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Databricks Runtime
Begränsar antalet rader som returneras av frågan. I allmänhet används den här satsen tillsammans med ORDER BY för att säkerställa att resultaten är deterministiska.
LIMIT { ALL | integer_expression }
Om det anges returnerar frågan alla rader. Med andra ord tillämpas ingen gräns om det här alternativet anges.
Ett literaluttryck som returnerar ett heltal.
> CREATE TEMP VIEW person (name, age)
AS VALUES ('Zen Hui', 25),
('Anil B' , 18),
('Shone S', 16),
('Mike A' , 25),
('John A' , 18),
('Jack N' , 16);
-- Select the first two rows.
> SELECT name, age FROM person ORDER BY name LIMIT 2;
Anil B 18
Jack N 16
-- Select the 4th and 5th rows by alphabetical order.
> SELECT name, age FROM person ORDER BY name LIMIT 2 OFFSET 3;
Mike A 25
Shone S 16
-- Specifying ALL option on LIMIT returns all the rows.
> SELECT name, age FROM person ORDER BY name LIMIT ALL;
Anil B 18
Jack N 16
John A 18
Mike A 25
Shone S 16
Zen Hui 25
-- A function expression as an input to LIMIT.
> SELECT name, age FROM person ORDER BY name LIMIT length('SPARK');
Anil B 18
Jack N 16
John A 18
Mike A 25
Shone S 16
-- A non-literal expression as an input to LIMIT is not allowed.
SELECT name, age FROM person ORDER BY name LIMIT length(name);
Error: The limit expression must evaluate to a constant value