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TransmitPipeline (ReceivePort Node)

The TransmitPipeline node of the ReceivePort node of a binding file provides specific information about the send pipeline bound to a two way receive port exported with the binding file.


Since send pipelines for two-way receives are bound at the receive location level in BizTalk Server, this node is provided for backwards compatibility with BizTalk Server 2004. Send pipelines for two-way receives are bound at the receive port level in BizTalk Server 2004. Properties that are set for this node of a binding file that was exported from BizTalk Server 2004 will be applied to the SendPipeline node of each two-way receive location referenced by the receive port when importing the binding file into BizTalk Server.

Nodes in the TransmitPipeline node

The following table lists the properties that can be set for this node of a binding file:

Name Node Type Data Type Description Restrictions Comments
Name Attribute xs:string Specifies the name of the send pipeline. Not required Default value: empty
FullyQualifiedName Attribute xs:string Specifies the fully qualified name of the pipeline, which includes the name of the assembly that the pipeline was deployed as a part of. Not required Default value: empty
Type Attribute xs:int Specifies the type of pipeline. Required Default value: none

Possible values are documented in the

Microsoft.BizTalk.ExplorerOM.PipelineType enumeration.
TrackingOption Attribute PipelineTrackingTypes (SimpleType) Specifies the tracking options for the pipeline. Required Default value: none

Possible values are documented in the Microsoft.BizTalk.ExplorerOM.PipelineTrackingTypes enumeration.
Description Attribute xs:string Specifies a description for the send pipeline. Not required Default value: empty

See Also
