Uppgradera arbetsytehantering till SDK v2
Arbetsytan förblir funktionellt oförändrad med V2-utvecklingsplattformen. Det finns dock nätverksrelaterade ändringar att känna till. Mer information finns i Ändra nätverksisolering med vår nya API-plattform i Azure Resource Manager
Den här artikeln ger en jämförelse av scenarion i SDK v1 och SDK v2.
Skapa en arbetsyta
SDK v1
from azureml.core import Workspace ws = Workspace.create( name='my_workspace', location='eastus', subscription_id = '<SUBSCRIPTION_ID>' resource_group = '<RESOURCE_GROUP>' )
SDK v2
from azure.ai.ml import MLClient from azure.ai.ml.entities import Workspace from azure.identity import DefaultAzureCredential # specify the details of your subscription subscription_id = "<SUBSCRIPTION_ID>" resource_group = "<RESOURCE_GROUP>" # get a handle to the subscription ml_client = MLClient(DefaultAzureCredential(), subscription_id, resource_group) # specify the workspace details ws = Workspace( name="my_workspace", location="eastus", display_name="My workspace", description="This example shows how to create a workspace", tags=dict(purpose="demo"), ) ml_client.workspaces.begin_create(ws)
Skapa en arbetsyta för användning med Azure Private Link-slutpunkter
SDK v1
from azureml.core import Workspace ws = Workspace.create( name='my_workspace', location='eastus', subscription_id = '<SUBSCRIPTION_ID>' resource_group = '<RESOURCE_GROUP>' ) ple = PrivateEndPointConfig( name='my_private_link_endpoint', vnet_name='<VNET_NAME>', vnet_subnet_name='<VNET_SUBNET_NAME>', vnet_subscription_id='<SUBSCRIPTION_ID>', vnet_resource_group='<RESOURCE_GROUP>' ) ws.add_private_endpoint(ple, private_endpoint_auto_approval=True)
SDK v2
from azure.ai.ml import MLClient from azure.ai.ml.entities import Workspace from azure.identity import DefaultAzureCredential # specify the details of your subscription subscription_id = "<SUBSCRIPTION_ID>" resource_group = "<RESOURCE_GROUP>" # get a handle to the subscription ml_client = MLClient(DefaultAzureCredential(), subscription_id, resource_group) ws = Workspace( name="private_link_endpoint_workspace, location="eastus", display_name="Private Link endpoint workspace", description="When using private link, you must set the image_build_compute property to a cluster name to use for Docker image environment building. You can also specify whether the workspace should be accessible over the internet.", image_build_compute="cpu-compute", public_network_access="Disabled", tags=dict(purpose="demonstration"), ) ml_client.workspaces.begin_create(ws)
Läsa in/ansluta till arbetsytan med hjälp av parametrar
SDK v1
from azureml.core import Workspace ws = Workspace.from_config() # specify the details of your subscription subscription_id = "<SUBSCRIPTION_ID>" resource_group = "<RESOURCE_GROUP>" # get handle on the workspace ws = Workspace.get( subscription_id='<SUBSCRIPTION_ID>', resource_group='<RESOURCE_GROUP>', name='my_workspace', )
SDK v2
from azure.ai.ml import MLClient from azure.ai.ml.entities import Workspace from azure.identity import DefaultAzureCredential # specify the details of your subscription subscription_id = "<SUBSCRIPTION_ID>" resource_group = "<RESOURCE_GROUP>" # get handle on the workspace ws = MLClient( DefaultAzureCredential(), subscription_id='<SUBSCRIPTION_ID>', resource_group_name='<RESOURCE_GROUP>', workspace_name='my_workspace' )
Läsa in/ansluta till arbetsytan med hjälp av konfigurationsfilen
SDK v1
from azureml.core import Workspace ws = Workspace.from_config() ws.get_details()
SDK v2
from azure.ai.ml import MLClient from azure.ai.ml.entities import Workspace from azure.identity import DefaultAzureCredential ws = MLClient.from_config( DefaultAzureCredential() )
Mappning av viktiga funktioner i SDK v1 och SDK v2
Funktioner i SDK v1 | Grov mappning i SDK v2 |
Metod/API i SDK v1 (använd länkar till referensdokument) | Metod/API i SDK v2 (använd länkar till referensdokument) |
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