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Optimize Multiple Itineraries


Bing Maps Calculate Optimized Itinerary Routes service retirement

The Bing Maps Calculate Optimized Itinerary Routes service is now deprecated and will be retired on 6/30/2025. To avoid service disruptions, modify your application by 6/30/2025. Azure Maps offers this capability and provides security, privacy and compliance enhancements. Customers are encouraged to move to this solution. Resources to aid in your migration:

The Bing Maps Multi-Itinerary Optimization API returns an itinerary schedule for one or more agents to travel between multiple itinerary items, e.g., between multiple delivery locations. Each agent has one or more working shifts (e.g. an agent with a lunch break will have at least two shifts every day: the shifts before and after lunch). In the response, the API returns for each agent the assigned delivery locations, as well as driving distance and time from the previous location, the scheduled arrival time, and expected delivery duration for each location (ItineraryItem) assigned to that agent.

Each itinerary item is given an item priority (from 1 to 100) and the Multi-Itinerary Optimization API will always first attempt to maximize the sum of scheduled items priorities. Note that Priority 1 is the lowest priority and 100 is the highest priority. Multiple itinerary items can have the same priority value. If all items have a priority of 1 (the default value), then the API maximizes the number, or count, of scheduled items. In addition, the costvalue parameter can be set to either TravelTime or Distance: this parameter will then minimize the travel time or distance traveled, respectively, for the scheduled items.

A maximum of five agent shifts are allowed for synchronous Multi-Itinerary Optimization API requests, meaning that only either

  • (a) five agents, each with a single shift, or
  • (b) a single agent with five or fewer shifts

can be used with synchronous calls. For synchronous calls, there is also a maximum of twenty (20) itinerary items.

If more than five shifts or agents need to be scheduled, an asynchronous request must be used. With asynchronous requests, a maximum of 14 shifts for each defined agent are allowed with an Enterprise key, if using a Basic key then the limit is a maximum of 7 shifts per agent. Also, with asynchronous requests, a maximum of 2,000 itinerary items may be scheduled if using an Enterprise key.

This API is ideal for solving delivery scheduling problems. For example, a city office could use this service to schedule inspections for food safety officials. Each official will have variable shifts throughout the day during which time they will travel from business to business in the city to carry out inspections. Care must be made during scheduling to ensure that each inspector has enough time to finish their inspection during each restaurant's or food truck's business hours. In this scenario, there could be M food inspectors (where M < 11) where each inspector has one or more shifts. There is a limit of 2,000 food deliveries.

Below is a visual representation of each of the M agents and their assigned itineraries, where each agent 1, 2, ..., M can have a variable number of shifts N1, N2, ..., NM .


For a more in-depth example of the Multi-Itinerary API, see Create an Optimized Itinerary.

The Multi-Itinerary Optimization API supports both HTTP GET and POST requests, and successful requests return an OptimizedItinerary resource which includes a list of agent itineraries with travel instructions and route information.

For more information about these resources, see Multi-Itinerary Optimization Data.

See Asynchronous Requests for how to use Bing Maps REST asynchronous requests.

Optimized Itinerary is available in countries/regions summarized in the Geographic Coverage documentation with the exception of China, Japan, and Korea.

API Templates


We recommend that developers keep URLs under 2083 characters in length, and for Optimized Itinerary API URL requests with many agents and item waypoints, an HTTP POST request should be used instead of an HTTP GET request.

Synchronous GET Optimize Itinerary

Get a synchronous optimized itinerary from agent shift and waypoint item lists specified with the itineraryAgents and itineraryItems parameters.{Agent/Shift Information}&itineraryItems={Waypoint Items}&type={type}&roadnetwork={roadnetwork}&costvalue={value}&key={BingMapsKey}

Synchronous POST Optimize Itinerary

Send an HTTP POST synchronous request to get an optimized itinerary from agent shift and waypoint item lists specified with the itineraryAgents and itineraryItems parameters.

POST header: Content-Type: application/json{BingMapsKey}

Here is a template POST body, in JSON format, which should be used for both synchronous and asynchronous POST requests:

    "agents": [
            "name": "agentName",
            "shifts": [
                    "startTime": "...",
                    "startLocation": {
                        "latitude": ...,
                        "longitude": ...
                    "endTime": "...",
                    "endLocation": {
                        "latitude": ...,
                        "longitude": ...
                    "breaks": [
                            "startTime": "...",
                            "endTime": "...",
                            "duration": "..."
            "price": {
                "fixedPrice": ...,
                "pricePerKM": ...,
                "pricePerHour": ...
            "capacity": [...]
    "itineraryItems": [
            "name": "locationName",
            "openingTime": "...",
            "closingTime": "...",
            "dwellTime": "...",
            "priority": ...,
            "quantity" :[...], 
            "depot": ...,
            "location": {
                "latitude": ...,
                "longitude": ...
            "dropOffFrom": [

Asynchronous GET Optimize Itinerary

Get an asynchronous optimized itinerary from agent shift and item itinerary information specified with the itineraryAgents and itineraryItems parameters.

Asynchronous POST Optimize Itinerary

Post an asynchronous optimized itinerary from agent shift and item itinerary information specified with the itineraryAgents and itineraryItems. parameters in the POST body of the URL request.{BingMapsKey}

API Parameters

There are two basic parameters for the Optimize Itinerary API:

  • itineraryAgents: a list of agent shift information which includes the name, shift times, shift starting and ending locations for agent, and capacity of the agent's vehicle, and
  • itineraryItems: a list of item information with location name, location, priority, dwell time, business closing and opening times for each item to be scheduled, quantity to be delivered or picked up from each location, and pickup/drop off sequence dependency with other itineraryItems.


All DateTime strings must be in ISO format: YYYY-MM-DDTHH:MM:SS.

The information for these parameters must be formatted using the following syntactic signatures:

Parameter Syntax Signature
itineraryAgents {agent_name}_{shift_0};{shift_1}; ... {shift_n};
shift_n {start_time}|{start_lat,lon}|{end_time}|{end_lat,lon}
itineraryItems {opening_time}_{closing_time}_{dwell_time}_{lat,lon}_{priority}


The dwell time is the total estimated time a visit to a scheduled item will take, and priority must be an integer between 1 and 100, inclusive. Priority 1 is the lowest priority and 100 is the highest priority. Multiple itinerary items can have the same priority value.

Here is the list of parameters.

Parameter Alias Description Values
itineraryAgents itinAgt Required. List of agent itinerary information: including the agent name, shift starting and ending locations for agent, and capacity of the agent's vehicle. A semi-colon separated string of Agent/Shift information for GET requests, and JSON or XML list for POST body.

Agent shift starting and ending locations can be expressed using latitudes & longitudes or addresses. For POST requests, express latitude & longitude as "StartLocation" and "EndLocation" and express address as "StartAddress" and "EndAddress".


The bellow optional parameters are available only for HTTP POST requests due to API URL character length limit

breaks is an optional shift parameter allowing you to defined a break window during the shift without specifying a location for it, the break will be inserted in the agents itinerary alongside scheduled items. For example a lunch break of 30 min at noon between 12:00 and 14:00.

price is an optional parameter allowing you to define a combination of fixed and variable prices for each agent to be used as the optimization objective when the costvalue parameter is set to price. For example the fixedPrice can be used to denote the one time cost of using a vehicle and pricePerKm or pricePerHour can be used to model the cost of how expensive that vehicle is to use.

capacity is an optional parameter defined by numeric values that represent the vehicle capacity in terms of volume, weight, pallet or case count, or passenger count, etc.

See below for examples.
itineraryItems itinItm Required. List of itinerary items to be scheduled among the specified agents, including the location name, location (lat/lon), priority, dwell time, business closing and opening times for each item to be scheduled, quantity to be delivered to or picked up from each location, and pickup/drop off sequence dependency with other itineraryItems. A semi-colon separated list of Itinerary Items for GET requests, and JSON or XML list for POST body.

Itinerary locations can be expressed using latitudes & longitudes or addresses. For POST requests, express latitude & longitude as "Location" and express address as "Address".


priority takes an integer value from 1 to 100. Use larger values for priority to indicate higher priority itinerary items.

The bellow optional parameters are available only for HTTP POST requests due to API URL character length limit

quantity is an optional parameter defined by numeric values that represent the load quantity in terms of volume, weight, pallets or case count, or passenger count, etc., that the vehicle delivers to or picks up from each location. A positive value denotes pick up, while a negative value denotes drop off.

depot is an optional parameter, either true or false, to signify if a location (e.g., a warehouse) can be visited more than once for picking up loads.

Default: false

dropOffFrom is an optional parameter that defines the location(s) that the agent needs to visit before visting the current location.

See below for examples.
type Optional. Specifies whether traffic data should used to optimize the order of waypoint items. A string with the following values:

- SimpleRequest [Default]: No traffic data is used.

- TrafficRequest: Traffic data is used.

Note: If the ‘type’ parameter is set to ‘TrafficRequest’, it will automatically use ‘true’ as the ‘roadnetwork’ parameter value.
roadnetwork rn Optional. If true, uses actual road network information, and both travel distances and travel times between the itinerary locations to calculate optimizations. If false, a constant radius is used to measure distances and a constant travel speed is used to calculate travel times between locations. One of the following values:
Either true or false.

Default: true

Note: If the ‘type’ parameter is set to ‘TrafficRequest’, it will automatically use ‘true’ as the ‘roadnetwork’ parameter value.
costvalue cv Optional. A parameter used to optimize itineraries in addition to maximizing the sum of item priorities. A string, with one of the following values:

- TravelTime: Optimize according to travel time
- Distance: Optimize according to distance traveled
- Price: Optimize according to the agents price definition used to build the service response, the secondary objective, along side maximizing the sum of priorities will be to minimize the overall solution price.

Default: TravelTime

API Limits

The API supports up to 3 itineraryAgents and 20 itineraryItems per request for Basic Bing Maps accounts. For Enterprise Bing Maps accounts, the API supports up to 200 itineraryAgents and 2,000 itineraryItems per request.

The Multi-Itinerary Optimization API doesn't currently support China, Japan and South Korea.


See Optimized Itinerary Data for information on response data.


The Multi-Itinerary Optimization API uses a special syntax to specify the working shifts for each agent and item information. For example, suppose we have two agents, which we'll name agentX and agentY, with the following shift and location information. Locations can be specified using coordinates or an address string, and times are given in local datetime strings.

Agent Shift Start Time Start Location Shift End Time End Location
agentX 2018-12-24T08:00:00 47.694117204371,-122.378188970181 2018-12-24T20:00:00 47.7070790545669,-122.355226696231
agentY 2018-12-24T08:00:00 47.694117204371,-122.378188970181 2018-12-24T20:00:00 1317 E Republican St, Seattle, WA 98102

This information is expressed in the Agent/Shift information format below:

    agentY_2018-12-24T08:00:00|47.694117204371,-122.378188970181|2018-12-24T20:00:00|1317 E Republican St, Seattle, WA 98102

The following are sample Itinerary Items information.

Opening Time Closing Time Dwell Time Location Priority
2018-12-24T09:00:00 2018-12-24T18:00:00 01:31:08.3850000 47.692290770423,-122.385954752402 5
2018-12-24T09:00:00 2018-12-24T18:00:00 01:00:32.6770000 47.6798098928389,-122.383036445391 88
2018-12-24T09:00:00 2018-12-24T18:00:00 01:18:33.1900000 47.6846639223203,-122.364839942855 1
2018-12-24T09:00:00 2018-12-24T18:00:00 01:04:48.7630000 47.6867440824094,-122.354711700877 3
2018-12-24T09:00:00 2018-12-24T18:00:00 02:34:48.5430000 47.6962193175262,-122.342180147243 16

These itinerary items are expressed using the API syntax signature as follows:


Synchronous GET Optimize Itinerary Example

Using the above example, the HTTP GET request URL is as follows:|47.694117204371,-122.378188970181|2018-12-24T11:00:00|47.7070790545669,-122.355226696231_2018-12-24T13:00:00|47.694117204371,-122.378188970181|2018-12-24T19:00:00|47.7070790545669,-122.355226696231&itineraryItems=2018-12-24T09:00:00_2018-12-24T18:00:00_01:31:08.3850000_47.692290770423,-122.385954752402_5;2018-12-24T09:00:00_2018-12-24T18:00:00_01:00:32.6770000_47.6798098928389,-122.383036445391_88;2018-12-24T09:00:00_2018-12-24T18:00:00_01:18:33.1900000_47.6846639223203,-122.364839942855_1;2018-12-24T09:00:00_2018-12-24T18:00:00_01:04:48.7630000_47.6867440824094,-122.354711700877_3;2018-12-24T09:00:00_2018-12-24T18:00:00_02:34:48.5430000_47.6962193175262,-122.342180147243_16&key={BingMapsKey}

The Synchronous GET JSON response is below:

  "authenticationResultCode": "ValidCredentials",
  "brandLogoUri": "",
  "copyright": "Copyright © 2018 Microsoft and its suppliers. All rights reserved. This API cannot be accessed and the content and any results may not be used, reproduced or transmitted in any manner without express written permission from Microsoft Corporation.",
  "resourceSets": [
      "estimatedTotal": 1,
      "resources": [
          "__type": "OptimizeItinerary:",
          "agentItineraries": [
              "agent": {
                "name": " agentName",
                "shifts": [
                    "endLocation": {
                      "latitude": 47.7070790545669,
                      "longitude": -122.355226696231
                    "endTime": "2017-11-09T11:00:00",
                    "startLocation": {
                      "latitude": 47.694117204371,
                      "longitude": -122.378188970181
                    "startTime": "2017-11-09T08:00:00"
                    "endLocation": {
                      "latitude": 47.7070790545669,
                      "longitude": -122.355226696231
                    "endTime": "2017-11-09T19:00:00",
                    "startLocation": {
                      "latitude": 47.694117204371,
                      "longitude": -122.378188970181
                    "startTime": "2017-11-09T13:00:00"
              "instructions": [
                  "distance": 0,
                  "instructionType": "LeaveFromStartPoint",
                  "itineraryItem": {
                    "closingTime": "0001-01-01T00:00:00",
                    "dwellTime": "00:00:00",
                    "location": {
                      "latitude": 47.694117204371,
                      "longitude": -122.378188970181
                    "openingTime": "0001-01-01T00:00:00",
                    "priority": 0
                  "startTime": "2017-11-09T08:55:00"
                  "distance": 2037,
                  "duration": "00:05:00",
                  "endTime": "2017-11-09T09:00:00",
                  "instructionType": "TravelBetweenLocations",
                  "startTime": "2017-11-09T08:55:00"
                  "distance": 0,
                  "duration": "01:18:00",
                  "endTime": "2017-11-09T10:18:00",
                  "instructionType": "VisitLocation",
                  "itineraryItem": {
                    "closingTime": "2017-11-09T18:00:00",
                    "dwellTime": "01:18:33.1900000",
                    "location": {
                      "latitude": 47.6846639223203,
                      "longitude": -122.364839942855
                    "openingTime": "2017-11-09T09:00:00",
                    "priority": 1
                  "startTime": "2017-11-09T09:00:00"
                  "distance": 3025,
                  "duration": "00:06:00",
                  "endTime": "2017-11-09T10:24:00",
                  "instructionType": "TravelBetweenLocations",
                  "startTime": "2017-11-09T10:18:00"
                  "distance": 0,
                  "instructionType": "ArriveToEndPoint",
                  "itineraryItem": {
                    "closingTime": "0001-01-01T00:00:00",
                    "dwellTime": "00:00:00",
                    "location": {
                      "latitude": 47.7070790545669,
                      "longitude": -122.355226696231
                    "openingTime": "0001-01-01T00:00:00",
                    "priority": 0
                  "startTime": "2017-11-09T10:24:00"
                  "distance": 0,
                  "instructionType": "LeaveFromStartPoint",
                  "itineraryItem": {
                    "closingTime": "0001-01-01T00:00:00",
                    "dwellTime": "00:00:00",
                    "location": {
                      "latitude": 47.694117204371,
                      "longitude": -122.378188970181
                    "openingTime": "0001-01-01T00:00:00",
                    "priority": 0
                  "startTime": "2017-11-09T13:00:00"
                  "distance": 3300,
                  "duration": "00:07:00",
                  "endTime": "2017-11-09T13:07:00",
                  "instructionType": "TravelBetweenLocations",
                  "startTime": "2017-11-09T13:00:00"
                  "distance": 0,
                  "duration": "02:34:00",
                  "endTime": "2017-11-09T15:41:00",
                  "instructionType": "VisitLocation",
                  "itineraryItem": {
                    "closingTime": "2017-11-09T18:00:00",
                    "dwellTime": "02:34:48.5430000",
                    "location": {
                      "latitude": 47.6962193175262,
                      "longitude": -122.342180147243
                    "openingTime": "2017-11-09T09:00:00",
                    "priority": 16
                  "startTime": "2017-11-09T13:07:00"
                  "distance": 4966,
                  "duration": "00:09:00",
                  "endTime": "2017-11-09T15:50:00",
                  "instructionType": "TravelBetweenLocations",
                  "startTime": "2017-11-09T15:41:00"
                  "distance": 0,
                  "duration": "01:00:00",
                  "endTime": "2017-11-09T16:50:00",
                  "instructionType": "VisitLocation",
                  "itineraryItem": {
                    "closingTime": "2017-11-09T18:00:00",
                    "dwellTime": "01:00:32.6770000",
                    "location": {
                      "latitude": 47.6798098928389,
                      "longitude": -122.383036445391
                    "openingTime": "2017-11-09T09:00:00",
                    "priority": 88
                  "startTime": "2017-11-09T15:50:00"
                  "distance": 2942,
                  "duration": "00:06:00",
                  "endTime": "2017-11-09T16:56:00",
                  "instructionType": "TravelBetweenLocations",
                  "startTime": "2017-11-09T16:50:00"
                  "distance": 0,
                  "duration": "01:04:00",
                  "endTime": "2017-11-09T18:00:00",
                  "instructionType": "VisitLocation",
                  "itineraryItem": {
                    "closingTime": "2017-11-09T18:00:00",
                    "dwellTime": "01:04:48.7630000",
                    "location": {
                      "latitude": 47.6867440824094,
                      "longitude": -122.354711700877
                    "openingTime": "2017-11-09T09:00:00",
                    "priority": 3
                  "startTime": "2017-11-09T16:56:00"
                  "distance": 2306,
                  "duration": "00:04:00",
                  "endTime": "2017-11-09T18:04:00",
                  "instructionType": "TravelBetweenLocations",
                  "startTime": "2017-11-09T18:00:00"
                  "distance": 0,
                  "instructionType": "ArriveToEndPoint",
                  "itineraryItem": {
                    "closingTime": "0001-01-01T00:00:00",
                    "dwellTime": "00:00:00",
                    "location": {
                      "latitude": 47.7070790545669,
                      "longitude": -122.355226696231
                    "openingTime": "0001-01-01T00:00:00",
                    "priority": 0
                  "startTime": "2017-11-09T18:04:00"
              "route": {
                "endLocation": {
                  "latitude": 47.7070790545669,
                  "longitude": -122.355226696231
                "endTime": "2017-11-09T18:04:00",
                "startLocation": {
                  "latitude": 47.694117204371,
                  "longitude": -122.378188970181
                "startTime": "2017-11-09T08:55:00",
                "totalTravelDistance": 18576,
                "totalTravelTime": "00:37:00",
                "wayPoints": [
                    "latitude": 47.6846639223203,
                    "longitude": -122.364839942855
                    "latitude": 47.7070790545669,
                    "longitude": -122.355226696231
                    "latitude": 47.694117204371,
                    "longitude": -122.378188970181
                    "latitude": 47.6962193175262,
                    "longitude": -122.342180147243
                    "latitude": 47.6798098928389,
                    "longitude": -122.383036445391
                    "latitude": 47.6867440824094,
                    "longitude": -122.354711700877
          "isAccepted": true,
          "isCompleted": true
  "statusCode": 200,
  "statusDescription": "OK",
  "traceId": "8d73bf71acc04e29b302869bd02fb09a|CO3C4CD6C0|"

And here is the same response, but formatted in XML:

    <Copyright>Copyright © 2018 Microsoft and its suppliers. All rights reserved. This API cannot be accessed and the content and any results may not be used, reproduced or transmitted in any manner without express written permission from Microsoft Corporation.</Copyright>
                <Resource xsi:type="OptimizeItinerary">
                                <Name> agentName</Name>

Synchronous POST Optimize Itinerary Example

To send a synchronous POST request, set the POST head Content-Type: application/json. In the bellow example we added additional optional sample parameters to the above agent agent and waypoint information to construct the body of the POST request:

    "agents": [
            "name": "agentName",
            "shifts": [
                    "startTime": "2019-11-09T08:00:00",
                    "startLocation": {
                        "latitude": 47.694117204371,
                        "longitude": -122.378188970181
                    "endTime": "2019-11-09T18:00:00",
                    "endLocation": {
                        "latitude": 47.7070790545669,
                        "longitude": -122.355226696231
                    "breaks": [{
                            "startTime": "2019-11-09T12:00:00",
                            "endTime": "2019-11-09T14:00:00",
                            "duration": "00:30:00"
                            "startTime": "2019-11-09T16:00:00",
            "price": {
                "fixedPrice": 100.0,
                "pricePerKM": 1.0,
                "pricePerHour": 5.0
            "capacity": [16]
    "itineraryItems": [
            "name": "loc1",
            "openingTime": "2019-11-09T09:00:00",
            "closingTime": "2019-11-09T18:00:00",
            "dwellTime": "00:31:08.3850000",
            "priority": 5,
            "quantity" : [4],             
            "location": {
                "latitude": 47.692290770423,
                "longitude": -122.385954752402
            "name": "loc2",
            "openingTime": "2019-11-09T09:00:00",
            "closingTime": "2019-11-09T18:00:00",
            "dwellTime": "01:00:32.6770000",
            "priority": 88,
            "quantity" :[3],
            "location": {
                "latitude": 47.6798098928389,
                "longitude": -122.383036445391
            "name": "loc3",
            "openingTime": "2019-11-09T09:00:00",
            "closingTime": "2019-11-09T18:00:00",
            "dwellTime": "00:18:33.1900000",
            "priority": 1,
            "quantity" :[-1],
            "location": {
                "latitude": 47.6846639223203,
                "longitude": -122.364839942855
            "dropOffFrom": [
            "name": "loc4",
            "openingTime": "2019-11-09T09:00:00",
            "closingTime": "2019-11-09T18:00:00",
            "dwellTime": "00:24:48.7630000",
            "priority": 3,
            "quantity" :[-3],
            "location": {
                "latitude": 47.6867440824094,
                "longitude": -122.354711700877
            "dropOffFrom": [
            "name": "loc5",
            "openingTime": "2019-11-09T09:00:00",
            "closingTime": "2019-11-09T18:00:00",
            "dwellTime": "01:34:48.5430000",
            "priority": 16,
            "quantity" :[-3],
            "location": {
                "latitude": 47.6962193175262,
                "longitude": -122.342180147243
            "dropOffFrom": [

The Synchronous POST JSON response is below:

    "authenticationResultCode": "ValidCredentials",
    "brandLogoUri": "",
    "copyright": "Copyright © 2021 Microsoft and its suppliers. All rights reserved. This API cannot be accessed and the content and any results may not be used, reproduced or transmitted in any manner without express written permission from Microsoft Corporation.",
    "resourceSets": [
            "estimatedTotal": 1,
            "resources": [
                    "__type": "OptimizeItinerary:",
                    "agentItineraries": [
                            "agent": {
                                "capacity": [
                                "name": "agentName",
                                "price": {
                                    "fixedPrice": 100,
                                    "pricePerHour": 5,
                                    "pricePerKM": 1
                                "shifts": [
                                        "breaks": [
                                                "duration": "00:30:00",
                                                "endTime": "2019-11-09T14:00:00+00:00",
                                                "startTime": "2019-11-09T12:00:00+00:00"
                                                "duration": "00:30:00",
                                                "endTime": "2019-11-09T16:30:00+00:00",
                                                "startTime": "2019-11-09T16:00:00+00:00"
                                        "endLocation": {
                                            "latitude": 47.7070790545669,
                                            "longitude": -122.355226696231
                                        "endTime": "2019-11-09T18:00:00+00:00",
                                        "startLocation": {
                                            "latitude": 47.694117204371,
                                            "longitude": -122.378188970181
                                        "startTime": "2019-11-09T08:00:00+00:00"
                            "instructions": [
                                    "duration": "00:00:00",
                                    "endTime": "2019-11-09T08:00:00+00:00",
                                    "instructionType": "LeaveFromStartPoint",
                                    "itineraryItem": {
                                        "closingTime": "2019-11-09T18:00:00+00:00",
                                        "dropOffFrom": [],
                                        "dwellTime": "00:00:00",
                                        "location": {
                                            "latitude": 47.694117204371,
                                            "longitude": -122.378188970181
                                        "name": "",
                                        "openingTime": "2019-11-09T08:00:00+00:00",
                                        "priority": 1,
                                        "quantity": []
                                    "startTime": "2019-11-09T08:00:00+00:00"
                                    "distance": 1306,
                                    "duration": "00:03:23",
                                    "endTime": "2019-11-09T08:03:23+00:00",
                                    "instructionType": "TravelBetweenLocations",
                                    "startTime": "2019-11-09T08:00:00+00:00"
                                    "duration": "00:31:08",
                                    "endTime": "2019-11-09T09:31:08+00:00",
                                    "instructionType": "VisitLocation",
                                    "itineraryItem": {
                                        "closingTime": "2019-11-09T18:00:00+00:00",
                                        "dropOffFrom": [],
                                        "dwellTime": "00:31:08",
                                        "location": {
                                            "latitude": 47.692290770423,
                                            "longitude": -122.385954752402
                                        "name": "loc1",
                                        "openingTime": "2019-11-09T09:00:00+00:00",
                                        "priority": 5,
                                        "quantity": [
                                    "startTime": "2019-11-09T09:00:00+00:00"
                                    "distance": 1687,
                                    "duration": "00:04:56",
                                    "endTime": "2019-11-09T09:36:04+00:00",
                                    "instructionType": "TravelBetweenLocations",
                                    "startTime": "2019-11-09T09:31:08+00:00"
                                    "duration": "01:00:32",
                                    "endTime": "2019-11-09T10:36:36+00:00",
                                    "instructionType": "VisitLocation",
                                    "itineraryItem": {
                                        "closingTime": "2019-11-09T18:00:00+00:00",
                                        "dropOffFrom": [],
                                        "dwellTime": "01:00:32",
                                        "location": {
                                            "latitude": 47.6798098928389,
                                            "longitude": -122.383036445391
                                        "name": "loc2",
                                        "openingTime": "2019-11-09T09:00:00+00:00",
                                        "priority": 88,
                                        "quantity": [
                                    "startTime": "2019-11-09T09:36:04+00:00"
                                    "distance": 1915,
                                    "duration": "00:06:10",
                                    "endTime": "2019-11-09T10:42:46+00:00",
                                    "instructionType": "TravelBetweenLocations",
                                    "startTime": "2019-11-09T10:36:36+00:00"
                                    "duration": "00:18:33",
                                    "endTime": "2019-11-09T11:01:19+00:00",
                                    "instructionType": "VisitLocation",
                                    "itineraryItem": {
                                        "closingTime": "2019-11-09T18:00:00+00:00",
                                        "dropOffFrom": [
                                        "dwellTime": "00:18:33",
                                        "location": {
                                            "latitude": 47.6846639223203,
                                            "longitude": -122.364839942855
                                        "name": "loc3",
                                        "openingTime": "2019-11-09T09:00:00+00:00",
                                        "priority": 1,
                                        "quantity": [
                                    "startTime": "2019-11-09T10:42:46+00:00"
                                    "distance": 1173,
                                    "duration": "00:02:42",
                                    "endTime": "2019-11-09T11:04:01+00:00",
                                    "instructionType": "TravelBetweenLocations",
                                    "startTime": "2019-11-09T11:01:19+00:00"
                                    "duration": "00:24:48",
                                    "endTime": "2019-11-09T11:28:49+00:00",
                                    "instructionType": "VisitLocation",
                                    "itineraryItem": {
                                        "closingTime": "2019-11-09T18:00:00+00:00",
                                        "dropOffFrom": [
                                        "dwellTime": "00:24:48",
                                        "location": {
                                            "latitude": 47.6867440824094,
                                            "longitude": -122.354711700877
                                        "name": "loc4",
                                        "openingTime": "2019-11-09T09:00:00+00:00",
                                        "priority": 3,
                                        "quantity": [
                                    "startTime": "2019-11-09T11:04:01+00:00"
                                    "distance": 2040,
                                    "duration": "00:05:24",
                                    "endTime": "2019-11-09T11:34:13+00:00",
                                    "instructionType": "TravelBetweenLocations",
                                    "startTime": "2019-11-09T11:28:49+00:00"
                                    "duration": "01:34:48",
                                    "endTime": "2019-11-09T13:09:01+00:00",
                                    "instructionType": "VisitLocation",
                                    "itineraryItem": {
                                        "closingTime": "2019-11-09T18:00:00+00:00",
                                        "dropOffFrom": [
                                        "dwellTime": "01:34:48",
                                        "location": {
                                            "latitude": 47.6962193175262,
                                            "longitude": -122.342180147243
                                        "name": "loc5",
                                        "openingTime": "2019-11-09T09:00:00+00:00",
                                        "priority": 16,
                                        "quantity": [
                                    "startTime": "2019-11-09T11:34:13+00:00"
                                    "duration": "00:00:00",
                                    "endTime": "2019-11-09T13:09:01+00:00",
                                    "instructionType": "TravelBetweenLocations",
                                    "startTime": "2019-11-09T13:09:01+00:00"
                                    "duration": "00:30:00",
                                    "endTime": "2019-11-09T13:39:01+00:00",
                                    "instructionType": "TakeABreak",
                                    "itineraryItem": {
                                        "closingTime": "2019-11-09T14:00:00+00:00",
                                        "dropOffFrom": [],
                                        "dwellTime": "00:30:00",
                                        "location": {},
                                        "name": "Break",
                                        "openingTime": "2019-11-09T12:00:00+00:00",
                                        "priority": 1,
                                        "quantity": []
                                    "startTime": "2019-11-09T13:09:01+00:00"
                                    "duration": "00:00:00",
                                    "endTime": "2019-11-09T13:39:01+00:00",
                                    "instructionType": "TravelBetweenLocations",
                                    "startTime": "2019-11-09T13:39:01+00:00"
                                    "duration": "00:30:00",
                                    "endTime": "2019-11-09T16:30:00+00:00",
                                    "instructionType": "TakeABreak",
                                    "itineraryItem": {
                                        "closingTime": "2019-11-09T16:30:00+00:00",
                                        "dropOffFrom": [],
                                        "dwellTime": "00:30:00",
                                        "location": {},
                                        "name": "Break",
                                        "openingTime": "2019-11-09T16:00:00+00:00",
                                        "priority": 1,
                                        "quantity": []
                                    "startTime": "2019-11-09T16:00:00+00:00"
                                    "distance": 2192,
                                    "duration": "00:06:27",
                                    "endTime": "2019-11-09T16:36:27+00:00",
                                    "instructionType": "TravelBetweenLocations",
                                    "startTime": "2019-11-09T16:30:00+00:00"
                                    "duration": "00:00:00",
                                    "endTime": "2019-11-09T16:36:27+00:00",
                                    "instructionType": "ArriveToEndPoint",
                                    "itineraryItem": {
                                        "closingTime": "2019-11-09T18:00:00+00:00",
                                        "dropOffFrom": [],
                                        "dwellTime": "00:00:00",
                                        "location": {
                                            "latitude": 47.7070790545669,
                                            "longitude": -122.355226696231
                                        "name": "",
                                        "openingTime": "2019-11-09T08:00:00+00:00",
                                        "priority": 1,
                                        "quantity": []
                                    "startTime": "2019-11-09T16:36:27+00:00"
                            "route": {
                                "endLocation": {
                                    "latitude": 47.7070790545669,
                                    "longitude": -122.355226696231
                                "endTime": "2019-11-09T16:36:27+00:00",
                                "startLocation": {
                                    "latitude": 47.694117204371,
                                    "longitude": -122.378188970181
                                "startTime": "2019-11-09T08:00:00+00:00",
                                "totalTravelDistance": 10313,
                                "totalTravelTime": "00:29:02",
                                "wayPoints": [
                                        "latitude": 47.692290770423,
                                        "longitude": -122.385954752402
                                        "latitude": 47.6798098928389,
                                        "longitude": -122.383036445391
                                        "latitude": 47.6846639223203,
                                        "longitude": -122.364839942855
                                        "latitude": 47.6867440824094,
                                        "longitude": -122.354711700877
                                        "latitude": 47.6962193175262,
                                        "longitude": -122.342180147243
                    "isAccepted": true,
                    "isCompleted": true,
                    "unscheduledItems": [],
                    "unusedAgents": []
    "statusCode": 200,
    "statusDescription": "OK",
    "traceId": "346b4b21c8f946b6ae98890006b837d7|DU00000D72||DU00001FA3"

Asynchronous GET Optimize Itinerary Example

Using the same information as above, an asynchronous request can be made with the follow URL:|47.694117204371,-122.378188970181|2018-12-24T11:00:00|47.7070790545669,-122.355226696231_2018-12-24T13:00:00|47.694117204371,-122.378188970181|2018-12-24T19:00:00|47.7070790545669,-122.355226696231&itineraryItems=2018-12-24T09:00:00_2018-12-24T18:00:00_01:31:08.3850000_47.692290770423,-122.385954752402_5;2018-12-24T09:00:00_2018-12-24T18:00:00_01:00:32.6770000_47.6798098928389,-122.383036445391_88;2018-12-24T09:00:00_2018-12-24T18:00:00_01:18:33.1900000_47.6846639223203,-122.364839942855_1;2018-12-24T09:00:00_2018-12-24T18:00:00_01:04:48.7630000_47.6867440824094,-122.354711700877_3;2018-12-24T09:00:00_2018-12-24T18:00:00_02:34:48.5430000_47.6962193175262,-122.342180147243_16&key={BingMapsKey}

The JSON response returns information about the Async request:

  "authenticationResultCode": "ValidCredentials",
  "brandLogoUri": "",
  "copyright": "Copyright © 2018 Microsoft and its suppliers. All rights reserved. This API cannot be accessed and the content and any results may not be used, reproduced or transmitted in any manner without express written permission from Microsoft Corporation.",
  "resourceSets": [
      "estimatedTotal": 1,
      "resources": [
          "__type": "RouteProxyAsyncResult:",
          "callbackInSeconds": 1,
          "callbackUrl": "{BingMapsKey}",
          "isAccepted": true,
          "isCompleted": false,
          "requestId": "9cdc842e-51ad-46c4-ac37-3ab465c7e877"
  "statusCode": 200,
  "statusDescription": "OK",
  "traceId": "b7049d3fe4d1448d929c04f25b491d2f|CO31CF6474|"

Here we see that the request has been accepted, but the request has not yet been completed. We can call the callbackUrl to get updates on the Async request. When the asynchronous request is completed, a JSON response will be returned with the optimized itinerary information in the same format as the synchronous request.

HTTP Status Codes

When the request is successful, the following HTTP status code is returned.

  • 200

When the request is not successful, the response returns one of the following errors.

  • 400
  • 401
  • 404
  • 429
  • 500
  • 503