

Source of content

TeamSite ID
teamSiteId string

TeamSite ID

Thumbnail ID
thumbnailId string

ID for image thumbnail

Version ID
versionId uuid

Version ID of content


Name Path Type Description
Allow Multiple Values
allowMultipleValues boolean

Indicates if custom property allows for multiple values

Created By ID
createdById string

User ID of the creator

Has Domain Of Values
hasDomainOfValues boolean

Indicates if custom property has possible values

hint string

Value that describes the hint displayed under the custom property name

Custom Property ID
id string
Is Required
isRequired boolean

Indicates whether the custom property is required or not

Last Modified By ID
lastModifiedById string

User ID of the user that last updated the custom property

name string

Name of custom property

Operation Setting
operationSetting string

Object that describes settings for different operations on a custom property

order integer

Number indicating order within custom property list

Possible Values
possibleValues array of PossibleValuesItem

List of possible values for the custom property (if applicable)

Scope Settings
scopeSettings array of ScopeSettingsItemDefinition

Object that describes settings for different scopes on a custom property

scopes array of string

List of scopes

Value Schema Name
valueSchemaName string

Name of custom property value schema

valueSchemaProperty ValueSchemaPropertyDefinition

Value schema definition

Value Type
valueType string

Type of custom property value


Name Path Type Description
Custom Property ID
id string
localizations object

Localization object

Multiple Value
multipleValue boolean

Indicate if the custom property allows multiple values

name string

Name of custom property

values array of CustomPropertyValuesValues

List of custom property values


Name Path Type Description
Value ID
id string

Value data for custom property value


Name Path Type Description
User/User group ID
id string

User/User group ID of follower

type string

Either user or user group follower type


Metadata object

Name Path Type Description
count integer

Number of records returned

query array of MetaQueryInfo

Query object


Name Path Type Description
sort array of string

Sort query


Name Path Type Description
Actual Duration
actualDuration integer

Calculated actual duration in days

Actual End Date
actualEndDate date-time

Calculated end date from when the project actually ended

Actual Start Date
actualStartDate date-time

Calculated start date from when the project actually started

Associated Nodes
associatedNodes array of ProjectAssociatedNodes

List of association data

associations array of Association

List of associations (Library content)

Copy From
copyFrom string

Project ID the project is copied from

Created At
createdAt date-time

Date string of created date

Creator ID
creatorId string

User ID of creator

Custom Properties
customProperties array of CustomPropertyValues

List of custom properties

description string

Description of project

followers array of Follower

List of followers

Project ID
id string
Is Active
isActive boolean

Indicator on if a project is active or not

Is Template
isTemplate boolean

Indicator on if the project is a template or not

Manager ID
managerId string

User ID of project manager

Max Rank
maxRank string

Maximum rank number

Min Rank
minRank string

Minimum rank number

Planned Duration
plannedDuration integer

Planned duration in days

Planned End Date
plannedEndDate date-time

Date string of planned end date

Planned Start Date
plannedStartDate date-time

Date string of planned start date

Space ID
spaceId string
Template ID
templateId string

Template ID the the project was created from

title string

Title of project

Updated At
updatedAt date-time

Date project was last updated

works array of PlannerTask

List of tasks and requests


Name Path Type Description
count integer

Number of records returned

cursor string

Cursor used for pagination

Project objects
items array of PlannerProject

List of project items in the response

limit integer

Number to limit records

Metadata object
meta Meta

Metadata object


Name Path Type Description
Assignee ID
assigneeId string

User ID of the assignee

Assigner ID
assignerId string

User ID of the assigner

associations array of Association

List of associations (Library content)

Content Reference Objects
contentRefs array of ContentRef

List of content references (WorkSpace and DocCenter content)

Created At
createdAt date-time

Date string for created date

Creator ID
creatorId string

User ID of the creator

Custom Properties
customProperties array of CustomPropertyValues

List of custom properties

followers array of Follower

List of followers

Form Ref

Form reference object

Request ID
id string
note string

Note for notifications on status changes

Planned Duration
plannedDuration integer

Planned duration in days

Planned End Date
plannedEndDate date-time

Date string of planned end date

Plannted Start Date
plannedStartDate date-time

Date string of planned start date

priority string

Priority value

Project ID
projectId string

Project ID of the project the request is associated with

rank string

Rank of request in request list

requestFormCustomPropertyOption RequestFormCustomProperties

Request form custom properties

Space ID
spaceId string
Status Schema ID
statusSchemaId string
Step ID
stepId integer

Step ID indicating the status value

title string

Title of the request

Updated At
updatedAt date-time

Date the request was last updated


Name Path Type Description
count integer

Number of records returned

cursor string

Cursor used for pagination

Request objects
items array of PlannerRequest

List of request objects in the response

limit integer

Number to limit records

Metadata object
meta Meta

Metadata object


Name Path Type Description
Actual Duration
actualDuration integer

Calculated actual duration in days

Actual End Date
actualEndDate date-time

Date when work on the task was completed

Actual Start Date
actualStartDate date-time

Date when work on the task started

Assignee ID
assigneeId string

User ID of assignee

Assigner ID
assignerId string

User ID of the last user to add an assignee

associations array of Association

List of associations on a task

Copy From
copyFrom string

Task ID that task was copied from

Created At
createdAt date-time

Date the task was created

Creator ID
creatorId string

User ID of creator

Custom Properties
customProperties array of CustomPropertyValues

List of custom properties on a task

description string

Description of task

followers array of Follower

List of followers on a task

Task ID
id string
Is Template
isTemplate boolean

Indicates if a task is part of a template

Max Rank
maxRank string

Maximum rank

Min Rank
minRank string

Minimum rank

Parent ID
parentId string

Task ID of parent if task is a subtask

Planned Duration
plannedDuration integer

Planned duration in days

Planned End Date
plannedEndDate date-time

Date string of end date (due date)

Planned Start Date
plannedStartDate date-time

Date string of start date

priority string

Priority value

Project ID
projectId string

Project ID the task belongs to

rank string

Rank of task in a task list

Space ID
spaceId string
Status Schema ID
statusSchemaId string
Step ID
stepId integer

Id of step in status schema

Template ID
templateId string

Template ID of the template the task belongs to

title string

Title of task

type string

Type of task

Update At
updatedAt date-time

Date the task was last updated


Name Path Type Description
Actual Duration
actualDuration integer

Calculated actual duration in days

Actual End Date
actualEndDate date-time

Date when work on the task was completed

Actual Start Date
actualStartDate date-time

Date when work on the task started

Assigne ID
assigneeId string

User ID of assignee

Assigner ID
assignerId string

User ID of the last user to add an assignee

associations array of Association

List of associations on a task

Copy From
copyFrom string

Task ID that task was copied from

Created At
createdAt date-time

Date the task was created

Creator ID
creatorId string

User ID of creator

Custom Properties
customProperties array of CustomPropertyValues

List of custom properties on a task

description string

Description of task

followers array of Follower

List of followers on a task

Task ID
id string
Is Template
isTemplate boolean

Indicates if a task is part of a template

Max Rank
maxRank string

Maximum rank

Min Rank
minRank string

Minimum rank

Parent ID
parentId string

Task ID of parent if task is a subtask

Planned Duration
plannedDuration integer

Planned duration in days

Planned End Date
plannedEndDate date-time

Date string of planned end date (due date)

Planned Start Date
plannedStartDate date-time

Date string of planned start date

priority string

Priority value

Project ID
projectId string

Project ID the task belongs to

rank string

Rank of task in a task list

Space ID
spaceId string
Status Schema ID
statusSchemaId string
Step ID
stepId integer

Id of step in status schema

Sub Task IDs
subTaskIds array of string

List of subtask IDs

Sub Tasks
subTasks array of PlannerSubTask

List of subtasks on the task

Template ID
templateId string

Template ID of the template the task belongs to

title string

Title of task

type string

Type of task

Updated At
updatedAt date-time

Date the task was last updated


Name Path Type Description
count integer

Number of records returned

cursor string

Cursor used for pagination

Task objects
items array of PlannerTask

List of task objects in the response

limit integer

Number to limit records

Metadata object
meta Meta

Metadata object


Name Path Type Description
Value ID
id string
order integer

Number to indicate order


Actual value data


Name Path Type Description
Node ID
nodeId string
Node Type
nodeType string

Node type of the association

Space ID
spaceId string


Request form custom properties

Name Path Type Description
Created At
createdAt date-time

Date string of created date

Custom Properties
customProperties array of CustomProperty

List of custom properties


Name Path Type Description
Is Required
isRequired boolean

Indicator on whether a field is required or not

scope string

Type list of node types that the custom property definition belongs to


Name Path Type Description
Created At
createdAt date-time

Date string of created date

Creator ID
creatorId string

User ID of creator

Status schema ID
id string
Is Default
isDefault boolean

Indicator on if the status schema is the default schema

name string

Name of status schema

Space ID
spaceId string
steps array of string

List of steps and their values

transitions array of array

List of transition rules

transitions array of integer
type string

Node type the status schema can be used for

Updated At
updatedAt date-time

Date the status schema was last updated


Name Path Type Description
count integer

Number of records returned

cursor string

Cursor used for pagination

Status Schema Objects
items array of StatusSchema

List of status schema objects in the response

limit integer

Number to limit records

Metadata object
meta Meta

Metadata object


Value schema definition

Name Path Type Description
Maximum number
max string
Minimum number
min string