Azure Resource Graph-exempelfrågor för Azure Arc-aktiverade Kubernetes
Den här artikeln innehåller några exempel på Azure Resource Graph-frågor för Azure Arc-aktiverade Kubernetes.
Visa en lista över alla Azure Arc-aktiverade Kubernetes-resurser
Returnerar en lista över varje Azure Arc-aktiverat Kubernetes-kluster och relevanta metadata för varje kluster.
| project id, subscriptionId, location, type, properties.agentVersion, properties.kubernetesVersion, properties.distribution, properties.infrastructure, properties.totalNodeCount, properties.totalCoreCount
| where type =~ 'Microsoft.Kubernetes/connectedClusters'
az graph query -q "Resources | project id, subscriptionId, location, type, properties.agentVersion, properties.kubernetesVersion, properties.distribution, properties.infrastructure, properties.totalNodeCount, properties.totalCoreCount | where type =~ 'Microsoft.Kubernetes/connectedClusters'"
Visa en lista över alla Azure Arc-aktiverade Kubernetes-kluster med Azure Monitor-tillägget
Returnerar det anslutna kluster-ID:t för varje Azure Arc-aktiverat Kubernetes-kluster som har Azure Monitor-tillägget installerat.
| where type == 'microsoft.kubernetesconfiguration/extensions'
| where properties.ExtensionType == 'microsoft.azuremonitor.containers'
| parse id with connectedClusterId '/providers/Microsoft.KubernetesConfiguration/Extensions' *
| project connectedClusterId
az graph query -q "KubernetesConfigurationResources | where type == 'microsoft.kubernetesconfiguration/extensions' | where properties.ExtensionType == 'microsoft.azuremonitor.containers' | parse id with connectedClusterId '/providers/Microsoft.KubernetesConfiguration/Extensions' * | project connectedClusterId"
Visa en lista över alla Azure Arc-aktiverade Kubernetes-kluster utan Azure Monitor-tillägg
Returnerar det anslutna kluster-ID:t för varje Azure Arc-aktiverat Kubernetes-kluster som saknar Azure Monitor-tillägget.
| where type =~ 'Microsoft.Kubernetes/connectedClusters' | extend connectedClusterId = tolower(id) | project connectedClusterId
| join kind = leftouter
| where type == 'microsoft.kubernetesconfiguration/extensions'
| where properties.ExtensionType == 'microsoft.azuremonitor.containers'
| parse tolower(id) with connectedClusterId '/providers/microsoft.kubernetesconfiguration/extensions' *
| project connectedClusterId
) on connectedClusterId
| where connectedClusterId1 == ''
| project connectedClusterId
az graph query -q "Resources | where type =~ 'Microsoft.Kubernetes/connectedClusters' | extend connectedClusterId = tolower(id) | project connectedClusterId | join kind = leftouter (KubernetesConfigurationResources | where type == 'microsoft.kubernetesconfiguration/extensions' | where properties.ExtensionType == 'microsoft.azuremonitor.containers' | parse tolower(id) with connectedClusterId '/providers/microsoft.kubernetesconfiguration/extensions' * | project connectedClusterId ) on connectedClusterId | where connectedClusterId1 == '' | project connectedClusterId"
Visa en lista över alla kluster som innehåller en Flux-konfiguration
Returnerar ID:t och managedCluster
för kluster som innehåller minst en fluxConfiguration
| where type =~ 'Microsoft.Kubernetes/connectedClusters' or type =~ 'Microsoft.ContainerService/managedClusters' | extend clusterId = tolower(id) | project clusterId
| join
( kubernetesconfigurationresources
| where type == 'microsoft.kubernetesconfiguration/fluxconfigurations'
| parse tolower(id) with clusterId '/providers/microsoft.kubernetesconfiguration/fluxconfigurations' *
| project clusterId
) on clusterId
| project clusterId
az graph query -q "resources | where type =~ 'Microsoft.Kubernetes/connectedClusters' or type =~ 'Microsoft.ContainerService/managedClusters' | extend clusterId = tolower(id) | project clusterId | join ( kubernetesconfigurationresources | where type == 'microsoft.kubernetesconfiguration/fluxconfigurations' | parse tolower(id) with clusterId '/providers/microsoft.kubernetesconfiguration/fluxconfigurations' * | project clusterId ) on clusterId | project clusterId"
Visa en lista över alla Flux-konfigurationer i ett icke-kompatibelt tillstånd
Returnerar ID:t för konfigurationer som inte kan synkronisera resurser i klustret.
| where type == 'microsoft.kubernetesconfiguration/fluxconfigurations'
| where properties.complianceState == 'Non-Compliant'
| project id
az graph query -q "kubernetesconfigurationresources | where type == 'microsoft.kubernetesconfiguration/fluxconfigurations' | where properties.complianceState == 'Non-Compliant' | project id"
Nästa steg
- Läs mer om frågespråket för Azure Resource Graph.
- Läs mer om att utforska resurser med Resource Graph.