Gamer Spotlight: Trixie interviews GamergirlSB
She's a data analyst in Des Moines, Iowa who is also a new mom, a writer for, and a member of Geezer Gamers.
trixie360: What’s the story behind your gamertag?
GamergirlSB: I really wanted Gamergirl but it was taken. So, I added the SB in honor of the horse Seabiscuit. I'm only 5 ft 2 and I really admired Seabiscuit's small but mighty attitude.
trixie360: Where do you live?
GamergirlSB: Des Moines, Iowa.
trixie360: What do you do for a living?
GamergirlSB: By day, I'm a data analyst for a regional wireless coop. By night, I am a staff writer and Mobile Games Editor for & full time mommy to Maddie, my 3 month old daughter.
trixie360: What’s the worst or weirdest job you’ve ever had?
GamergirlSB: The summer I graduated from high school, I was a clown for two weeks to earn money for a semi professional production of Godspell that I was in. It was hard work dealing with grumpy children and I didn't even get to keep my pay.
trixie360: How long have you been on Xbox LIVE?
GamergirlSB: Three years.
trixie360: Do you have an arch enemy on Xbox LIVE?
GamergirlSB: LostShakerOSalt. The guy thinks he's the king of Catan or something. I mean REALLY! Its bad enough that he's constantly bugging me for Xbox time.
trixie360: What’s your Xbox set-up like?
GamergirlSB: 42 inch Panasonic Plasma.
trixie360: Not too shabby! What’s the best feature of Xbox LIVE?
GamergirlSB: The gaming community.
trixie360: Woohoo! What is your favorite multiplayer Xbox game?
GamergirlSB: H3 training with the Geezer Gamer Ladies.
trixie360: What is your favorite single player Xbox game?
GamergirlSB: Oblivion.
trixie360: Favorite Arcade or Casual game?
GamergirlSB: Any of the table top games- Catan, Carcassone, Ticket to Ride.
trixie360: What do you think is the best game of all time?
GamergirlSB: My absolute all time favorite game is Oblivion--nothing comes close
trixie360: What do you think is the best film of all time?
GamergirlSB: To Kill a Mockingbird. It’s the truest adaptation of a book I have ever seen.
trixie360: What do you think is the best album of all time?
GamergirlSB: Weezer's Red Album. They just keep getting better and better.
trixie360: Rock Band or Guitar Hero?
GamergirlSB: Rock Band.
trixie360: What’s the funniest thing you’ve ever heard on Xbox LIVE?
GamergirlSB: Hmmm... I guess it'd have to be a room full of female gamers playing Cloning Clyde and laughing so had we were all crying
trixie360: Tears of LOL. What is your greatest Xbox LIVE moment?
GamergirlSB: Anytime I play any FPS & get a kill.
trixie360: What’s your favorite TV show?
GamergirlSB: Big Bang Theory or How I Met Your Mother.
trixie360: Who is your inner rock star?
GamergirlSB: Patrick Wilson.
trixie360: If they made a movie about your life, who should play you?
GamergirlSB: Drew Barrymore.
trixie360: No way, she’s playing ME. What’s your karaoke song?
GamergirlSB: “Time After Time”. I'm a child of the '80's.
trixie360: Favorite cartoon character?
GamergirlSB: Buttercup from the Power Puff Girls.
trixie360: Grrr me TOO. You’re a total copycat!! You even had a baby girl after I did!! ;) What super power would you like to have?
GamergirlSB: Teleportation- No more 30 minute commute on ice covered roads & I could always have lunch with my daughter.
trixie360: If you could trade places with anyone for one day, who would it be?
GamergirlSB: Maddie, my 3 month old daughter. I could stay in my jammies all day & people would bring me food whenever I want.
trixie360: I wouldn’t want to sit in a wet diaper—or worse.What celebrity would be the worst roommate?
GamergirlSB: I have to choose just one?!
trixie360: Good point. I’ll give you a pass on that one. How many people are on your Friends List?
GamergirlSB: 95
trixie360: Zoinks!Who's your favorite Superhero?
GamergirlSB: Wolverine.
trixie360: Hot celeb you’d like to be stranded on a desert island with?
GamergirlSB: David Boreanaz. Need I say more?
trixie360: If you could be any video game character, who would it be?
GamergirlSB: Lara Croft.
trixie360: What’s the worst food you’ve ever eaten?
GamergirlSB: Bad sushi is always the worst.
trixie360: What’s the first video game you every played?
GamergirlSB: Pong.
trixie360: What’s the last book you read?
GamergirlSB: Are you serious?! You know I have a 3 month old daughter! Scarpetta by Patricia Cornwell.
trixie360: If you could go on tour with any band, which would it be?
GamergirlSB: They Might Be Giants.
trixie360: What do you predict will be the 'next big thing' in gaming?
GamergirlSB: We're just starting to see co-op mobile games. I really think co-op mobile will continue to grow and get better and better.
trixie360: What do you think is the best thing about the Xbox 360?
GamergirlSB: It's where my friends are! Also, Xbox has the type of games I want to play.
trixie360: What is the Xbox 360 Achievement that was hardest to get?
GamergirlSB: While I love my achievements, I really just take what I can get these days.
trixie360: What would you like to be doing in ten years?
GamergirlSB: Having Maddie teach me the latest in technology and gaming.
November 04, 2009
The comment has been removedAnonymous
November 08, 2009
What. What. What. I read the thing about Weezer and stopped reading this entirely.Anonymous
November 08, 2009
Awesome! You absolutely rock! You're daughter is beautiful!! I'm a mom too who enjoys XBOX when I can.Anonymous
November 10, 2009
you sound like a cool mom (= great interview and good luck with life.Anonymous
November 11, 2009
Great interview. As a Father, it is so nice to see fellow parents that are gamers who like to simply enjoy the game and the community!! Congrats on your daughter!!Anonymous
November 12, 2009
Red Album being greatest of all time made me facepalm. Hard.Anonymous
November 26, 2009
This was one of the best Gamer Spotlight interviews I've read in a while - you are such a dynamic character and it's neat to see someone who does all that you do: the roles you play - mom, wife, career person - and yet still enjoy gaming and best of all, are not bowing down to the grinches of gaming - instead I like your dream of getting your daughter involved in gaming. Despite what those "Grinches of gaming" say, gaming helps develop the brain and hand-eye coordination and is not the monster that so many uneducated people think it to be. You've represented the gaming community AND parenting quite well. Good for you! :)Anonymous
December 01, 2009
What a great interview. I love the fact that there are people my age who still enjoy gaming for itself. Rock on!Anonymous
May 08, 2010
I'm glad too see not just young xbox live players like me and a few other people on this comment list. but the older people that play xbox theyre awesome possim! Same as girl gamers theyre very cool and this woman is bloth!