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Software Development Kit

Microsoft BizTalk Accelerator for RosettaNet (BTARN) includes a software development kit (SDK) that includes a full programmer's reference and guide. Additionally, the SDK includes utilities and samples that could make your operations and back-end integration easier.


The BTARN SDK includes the following samples:

Utility Use
BtarnClean To undeploy all BTARN artifacts from the BizTalk Server group of the host computer
BtarnConfig To import or export configuration data
CertWizard To import a certificate
LOBApplication To submit an action or response message to a trading partner
LOBWebApplication To submit an action or response message from an ASPX page to a trading partner
Loopback To generate a loopback agreement, setting BTARN up on a single computer
Message Editor Pipeline Component To edit automatically any part of a multipart message within a send or receive pipeline
Message Inspector Pipeline Component To examine all the parts of a multi-part message and the message context
SchemaValidator To troubleshoot problems with a message instance
TestCrypto To troubleshoot failures in decrypting messages


The BTARN SDK includes the following samples:

Sample Demonstrates
ApplicationAdapter How to send notifications when a message has arrived
ValidationAdapter How to run special validation rules on a message received by the orchestration from the trading partner
FileTransport Sample How to use File ports, instead of SQL ports
GetMessages Sample How to retrieve messages from one of the non-repudiation tables or one of the LOB tables in a readable form
Message Submission ASPX Sample How to submit service content to a private process
Tracking Sample How to display the current status of messages and processes
3A4 Private Responder Orchestration Using a Business Rule How to implement a responder private process incorporating a business rule
Double Action PIPAutomation Orchestration How to implement an orchestration to automatically generate responses for double-action Partner Interface Processes (PIPs)
3A2 Request to 3A2 Response Map Sample How to map a 3A2 request to a 3A2 response
3A4 Request to 3A4 Response Map Sample How to map a 3A4 request to a 3A4 response
PrivateInitiator Sample How to implement the initiator private process
PrivateResponder Sample How to implement the responder private process
HubScenario Sample How to manage message transmission in a hub scenario
Send Pipeline How to implement a send pipeline
Receive Pipeline How to implement a receive pipeline
Message Editor Pipeline Sample How to modify the contents of an incoming message
Schema Samples How to modify schemas
RNIFSend How to prepare a message for RNIF processing, and send the message to the RNIFReceive.aspx page at the responder
RNIFReceive How to receive an RNIF message, and prepare it for processing by the BTARN public process
Stopping and Starting Orchestrations, Send Ports, and Receive Locations Programmatically How to stop and start these artifacts dynamically

See Also

What BizTalk Accelerator for RosettaNet Adds to BizTalk Server
Programming Guide