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Polling Operations Message Schemas

The Microsoft BizTalk Adapter for Oracle Database surfaces various inbound operations related to polling depending on the target object on the Oracle database. To poll tables and views, a single POLLINGSTMT operation is surfaced whereas each stored procedure, functions, and packaged procedures and functions are exposed as inbound operations for polling.

You can specify a PollingId parameter in the query string of the connection URI to qualify the namespace of the POLLINGSTMT operation. Setting this parameter only qualifies the namespace of the POLLINGSTMT operation; it does not change the message action. For more information about the Oracle Database adapter connection URI, see Create the Oracle Database connection URI.

You configure the polling operations by setting binding properties in the Oracle Database adapter. For more information about these binding properties, see Read about the Oracle Database adapter binding properties. You set the PollingStatement binding property to specify a SQL statement, stored procedure, function or a procedure within a package for the polling query. The result set of this query is returned as data to your code in the polling operation.

Message Structure for the Polling Operations

The following table shows the XML message structure for the various polling operations.

Operation Target Object XML Message Description

- Views
<?xml version="1.0" encoding="utf-8" ?> <POLLINGSTMT xmlns="[VERSION]/POLLINGSTMT[POLLING_ID]"> <POLLINGSTMTRECORD> <POLLINGSTMTRECORD> <FIELD1_NAME>val1</FIELD1_NAME> <FIELD2_NAME>val2</FIELD2_NAME> … </POLLINGSTMTRECORD> … </POLLINGSTMTRECORD> </POLLINGSTMT> The structure of the result set contained in the POLLINGSTMTRECORD types is determined by the metadata that the adapter surfaces for the SQL SELECT query.

The namespace of the POLLINGSTMT operation is determined by the PollingId parameter in the connection URI.
[CustomPollingOperation] - Stored Procedures

- Functions

- Packages
Stored Procedures

<?xml version="1.0" encoding="utf-8" ?> <[CustomPollingOperation] xmlns="[Version]/[SCHEMA]/PollingProcedure"> <[CustomPollingOperation]Result> <PRM1>[Value]</PRM1> <PRM2>[Value]</PRM2> … </[CustomPollingOperation]Result> </[CustomPollingOperation]>


<?xml version="1.0" encoding="utf-8" ?> <[CustomPollingOperation] xmlns="[Version]/[Schema]/PollingFunction"> <[CustomPollingOperation]Result> <COL1>[Value]</COL1]> <COL2>[Value]</COL2> … </[CustomPollingOperation]Result> </[CustomPollingOperation]>


<?xml version="1.0" encoding="utf-8" ?> <[CustomPollingOperation] xmlns="[Version]/[Schema]/PollingPackage/[PACKAGE_NAME]/"> <[CustomPollingOperation]Result>[Value]</[CustomPollingOperation]Result> </[CustomPollingOperation]>
The structure of the result set in the polling operation is determined by the data type of the elements in the target object.

[Version] = http://Microsoft.LobServices.OracleDB/2007/03.

[CustomPollingOperation] = It is the same as the stored procedure, function, or packaged procedure or function name that are exposed as the inbound polling operation.

[Schema] = Name of the Oracle schema. For example, SCOTT.

See Also

Messages and Message Schemas for BizTalk Adapter for Oracle Database