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XLANG-s Data Types

XLANG/s defines standard value types that are reflections of their C# counterparts. These include Boolean, Byte, Char, Decimal, Double, Int16, Int32, Int64, SByte, Single, String, UInt16, UInt32, and UInt64. XLANG/s supports single-dimensional arrays, but does not support array literals.

XLANG/s also has rich support for message handling. Messages can be based on schemas, .NET classes, Web message types (WSDL), or complex message types. XLANG/s supports the following complex data types:

  • messagetype. This data type defines multipart message types which are defined as combinations of data elements and XSD-based messages and Method-Message types (messages that match the signature format of a method of a class or interface).

  • porttype. This data type defines a collection of port operations that a port instance of that type can act upon.

  • correlationsettype. This data type defines the data that will be used in any instance of a correlation set variable. Correlation set data is the routing mechanism used to ensure that messages moving through the system are dispatched to the appropriate running instance of a business process. For example, if a purchase order is sent to a trading partner for processing, it is imperative that the correct instance of the business process corresponding to that purchase order be invoked on its return.

  • servicelinktype. This data type defines the set of porttype values that form a logically consistent group of ports used in a business process. The use of service links is a powerful mechanism that allows dynamic assignment to a group of ports at run time. This allows you to define a single business process that can be used to interact with multiple trading partners.

See Also

XLANG-s Statements
XLANG-s Variables and Operators
XLANG-s Expressions
XLANG-s Reserved Words
XLANG-s to BPEL4WS Type Conversions