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Node types and IDs for the SQL Server adapter

Metadata Node IDs

The Microsoft BizTalk Adapter for SQL Server surfaces SQL Server database artifacts in a hierarchical manner. The following table lists the node types and node IDs for SQL Server database artifacts that the SQL adapter surfaces. The node ID is the absolute path of the node that is used in the IMetadataRetrievalContractBrowse, Search, and GetMetadata methods.

Artifact Display Name Node Type Node ID Example Description
-- CATEGORY / / WCF LOB Adapter SDK root node. Returns all first-level nodes; this includes the ExecuteNonQuery, ExecuteReader, and ExecuteScalar operation nodes and all schema nodes for the outbound operations, and the Polling operation node for the inbound operation.
ExecuteNonQuery OUTBOUND OPERATION GenericOp/ExecuteNonQuery GenericOp/ExecuteNonQuery ExecuteNonQuery operation node. Returns WSDL for the ExecuteNonQuery operation.
ExecuteReader OUTBOUND OPERATION GenericOp/ExecuteReader GenericOp/ExecuteReader ExecuteReader operation node. Returns WSDL for the ExecuteReader operation.
ExecuteScalar OUTBOUND OPERATION GenericOp/ExecuteScalar GenericOp/ExecuteScalar ExecuteScalar operation node. Returns WSDL for the ExecuteScalar operation.
Polling INBOUND OPERATION Polling Polling Polling operation node. Returns WSDL for the Polling operation.
Notification INBOUND OPERATION Notification Notification Notification operation node. Returns WSDL for the Notification operation.
Procedures CATEGORY Procedures/ Procedures/ Schema procedures node. Returns all procedures for the specified schema.
[DB_PROCEDURE] OUTBOUND OPERATION Procedure/[DB_SCHEMA]/[Procedure_Name] Procedure/dbo/ADD_EMP_DETAILS Procedure node. Returns the WSDL for the specified procedure.
Tables CATEGORY Tables/ Tables/ Schema tables node. Returns all table nodes for the specified schema.
[DB_TABLE] CATEGORY - - Table node. Returns all operation nodes (Insert, Select, Update, Delete, and Set) for the specified table.

The Set operation is only returned for tables that contain columns with any of the following data type: Varchar(Max), Nvarchar(Max) or Varbinary(Max).
Insert OUTBOUND OPERATION TableOp/Insert/[DB_SCHEMA]/[DB_TABLE] TableOp/Insert/dbo/Employee Table Insert operation node. Returns WSDL for the Insert operation for the specified table.
Select OUTBOUND OPERATION TableOp/Select/[DB_SCHEMA]/[DB_TABLE] TableOp/Select/dbo/Employee Table Select operation node. Returns WSDL for the Select operation for the specified table.
Update OUTBOUND OPERATION TableOp/Update/[DB_SCHEMA]/[DB_TABLE] TableOp/Update/dbo/Employee Table Update operation node. Returns WSDL for the Update operation for the specified table.
Delete OUTBOUND OPERATION TableOp/Delete/[DB_SCHEMA]/[DB_TABLE] TableOp/Delete/dbo/Employee Table Delete operation node. Returns WSDL for the Delete operation for the specified table.
Set[COLUMN_NAME] OUTBOUND OPERATION TableOp/WriteText/[DB_SCHEMA]/[DB_TABLE]/[COLUMN_NAME] TableOp/WriteText/dbo/Employee/Job_Description Table Set operation node. Returns WSDL for the Set operation for the specified column in the table. (Only surfaced if the table contains columns with any of the following data type: (Max), Nvarchar(Max) or Varbinary(Max)).
Views CATEGORY Views/ Views/ Schema views node. Returns all view nodes for the specified schema.
[DB_VIEW] CATEGORY - - View node. Returns all operation nodes (Insert, Select, Update, and Delete) for the specified view.
Insert OUTBOUND OPERATION ViewOp/Insert/[DB_SCHEMA]/[DB_VIEW] ViewOp/Insert/dbo/Employee_View View Insert operation node. Returns WSDL for the Insert operation for the specified view.
Select OUTBOUND OPERATION ViewOp/Select/[DB_SCHEMA]/[DB_VIEW] ViewOp/Select/dbo/Employee_View View Select operation node. Returns WSDL for the Select operation for the specified view.
Update OUTBOUND OPERATION ViewOp/Update/[DB_SCHEMA]/[DB_VIEW] ViewOp/Update/dbo/Employee_View View Update operation node. Returns WSDL for the Update operation for the specified view.
Delete OUTBOUND OPERATION ViewOp/Delete/[DB_SCHEMA]/[DB_VIEW] ViewOp/Delete/dbo/Employee_View View Delete operation node. Returns WSDL for the Delete operation for the specified view.
Scalar Functions CATEGORY ScalarFunctions/ ScalarFunctions/ Schema scalar functions node. Returns all scalar functions for the specified schema.
[DB_SCLR_FUNCTION] OUTBOUND OPERATION ScalarFunction/[DB_SCHEMA]/[DB_SCLR_FUNCTION] ScalarFunction/dbo/GET_EMP_ID Scalar function node. Returns the WSDL for the specified scalar function.
Table Valued Functions CATEGORY TableFunctions/ TableFunctions/ Schema table valued functions node. Returns all table valued functions for the specified schema.
[DB_TBL_FUNCTION] OUTBOUND OPERATION TableFunction/[DB_SCHEMA]/[DB_TBL_FUNCTION] TableFunction/dbo/TVF_EMPLOYEE Table valued function node. Returns the WSDL for the specified table valued function.

[DB_SCHEMA] = Collection of SQL Server artifacts; for example, dbo.

[DB_TABLE] = The name of an SQL Server table; for example, Employee.

[DB_VIEW] = The name of an SQL Server view; for example, Employee_View.

[DB_PROCEDURE] = The name of an SQL Server stored procedure; for example, ADD_EMP_DETAILS.

[DB_SCLR_FUNCTION] = The name of an SQL Server scalar function; for example, GET_EMP_ID.

[DB_TBL_FUNCTION] = The name of an SQL Server table valued function; for example, TVF_EMPLOYEE.

Metadata Search and Node IDs

Metadata search is a powerful feature that the WCF LOB Adapter SDK surfaces as part of its MetadataRetrievalContract interface. The SQL adapter uses this feature to support searching on the following SQL Server artifacts. The metadata search scope is restricted to the level immediately under the node at which the search operation is performed. For example, to search for a scalar function, you must be searching under /Scalar Function/[Schema]. Recursive search is not supported.

Artifact Node ID Node Type Returned Description
/ (i.e. Root node) / CATEGORY Return all schema nodes that match the search expression.
[DB_PROCEDURE] /Procedure/[DB_SCHEMA] OUTBOUND OPERATION Return all procedure nodes in the specified schema that match the search expression.
[DB_TABLE] /Table/[DB_SCHEMA] CATEGORY Return all table nodes in the specified schema that match the search expression.
[DB_VIEW] /View/[DB_SCHEMA] CATEGORY Return all view nodes in the specified schema that match the search expression.
[DB_SCLR_FUNCTION] /ScalarFunction/[DB_SCHEMA] OUTBOUND OPERATION Return all scalar function nodes in the specified schema that match the search expression.
[DB_TBL_FUNCTION] /TableFunction/[DB_SCHEMA] OUTBOUND OPERATION Return all table valued function nodes in the specified schema that match the search expression.

[DB_SCHEMA] = Collection of SQL Server artifacts; for example, dbo.

[DB_TABLE] = The name of an SQL Server table; for example, Employee.

[DB_VIEW] = The name of an SQL Server view; for example, Employee_View.

[DB_PROCEDURE] = The name of an SQL Server procedure; for example, ADD_EMP_DETAILS.

[DB_SCLR_FUNCTION] = The name of an SQL Server scalar function; for example, GET_EMP_ID.

[DB_TBL_FUNCTION] = The name of an SQL Server table valued function; for example, TVF_EMPLOYEE.

You can specify search expressions that are compatible with any valid expression that can be used for the SQL Server LIKE operator. For example, to perform a search on the tables contained in a schema, the SQL adapter executes the following SQL: SELECT TABLE_NAME FROM ALL_TABLES WHERE TABLE_NAME LIKE ‘[SEARCH_STR]’.

The following table lists the special characters that the SQL adapter supports in search expressions.

Special Character Interpretation
% (percentage) Matches zero or more characters.

For example, "A%" matches "A", "AB", "ABC", and so on.
_ (underscore) Matches exactly 1 character.

For example, "A_" matches "AB", "AC", "AD", and so on.
[ ] - Escapes the special meaning of _ and %.
- Specifies a range or set of characters to be present.

For example:

- %[%]% matches all names that include a % symbol.
- [a-f] matches all names that have characters between and including ‘a’ and ‘f’.
- [abc] matches all names that have characters ‘a’, ‘b’, and ‘c’.
[^] Specifies a range or set of characters not to be present.

For example:

- [^a-f] matches all names that do not have characters between and including ‘a’ and ‘f’.
- [^abc] matches all names that do not have characters ‘a’, ‘b’, and ‘c’.

Metadata Retrieval and Node IDs

The following table summarizes the metadata characteristics returned by SQL adapter.

Artifact Metadata Characteristics
Table or View
  • Table name.
  • Table field names.
  • Table field data types are mapped to simple or complex WSDL types.
  • Table field length is mapped to facet maxLength.
  • Table field primary key constraint is mapped to facet minOccurs = 1.
  • Table field NULL constraint is mapped to facet isNillable = true.
  • Table operations

    • INSERT
    • SELECT
    • UPDATE
    • DELETE
    • SET<Column Name>
Procedure or Function - Procedure or function name is mapped to the operation name.
- Procedure or function parameter names.
- Procedure or function parameter data types are mapped to WSDL types.
- Procedure or function parameter direction is mapped to WSDL parameter direction.
- Procedure parameter or function parameter data type length is mapped to facet maxLength.
- Procedure or function parameter order is mapped to element sequence.
- Function return data type is mapped to WSDL type.
- Function return data type length is mapped to facet maxLength.

For detailed information about the format of the metadata that the SQL adapter exposes for specific artifacts and operations on the SQL Server database, see Messages and Message Schemas for BizTalk Adapter for SQL Server.