Dela via International App Dev Competition is an international app building competition where developers can submit their app and get feedback from other developers. They can also review other apps and ask & answer questions on Stack Overflow. Participants have a chance to win $15,000 in Windows 8 prizes (including $5,000 for the best app). Developers must submit their apps by December 6th to be eligible. Detail at

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Develop an app for your chance at the Grand Prize: $5000 cash, promotion for your app in MSDN Flash, an interview on Microsoft DevRadio, and more. Runners-up can also win a $500 cash prize, a tablet running Windows RT or a copy of Windows 8. Read about the Developer Contest

You don’t have to develop an app to win. Vote for apps, leave feedback, ask and answer questions on Stack Overflow, and you’ll be eligible for prizes including tablets running Windows RT, copies of Windows 8, and a special limited-edition Stack Overflow t-shirt. Read about the Reviewer Contest

Developer Contest

At the end of the contest, a panel of Microsoft and Stack Exchange judges will select two Grand Prize Apps from among the top-voted apps. The Grand Prize winners will receive:

$5,000 Cash Grand Prize
Feature in MSDN Flash and Microsoft’s DevRadio
Promotion in Microsoft’s User Community

  • MSDN Flash is Microsoft’s premier technical newsletter that reaches 600,000 developers every week. Your app will be written up and reviewed here!
  • DevRadio brings you the latest in software development news. You will have the chance be interviewed and be able to pitch your app to about 10,000 listeners!
  • Microsoft User Community is a network of technology professionals and enthusiasts that reaches over 45,000 people on Facebook and Twitter. Your app will be shared with developers and consumers alike!

Submit your app

Five first-, second-, and third-place winners will be chosen by vote between December 10th and 16th, one from each App Group*:

$500 + Tablet running Windows RT
Five first-place winners

Tablet running Windows RT
Five second-place winners

Windows 8
Five third-place winners

The Grand Prize will be chosen from among the top-voted apps. Read the full contest rules.

*See Submission Guidelines for details on Groups and Categories, and check out the Contest Rules below for how voting and selection of winners works. For necessary downloads and tips on getting started, check out the Resources page.