Policyscheman i ASP.NET Core
Autentiseringsprincipscheman gör det enklare att använda ett enda logiskt autentiseringsschema med flera metoder. Ett principschema kan till exempel använda Google-autentisering för utmaningar och cookie autentisering för allt annat. Autentiseringspolicyscheman möjliggör att:
- Lätt att vidarebefordra alla autentiseringsåtgärder till ett annat schema.
- Vidarebefordra dynamiskt baserat på begäran.
Alla autentiseringsscheman som använder härledda AuthenticationSchemeOptions och tillhörande AuthenticationHandler<TOptions>:
- Automatiska policyscheman i ASP.NET Core 2.1 och senare.
- Kan aktiveras genom att konfigurera schemats alternativ.
public class AuthenticationSchemeOptions
/// <summary>
/// If set, this specifies a default scheme that authentication handlers should
/// forward all authentication operations to, by default. The default forwarding
/// logic checks in this order:
/// 1. The most specific ForwardAuthenticate/Challenge/Forbid/SignIn/SignOut
/// 2. The ForwardDefaultSelector
/// 3. ForwardDefault
/// The first non null result is used as the target scheme to forward to.
/// </summary>
public string ForwardDefault { get; set; }
/// <summary>
/// If set, this specifies the target scheme that this scheme should forward
/// AuthenticateAsync calls to. For example:
/// Context.AuthenticateAsync("ThisScheme") =>
/// Context.AuthenticateAsync("ForwardAuthenticateValue");
/// Set the target to the current scheme to disable forwarding and allow
/// normal processing.
/// </summary>
public string ForwardAuthenticate { get; set; }
/// <summary>
/// If set, this specifies the target scheme that this scheme should forward
/// ChallengeAsync calls to. For example:
/// Context.ChallengeAsync("ThisScheme") =>
/// Context.ChallengeAsync("ForwardChallengeValue");
/// Set the target to the current scheme to disable forwarding and allow normal
/// processing.
/// </summary>
public string ForwardChallenge { get; set; }
/// <summary>
/// If set, this specifies the target scheme that this scheme should forward
/// ForbidAsync calls to.For example:
/// Context.ForbidAsync("ThisScheme")
/// => Context.ForbidAsync("ForwardForbidValue");
/// Set the target to the current scheme to disable forwarding and allow normal
/// processing.
/// </summary>
public string ForwardForbid { get; set; }
/// <summary>
/// If set, this specifies the target scheme that this scheme should forward
/// SignInAsync calls to. For example:
/// Context.SignInAsync("ThisScheme") =>
/// Context.SignInAsync("ForwardSignInValue");
/// Set the target to the current scheme to disable forwarding and allow normal
/// processing.
/// </summary>
public string ForwardSignIn { get; set; }
/// <summary>
/// If set, this specifies the target scheme that this scheme should forward
/// SignOutAsync calls to. For example:
/// Context.SignOutAsync("ThisScheme") =>
/// Context.SignOutAsync("ForwardSignOutValue");
/// Set the target to the current scheme to disable forwarding and allow normal
/// processing.
/// </summary>
public string ForwardSignOut { get; set; }
/// <summary>
/// Used to select a default scheme for the current request that authentication
/// handlers should forward all authentication operations to by default. The
/// default forwarding checks in this order:
/// 1. The most specific ForwardAuthenticate/Challenge/Forbid/SignIn/SignOut
/// 2. The ForwardDefaultSelector
/// 3. ForwardDefault.
/// The first non null result will be used as the target scheme to forward to.
/// </summary>
public Func<HttpContext, string> ForwardDefaultSelector { get; set; }
JWT med flera scheman
Metoden AddPolicyScheme kan definiera flera autentiseringsscheman och implementera logik för att välja lämpligt schema baserat på tokenegenskaper (t.ex. utfärdare, anspråk). Den här metoden ger större flexibilitet inom ett enda API.
services.AddAuthentication(options =>
options.DefaultScheme = Consts.MY_POLICY_SCHEME;
options.DefaultChallengeScheme = Consts.MY_POLICY_SCHEME;
.AddJwtBearer(Consts.MY_FIRST_SCHEME, options =>
options.Authority = "https://your-authority";
options.Audience = "https://your-audience";
options.TokenValidationParameters = new TokenValidationParameters
ValidateIssuer = true,
ValidateAudience = true,
ValidateIssuerSigningKey = true,
ValidAudiences = Configuration.GetSection("ValidAudiences").Get<string[]>(),
ValidIssuers = Configuration.GetSection("ValidIssuers").Get<string[]>()
.AddJwtBearer(Consts.MY_AAD_SCHEME, jwtOptions =>
jwtOptions.Authority = Configuration["AzureAd:Authority"];
jwtOptions.Audience = Configuration["AzureAd:Audience"];
.AddPolicyScheme(Consts.MY_POLICY_SCHEME, displayName: null, options =>
options.ForwardDefaultSelector = context =>
string authorization = context.Request.Headers[HeaderNames.Authorization];
if (!string.IsNullOrEmpty(authorization) && authorization.StartsWith("Bearer "))
var token = authorization.Substring("Bearer ".Length).Trim();
var jwtHandler = new JsonWebTokenHandler();
if(jwtHandler.CanReadToken(token)) // it's a self contained access token and not encrypted
var issuer = jwtHandler.ReadJsonWebToken(token).Issuer; //.Equals("B2C-Authority"))
if (issuer == Consts.MY_THIRD_PARTY_ISS) // Third party identity provider
if (issuer == Consts.MY_AAD_ISS) // AAD
return Consts.MY_AAD_SCHEME;
// We don't know with it is
return Consts.MY_AAD_SCHEME;
I följande exempel visas ett schema på högre nivå som kombinerar scheman på lägre nivå. Google-autentisering används för utmaningar och cookie autentisering används för allt annat:
public void ConfigureServices(IServiceCollection services)
.AddCookie(options => options.ForwardChallenge = "Google")
.AddGoogle(options => { });
Följande exempel möjliggör dynamiskt urval av scheman per begäran. Det vill: så här blandar du cookies och API-autentisering:
public void ConfigureServices(IServiceCollection services)
.AddCookie(options =>
// For example, can foward any requests that start with /api
// to the api scheme.
options.ForwardDefaultSelector = ctx =>
ctx.Request.Path.StartsWithSegments("/api") ? "Api" : null;