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Install the BizTalk Adapter Pack 2016

Install the BizTalk Adapter Pack in the following two ways:

  • In interactive mode: Run the setup wizard

  • In silent mode: Use the command line


  • You must have administrative privileges on the computer where you install the BizTalk Adapter Pack, irrespective of whether you are installing using the wizard, or the command line.
  • Be sure all the software prerequisites are installed before installing the BizTalk Adapter Pack.

Typical vs custom installation

Lists the installation types, and the features that are installed with each option:

  • The Typical and Complete options install all the adapters, with the associated data providers. You do not have the option of choosing a specific adapter to install.

  • The Custom option installs one or more adapters, with the associated data providers. You can choose which adapters to install. If you choose to install a data provider, you must also install the corresponding adapter. However, you can install an adapter without installing the corresponding data provider. Do this by expanding the ADO Providers node, and then selecting the providers that you don't want to install. See Install using the setup wizard (in this topic).

    For example, if you install the Data Provider for SAP, you must also install the SAP adapter. However, you can install the SAP adapter without installing the Data Provider for SAP.

32-bit and 64-bit install scenarios

With BizTalk Server, the BizTalk Adapter Pack can be used for:

  • Visual Studio design time (when generating metadata for operations on LOB applications)

  • BizTalk Server Administration console design time (for creating physical ports)


    BizTalk Server Administration console runs as a 32-bit Microsoft Management Console (MMC) application.

  • BizTalk run time (when sending and receiving messages from LOB applications)

You can use a single computer for all these taks, or use different computers. Because both Visual Studio and BizTalk MMC are 32-bit processes, you must install the 32-bit BizTalk Adapter Pack on the computer where you complete the design-time tasks.

32-bit install scenario

Install the following software on each computer. If you are using a single computer, all the software must be installed on that computer.

  1. Install 32-bit WCF LOB Adapter SDK
  2. Install 32-bit BizTalk Adapter Pack.
  3. Install 32-bit LOB client and other required DLLs.

64-bit install scenarios

For Visual Studio design time For BizTalk MMC design time For BizTalk run time For Visual Studio design time and/or BizTalk MMC design time + BizTalk run time
- Install 64-bit WCF LOB Adapter SDK.

- Install 32-bit BizTalk Adapter Pack.

- Install 32-bit LOB client and other required DLLs.
- Install 64-bit WCF LOB Adapter SDK.

- Install 32-bit BizTalk Adapter Pack.

- Install 32-bit LOB client and other required DLLs.
For a 32-bit BizTalk process:

- Install 64-bit WCF LOB Adapter SDK.

- Install 32-bit BizTalk Adapter Pack.

- Install 32-bit LOB client and other required DLLs.

For a 64-bit BizTalk process:

- Install 64-bit WCF LOB Adapter SDK.

- Install 64-bit BizTalk Adapter Pack.

- Install 64-bit LOB client and other required DLLs.
For a 32-bit BizTalk process:

- Install 64-bit WCF LOB Adapter SDK.

- Install 32-bit BizTalk Adapter Pack.

- Install 32-bit LOB client and other required DLLs.

For a 64-bit BizTalk process:

- Install 64-bit WCF LOB Adapter SDK.

- Install 64-bit BizTalk Adapter Pack.

- Install 64-bit LOB client and other required DLLs.

- Install 32-bit BizTalk Adapter Pack.

- Install 32-bit LOB client and other required DLLs.


On any computer where you want to do design-time tasks, using either Visual Studio or BizTalk MMC, you must install the 32-bit BizTalk Adapter Pack.

Install using the setup wizard

Steps to install the BizTalk Adapter Pack in interactive mode.

  1. Run the BizTalk Server setup.exe.

  2. Select Install Microsoft BizTalk Adapters. In the next window, any missing prerequisite programs are listed. If any are missing, then select the missing program, and setup installs it for you.

    For example, select Step 2: Install Microsoft BizTalk Adapter Pack or Step 3: Install Microsoft BizTalk Adapter Pack (x64).


    If you are installing the BizTalk Adapter Pack on a virtual machine, the setup wizard may display a message that it's checking for available disk space. If this message appears to hang or just sit there, then we recommend you Install in silent mode (in this topic).

  3. On the Welcome screen, select Next.

  4. Accept the end-user license agreement (EULA), and then select Next.

  5. In Choose Setup Type:

    • To install the most common features, select Typical.

    • To select the adapters you want to install, select Custom, and then proceed to the next step.

    • To install all the features, select Complete.


      To install only the adapter that you use to interface with your enterprise application, select the Custom installation.

  6. Required only if you chose the Custom installation. If you chose the Typical or Complete installation, then skip this step, and go to step 7.

    1. In Custom Setup, expand Base Adapters to see the available adapters.

    2. For the adapters that you don't want, select the icon next to the adapter, and then select Entire feature will be unavailable.

    3. Expand ADO Providers, and then select the providers that you don't want to install.

    4. Select Next.

  7. Select Install.

  8. In Customer Experience Improvement Program, you can choose to enroll. If you enroll, you can share the following data with Microsoft:

    • Data related to the computer hardware on which you are installing the BizTalk Adapter Pack.

    • Data related to the enterprise application versions you are using with the BizTalk Adapter Pack.

      Select OK.


    You can always change this setting by running the Setup in Repair mode from Programs.

  9. Select Finish.

Install in silent mode

Use the msiexec command to do a silent installation. As part of the msiexec command, enter the individual components that you want to install. The following table lists the values for each component in the BizTalk Adapter Pack. Use these values to install (or remove) specific components. To install (or remove) more than one component, you can use a combination of these values separated by a comma.

Component name Corresponding value for command-line properties
Oracle Database adapter DbFeature
Oracle E-Business adapter OracleEBSFeature
SAP adapter SapBaseAdapterFeature
Siebel adapter SiebelBaseAdapterFeature
SQL adapter SqlFeature
Data Provider for SAP SapAdoFeature

Note: You must provide this value only if you are installing the SAP adapter also.
Data Provider for Siebel SiebelAdoFeature

Note: You must provide this value only if you are installing the Siebel adapter also.
All components ALL


The feature names are case-sensitive.

The following steps show you how to complete a silent installation of BizTalk Adapter Pack for different components.

Silent mode steps

  1. Open a command prompt, and go to the BizTalk Adapter Pack root in the BizTalk Server installation.

  2. Run the following commands based on what you want to install:


    To do silent installation on an x64-based platform, replace AdaptersSetup.msi with AdaptersSetup64.msi in the following commands.

    • To perform a complete installation, which installs all the adapters including the .NET Framework Data Providers, type:

      msiexec /i AdaptersSetup.msi /qn ADDLOCAL=ALL
    • To install only the Oracle Database adapter, type:

      msiexec /i AdaptersSetup.msi /qn ADDLOCAL=DbFeature
    • To install only the Oracle E-Business adapter, type:

      msiexec /i AdaptersSetup.msi /qn ADDLOCAL=OracleEBSFeature
    • To install only the SAP adapter, type:

      msiexec /i AdaptersSetup.msi /qn ADDLOCAL=SapBaseAdapterFeature
    • To install the SAP adapter along with Data Provider for SAP, type:

      msiexec /i AdaptersSetup.msi /qn ADDLOCAL=SapBaseAdapterFeature,SapAdoFeature
    • To install only the Siebel adapter, type:

      msiexec /i AdaptersSetup.msi /qn ADDLOCAL=SiebelBaseAdapterFeature
    • To install the Siebel adapter along with Data Provider for Siebel, type:

      msiexec /i AdaptersSetup.msi /qn ADDLOCAL=SiebelBaseAdapterFeature,SiebelAdoFeature
    • To install only the SQL adapter, type:

      msiexec /i AdaptersSetup.msi /qn ADDLOCAL=SqlFeature
    • To install all the base adapters, type:

      msiexec /i AdaptersSetup.msi /qn ADDLOCAL=SapBaseAdapterFeature,SiebelBaseAdapterFeature,DbFeature,OracleEBSFeature,SqlFeature
    • To install the two .NET Framework Data Providers, type:

      msiexec /i AdaptersSetup.msi /qn ADDLOCAL=SapAdoFeature,SiebelAdoFeature
    • Any type of custom installation by separating the components by a comma. For example, to install the SAP adapter with the Data Provider for SAP, and the Siebel adapter type:

      msiexec /i AdaptersSetup.msi /qn ADDLOCAL=SapBaseAdapterFeature,SapAdoFeature,SiebelBaseAdapterFeature
    • You can also opt to enroll for CEIP as part of the silent installation. Type:

      msiexec /i AdaptersSetup.msi /qn CEIP_OPTIN=true

      By default the option is false.


      While installing the BizTalk Adapter Pack Evaluation version in silent mode, the default option for CEIP is true.

      For more information about the msiexec command, type msiexec on the command line, and press ENTER. Windows command: msiexec is also a good resource.

Known install issue

For a comprehensive list of installation-related issues, refer to Troubleshooting topics for each adapter.

Running setup on a 64-bit computer may throw an error while accessing schema file

The BizTalk Adapter Pack setup throws an error while accessing the Microsoft.Adapters.<AdapterName>_schema.xml file, but proceeds with the adapter installation.


If both 32-bit and 64-bit versions of the BizTalk Adapter Pack are installed on the same computer, the target schema file used by both is the same. As a result, the file installed by the 32-bit BizTalk Adapter Pack might be in use by IIS when the 64-bit installer tries to access it.


Manually copy the Microsoft.Adapters.<AdapterName>_schema.xml file from C:\Program Files\Microsoft BizTalk Adapter Pack(x64)\IIS Schemas to C:\Windows\System32\inetsrv\config\schema.

Next step

Post installation steps