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Seismic (Preview)

Seismic is the leading sales enablement platform. By leveraging Seismic in your flows and power apps you can create rich workflow processes and business applications to increase business productivity and effectiveness.

This connector is available in the following products and regions:

Service Class Regions
Logic Apps Standard All Logic Apps regions except the following:
     -   Azure Government regions
     -   Azure China regions
     -   US Department of Defense (DoD)
Power Automate Premium All Power Automate regions except the following:
     -   US Government (GCC)
     -   US Government (GCC High)
     -   China Cloud operated by 21Vianet
     -   US Department of Defense (DoD)
Power Apps Premium All Power Apps regions except the following:
     -   US Government (GCC)
     -   US Government (GCC High)
     -   China Cloud operated by 21Vianet
     -   US Department of Defense (DoD)
Name Seismic
Connector Metadata
Publisher Seismic Software, Inc.
Privacy policy

Throttling Limits

Name Calls Renewal Period
API calls per connection 100 60 seconds


Add a File [Library]

Adds a new file using a multipart/form-data POST containing the file's metadata and the file contents. The metadata part includes required properties such as the name, format, and parentFolderId, but can also include any properties documented in the PATCH /files/:libraryContentId operation. Use the special keyword "root" to add files to the root folder of a teamsite. The content part includes the file's binary content to be uploaded.

Add a File [Workspace]

Adds a new file using a multi-part POST containing the file's metadata and the file contents. Using a multipart/form-data body, send body parts named 'metadata' and 'content'. The metadata should be a JSON object. The content part should contain the bytes of the file.

Add a folder [Workspace]

Adds a new workspace folder inside a given folder. Use the special keywork "root" as the parentFolderId to create a new folder in the user's root.

Add or get a contextual folder [Workspace]

Creates a contextual folder or gets the workspaceContentId for a contextual folder if it already exists. These contextual folders are identified by the combination of systemType, contextType, contextTypePlural, and contextId.

Caution: Folders Cannot be Deleted!

Any folders created with this API cannot be deleted including the folder for the systemType, contextTypePlural, and contextId, so take extreme caution when using this endpoint. Any typo in any of these fields will yield invalid non-removable folders. Each of the values is case sensitive.

Download LiveDoc output

This is where you can download a particular generated output such as a PPTX, DOCX, PDF, or XLSX. This endpoint also supports the special keywords of "pptx", "docx", "pdf" as special aliases of the generatedOutputId such that you do not need to first get the generatedOutputId in order to use this endpoint.

Generate a LiveDoc

This is where you start a generation, with all the necessary options. Each of the desired outputs must be specified in the "outputs" array. If you do not specify any outputs, this endpoint will return a 4xx error. Note: Generated outputs are only available for download for 24 hours from time of generation



Single variables are represented as an object such as:

{"name" : "field name here", "value" : "the value to pass in"}

Adhoc tables are represented as an object with columns and a set of rows such as:

{ "name": "adhoc_4", "value": { "columns": ["StrCol", "IntCol"], "rows": [["hello", 1], ["goodbye", 2]] }


  • imageDpi for PPT and DOC can be set to 0, 96, 120, 144, 200, 300, 400. When set to 0, we will use placeholders rather than rasterized images in place of dynamic images.
  • layout for PDF can be set to Full Page Slides or Notes Pages to produce slides or note pages
  • openPassword specifies the password required to open the PDF, if not provided, it will default to no password
  • ownerPassword specifies the password required to open the PDF as an edit mode owner, if not provided, it will default to no password
Get item details [Library]

Get details for any item type in Library

Get item details [Workspace]

Get details for any item type in Workspace

Get items in a folder [Workspace]

Gets a list of items (file, folder, url, etc) in a parent folder.

Get list of inputs for LiveDoc

Gets the list of adHoc inputs required to generate a LiveDoc. Each input has a name and type in the following format: {"name": "variable_name_here", "type": "string"}

Get predictive content

Gets the list of predictive content for a given predictive content setting for the currently authenticated user. In the case of predictive content which is dynamically grouped or inherits its hierarchy from the parent DocCenter folder, the hierarchy is provided in the hierarchy object with levels represented sequentially in the array. It is up to the UI to render the hierarchy.

Get status of LiveDoc generation

This is where you get the status for a generation process, it will give you the overall status for all underlying steps, but will also provide a breakdown for the readiness of the underlying assets. For example if you just want the PPTX, you may be able to download that before the PDF is done rendering.

Get teamsites

Provides the full list of teamsites in a tenant, regardless of user access.

Get user details

Get the user details for the specified id

Publish one or more documents [Library]

This endpoint can be used to immediately promote and publish content, or schedule publish of content for a future date for any number of unpublished documents. The content list is a list of library content. The publish endpoint will always publish the latest version of the document, taking it from a draft to a published document.

Submit a document into workflow [Library]

Submit a document into workflow

Add a File [Library]

Adds a new file using a multipart/form-data POST containing the file's metadata and the file contents. The metadata part includes required properties such as the name, format, and parentFolderId, but can also include any properties documented in the PATCH /files/:libraryContentId operation. Use the special keyword "root" to add files to the root folder of a teamsite. The content part includes the file's binary content to be uploaded.


Name Key Required Type Description
Teamsite Id
teamsiteId True string

Teamsite Id

metadata True string

Json Object with 'name', 'parentFolderId' and 'format' like 'ppt' or 'doc'. Example: {"name" : "Big Presentation", "parentFolderId" : "root", "format": "ppt"}

content True file

File content bytes. Use a Content-Disposition that includes a 'filename' parameter to indicate this is file data. The specific filename value is ignored in favor of


Add a File [Workspace]

Adds a new file using a multi-part POST containing the file's metadata and the file contents. Using a multipart/form-data body, send body parts named 'metadata' and 'content'. The metadata should be a JSON object. The content part should contain the bytes of the file.


Name Key Required Type Description
Form Data
metadata True string

Json Object with 'name', 'parentFolderId' and 'format' like 'ppt' or 'doc'. Example: {"name" : "Big Presentation", "parentFolderId" : "root", "format": "ppt"}

File Contents
content True file

File content bytes. Use a Content-Disposition that includes a 'filename' parameter to indicate this is file data. The specific filename value is ignored in favor of


Add a folder [Workspace]

Adds a new workspace folder inside a given folder. Use the special keywork "root" as the parentFolderId to create a new folder in the user's root.


Name Key Required Type Description
Workspace Folder Name
name string

The name of the workspace folder

Workspace Parent Folder Id
parentFolderId string

The id of the parent folder.


Add or get a contextual folder [Workspace]

Creates a contextual folder or gets the workspaceContentId for a contextual folder if it already exists. These contextual folders are identified by the combination of systemType, contextType, contextTypePlural, and contextId.

Caution: Folders Cannot be Deleted!

Any folders created with this API cannot be deleted including the folder for the systemType, contextTypePlural, and contextId, so take extreme caution when using this endpoint. Any typo in any of these fields will yield invalid non-removable folders. Each of the values is case sensitive.


Name Key Required Type Description
Context Id
contextId string

The ID of the record in the external system. For Salesforce we use 18 character record IDs such as 00646000009eMGLAA2. For Dynamics we use the record GUID such as 2DDE7B3B-2CAA-E811-A96A-000D3A1C5096. For Oracle we use the record number such as 3002 . For Sugar we use the record ID such as ecba9f86-4a4a-def6-359c-505a5b33f014.

Context Type
contextType string

This is the singular form of the context such as "Opportunity" or "Account"

Context Type Plural
contextTypePlural string

This is the plural form of the context such as "Opportunities" or "Accounts"

Context Name
name string

The name of the folder you would like to create. Often the name of the record in the external system. This name can be updated at any time as the folder is identified by the systemType+contextType+contextId.

System Type
systemType string

This is typically one of the following: Salesforce, MicrosoftDynamicCRM, Sugar, Oracle. But there are no restrictions and any string can be used to specify a new system type for custom applications.


Download LiveDoc output

This is where you can download a particular generated output such as a PPTX, DOCX, PDF, or XLSX. This endpoint also supports the special keywords of "pptx", "docx", "pdf" as special aliases of the generatedOutputId such that you do not need to first get the generatedOutputId in order to use this endpoint.


Name Key Required Type Description
generatedLivedocId True string

The id of the generated Live Doc

outputId True string

The id of the specfic output file you wish to download.


Generate a LiveDoc

This is where you start a generation, with all the necessary options. Each of the desired outputs must be specified in the "outputs" array. If you do not specify any outputs, this endpoint will return a 4xx error. Note: Generated outputs are only available for download for 24 hours from time of generation



Single variables are represented as an object such as:

{"name" : "field name here", "value" : "the value to pass in"}

Adhoc tables are represented as an object with columns and a set of rows such as:

{ "name": "adhoc_4", "value": { "columns": ["StrCol", "IntCol"], "rows": [["hello", 1], ["goodbye", 2]] }


  • imageDpi for PPT and DOC can be set to 0, 96, 120, 144, 200, 300, 400. When set to 0, we will use placeholders rather than rasterized images in place of dynamic images.
  • layout for PDF can be set to Full Page Slides or Notes Pages to produce slides or note pages
  • openPassword specifies the password required to open the PDF, if not provided, it will default to no password
  • ownerPassword specifies the password required to open the PDF as an edit mode owner, if not provided, it will default to no password


Name Key Required Type Description
Teamsite Id
teamsiteId True string

The id of the teamsite

Library Content Version Id
libraryContentVersionId True string

The library content version id

The key of the ad hoc input field
name string

Ad Hoc Input Name

Ad Hoc Input Value
value string

The value of the ad hoc input field

imageDpi integer
format True string
name string
compatibility string
layout string
openPassword string
ownerOptions string
ownerPassword string
clearNotes boolean
imageDpi integer
datasource True string


Get item details [Library]

Get details for any item type in Library


Name Key Required Type Description
Teamsite Id
teamsiteId True string

The teamsite id the item belongs to

Library Content Id
libraryContentId True string

The id of the item


Get item details [Workspace]

Get details for any item type in Workspace


Name Key Required Type Description
Workspace Content Id
workspaceContentId True string

The id of the workspace content


Get items in a folder [Workspace]

Gets a list of items (file, folder, url, etc) in a parent folder.


Name Key Required Type Description
Workspace Folder Id
workspaceFolderId True string

Id of the folder. Use "root" for the root folder.


Get list of inputs for LiveDoc

Gets the list of adHoc inputs required to generate a LiveDoc. Each input has a name and type in the following format: {"name": "variable_name_here", "type": "string"}


Name Key Required Type Description
Teamsite Id
teamsiteId True string

The id of the teamsite

Library Content Version Id
libraryContentVersionId True string

The library content version id


Get predictive content

Gets the list of predictive content for a given predictive content setting for the currently authenticated user. In the case of predictive content which is dynamically grouped or inherits its hierarchy from the parent DocCenter folder, the hierarchy is provided in the hierarchy object with levels represented sequentially in the array. It is up to the UI to render the hierarchy.


Name Key Required Type Description
Predictive Content Id or Title
predictiveContentId True string

Predictive Content Setting Id or Title

Context Id
contextId True string

ContextId of content from SalesForce, Sugar, Dynamics, Etc.


Get status of LiveDoc generation

This is where you get the status for a generation process, it will give you the overall status for all underlying steps, but will also provide a breakdown for the readiness of the underlying assets. For example if you just want the PPTX, you may be able to download that before the PDF is done rendering.


Name Key Required Type Description
generatedLivedocId True string

The id of the Generated Live Doc


Get teamsites

Provides the full list of teamsites in a tenant, regardless of user access.


Get user details

Get the user details for the specified id


Name Key Required Type Description
User Id
userId True string

The id of the user


Publish one or more documents [Library]

This endpoint can be used to immediately promote and publish content, or schedule publish of content for a future date for any number of unpublished documents. The content list is a list of library content. The publish endpoint will always publish the latest version of the document, taking it from a draft to a published document.


Name Key Required Type Description
Teamsite Id
teamsiteId True string

The id of the teamsite

comment string

A note about the publish action

Publish Content Id
id string

The id of the content to publish.

Publish At
publishAt string

The date and time to publish the content. This is required if publishing 10 or more documents.


Submit a document into workflow [Library]

Submit a document into workflow


Name Key Required Type Description
Teamsite Id
teamsiteId True string

The id of the teamsite

The id of library content
libraryContentId True string

Library Content Id

comments string

A comment for the submission



Name Path Type Description
Content Property Id
id string
Content Property Name
name string
values array of string


Name Path Type Description
User Id
id string

Creator User Id


Name Path Type Description
Download Url
downloadUrl string


Name Path Type Description
User Id
id string

Modifier User Id


Name Path Type Description
Profile Id
id string

The content profile id that the library content is assigned to.

Profile Name
name string

The assigned to profile's name.

Profile Type
type string

The profile type (user/group)


Name Path Type Description
Content Expert Id
id string

Content Expert Id

Expert Type
type string

User or group


Name Path Type Description
Custom Property Id
id string

Custom Property Id

Custom Property Name
name string

Custom Property Name

values array of string


Name Path Type Description
assignedToProfiles array of V2.LibraryContentManagement.Models.AssignedToProfile
Library Content Created At
createdAt date-time
createdBy V2.Common.CreatedUser
Library Content Description
description string

The description for the item.

experts array of V2.LibraryContentManagement.Models.ContentExperts

A list of experts for this item. A user expert would be in the form {"type":"user", "id":"the users id"}. A group expert would be in the form {"type":"group", "id":"the group id"}.

Library Content Expires At
expiresAt date-time

The date the item expires which can only be set to the future. This date does not accept the time component, so should be specified as a UTC YYYY-MM-DD.

Library Content External Connection Id
externalConnectionId string

The external system linked to this document, if applicable

Library Content External Id
externalId string

The id of the document in the external system, if applicable

Library Content Format
format string

The file format of the library content

Library Content id
id string

The id of the library content

Library Content Modified At
modifiedAt date-time
modifiedBy V2.Common.ModifiedUser
Library Content Name
name string

The name of the item.

Library Content Owner Id
ownerId string

The userId of the owner of the item.

Library Content Parent Folder Id
parentFolderId string

The GUID of the item's parent folder. Changing this value will move the item from one folder to another. Use "root" to place items in the root folder of the teamsite.

properties array of V2.LibraryContentManagement.Models.CustomProperties

An array of properties and their values where each property is identified by its id such as {"id": "the property id","values": ["Value A", "Value B"]}. The property name can be included, but will be ignored.

Library Content File Size
size integer
Content Type
type string

The type of content (file, folder, url, livedoc, etc)

Library Content Version
version string
Library Content Version id
versionId string

The id of the current version of the library content


Name Path Type Description
assignedToProfiles array of V2.LibraryContentManagement.Models.AssignedToProfile
Library Content Created At
createdAt date-time
createdBy V2.Common.CreatedUser
Library Content Description
description string

The description for the item.

experts array of V2.LibraryContentManagement.Models.ContentExperts

A list of experts for this item. A user expert would be in the form {"type":"user", "id":"the users id"}. A group expert would be in the form {"type":"group", "id":"the group id"}.

Library Content Expires At
expiresAt date-time

The date the item expires which can only be set to the future. This date does not accept the time component, so should be specified as a UTC YYYY-MM-DD.

Library Content External Connection Id
externalConnectionId string
Library Content External Id
externalId string
Library Content Format
format string
Library Content Id
id string
Library Content Modified At
modifiedAt date-time
modifiedBy V2.Common.ModifiedUser
Library Content Name
name string

The name of the item.

Library Content Owner Id
ownerId string

The userId of the owner of the item.

Library Content Parent Folder Id
parentFolderId string

The GUID of the item's parent folder. Changing this value will move the item from one folder to another. Use "root" to place items in the root folder of the teamsite.

properties array of V2.LibraryContentManagement.Models.CustomProperties

An array of properties and their values where each property is identified by its id such as {"id": "the property id","values": ["Value A", "Value B"]}. The property name can be included, but will be ignored.

Library Content File Size
size integer
type string
url V2.LibraryContentManagement.Models.UrlInfo
Library Content Version
version string
Library Content Version Id
versionId string


Name Path Type Description
Library Content External Url
url string


Name Path Type Description
Error Id
id string

The id of the content that errored

Error Message
message string

The error message


Name Path Type Description
errors array of V2.LibraryPublishing.ErrorPublishResponseStatus
Total Errors
totalErrors integer

The number of errors

Total Requests
totalRequests integer

The total requests recieved

Total Succeeded
totalSucceeded integer

The number successful

Total Warnings
totalWarnings integer

The total number of warnings

warnings array of V2.LibraryPublishing.WarningPublishResponseStatus


Name Path Type Description
Warning Id
id string

The id of the content with a warning

Warning Message
message string

The warning message


Name Path Type Description
Library Content Id
id string
Library Content Version id
versionId string


Name Path Type Description
columns array of V2.LiveDocs.Models.ResponseModels.AdhocInputRespItems
Adhoc Input Name
name string

The name of the ad hoc input field

Adhoc Input Type
type string

The type of the adhoc input field (date, string, integer, table, etc)


Name Path Type Description
Adhoc Input Name
name string

The name of the ad hoc input field

Adhoc Input Type
type string

The type of the adhoc input field (date, string, integer, etc)


Name Path Type Description
LiveDoc Output Format
format string

The file format of the output document (pdf, pptx, docx, etc)

LiveDoc Output Id
id string

The id of the LiveDoc output.

LiveDoc Output Name
name string

The name of the output file.

LiveDoc Generation Status
status string

The completion status of the LiveDoc (Queued, Generating, Completed, Failed)


Name Path Type Description
Generated LiveDoc Id
id string

The id of the generated LiveDoc

outputs array of V2.LiveDocs.Models.ResponseModels.LiveDocGenOutputResultResp


Name Path Type Description
Generated LiveDoc Id
generatedLivedocId string

The id of the generated LiveDoc


Name Path Type Description
adhocInputs array of V2.LiveDocs.Models.ResponseModels.AdhocInputResp


Name Path Type Description
Predictive Content Hierarchy Label
label string
Predictive Content Hierarchy Type
type string

"group" or "folder"


Name Path Type Description
applicationUrls array of V2.Workspace.ApplicationUrl
DocCenter Content Profile id
contentProfileId string
deliveryOptions array of V2.Workspace.DeliveryOption
Library Content File Format
format string

The format of the document (pptx, docx, etc)

hierarchy array of V2.PredictiveContent.Models.PredictiveContentHierarchy
libraryContent V2.LibraryWorkflow.LibraryContent
Library Content Name
name string

The name of the predictive content.

properties array of Seismic.PublicIntegrationApi.OriginApiClient.Models.ContentManager.ContentCustomProperties
score V2.PredictiveContent.Models.PredictiveContentScore
Library Content Type
type string

The content type

url V2.LibraryContentManagement.Models.UrlInfo


Name Path Type Description
Predictive Content Score Points
points double
Predictive Content Score Rank
rank double


Name Path Type Description
Teamsite Id
id string

The id of the teamsite.

Teamsite Name
name string

The name of the teamsite.


Name Path Type Description
User Address
address string

The address of the user.

User Bio
biography string

The biography of the user

User Created At
createdAt date-time

The timestamp that the user was created.

User Default Content Profile Id
defaultContentProfileId string

The content profile id of the user

User Email
email string

The email of the user

User First Name
firstName string

The first name of the user

User Full Name
fullName string

The full name of the user

User Id
id string

The id of the user.

Is User Deleted
isDeleted boolean

Is this user deleted?

User Last Name
lastName string

The last name of the user

User Licence Type
licenseType string

The license type of the user (business, premium, partner)

User Organization
organization string

The organization of the user

User Phone Number
phoneNumber string

The phone number of the user

User SSO Id
ssoId string

The external SSO id of the user

User Thumbnail Id
thumbnailId string

The id of the user's thumbnail.

User Title
title string

The title of the user

username string

The username of the user


Name Path Type Description
Item Count
itemCount integer

The count of items in the folder

items array of V2.WorkSpaceContentManager.Models.WsItemResp


Name Path Type Description
applicationUrls array of V2.Workspace.ApplicationUrl
Workspace Content Created At
createdAt date-time

The timestamp that the content was created

createdBy V2.Workspace.CreatedUser
deliveryOptions array of V2.Workspace.DeliveryOption
Workspace Content Format
format string

The file format of the workspace content (docx, pdf, pptx, etc)

Workspace Content Icon Url
iconUrl string

Url of the icon of the workspace content

Workspace Content Id
id string
Workspace Content Is Contextual Content
isContextualContent boolean

Is this contextual content

Workspace Content Modified At
modifiedAt date-time

The timestamp that the content was modified

modifiedBy V2.Workspace.ModifiedUser
Workspace Content Name
name string

Name of the workspace content

Workspace Content Parent Folder Id
parentFolderId string

The parent folder of the workspace content

Workspace Content Resource Url
resourceUrl string

The url of the content

Workspace File Size
size integer

The size of the file

Workspace Content Type
type string

The content type (folder, url, file)

Workspace Content Version Id
versionId string

The current version id


Name Path Type Description
applicationUrls array of V2.Workspace.ApplicationUrl
Workspace Folder Created At
createdAt date-time
createdBy V2.Workspace.CreatedUser
deliveryOptions array of V2.Workspace.DeliveryOption
Workspace Folder Icon Url
iconUrl string

The icon url of the workspace folder

Workspace Folder Id
id string
Is Contextual Content
isContextualContent boolean
Workspace Folder Modified At
modifiedAt date-time
modifiedBy V2.Workspace.ModifiedUser
Workspace Folder Name
name string
Workspace Folder Parent Id
parentFolderId string
resourceUrl string


Name Path Type Description
Workspace Content Application Urls
applicationUrls array of V2.Workspace.ApplicationUrl

The url of the workspace content

Workspace Content Created At
createdAt date-time

The time the content was created.

createdBy V2.Workspace.CreatedUser
deliveryOptions array of V2.Workspace.DeliveryOption
Workspace Content Format
format string

The file format of the item (docx, pptx, etc).

Workspace Content Icon Url
iconUrl string

The url of the workspace content's icon.

Workspace Content Id
id string

The id of the content in the requested folder

Workspace Content Is Contextual Content
isContextualContent boolean

Is this contextual content.

Workspace Content Modified At
modifiedAt date-time

The time the content was modified.

modifiedBy V2.Workspace.ModifiedUser
Workspace Content Name
name string

The name of the item.

Workspace Content Parent Folder Id
parentFolderId string

The parent folder of the workspace content.

Workspace Content API URL
resourceUrl string

The Url to access the workspace content via API.

Workspace Content Size
size integer

The file's size.

Workspace Content Type
type string

The content type (folder, url, file)

url V2.WorkSpaceContentManager.Models.WsUrlInfoResp
Workspace Content Version Id
versionId string

The current version id of the workspace content


Name Path Type Description
url string


Name Path Type Description
Application Url Name
name string
Application Url
url string


Name Path Type Description
Creator User Id
id string

The id of the user who created the item


Name Path Type Description
Delivery Option Id
id string

Delivery Option Id


Name Path Type Description
Modifier User Id
id string

The id of the user who modified the item