Gamer Spotlight: Ridley Rarzy
He’s particularly fond of the letter “R” and met his lady friend while slaying zombies in Left 4 Dead, Say hello to Ridley Rarzy.
trixie360: What’s the story behind your Gamertag?
Ridley Rarzy: It’s pretty much something I made up that has a lot of R’s in it and I liked the way it sounded. R’s are cool man.
Rob (Ridley Rarzy) and Amanda.
trixie360: Right. Where do you live?
Ridley Rarzy: A little island in Florida called Longboat Key.
trixie360: What do you do for work/school?
Ridley Rarzy: I am currently a fourth-year computer animation major at Ringling College of Art and Design.
trixie360: What’s the worst or weirdest job you’ve ever had?
Ridley Rarzy: I had a construction job for about two weeks. Working in the summer afternoon heat in Florida is not fun to say the least. I would even venture to say that it totally sucked.
trixie360: Sounds like a chain gang. How long have you been on Xbox LIVE®?
Ridley Rarzy: I’ve been on since launch on the original Xbox, over the course of three Gamertags. Since the beginning!
trixie360: Do you have an archenemy on Xbox LIVE, and if so, who?
Ridley Rarzy: Not really an archenemy but my friend N0K and I have always gone back and forth with the most achievements … he’s beating me now by about 1000. CURSES!
trixie360: Gamerscore is the leading cause of Xbox LIVE rivalries. What’s your Xbox setup like? Big screen TV? Dolby sound?
Ridley Rarzy: I’ve got a 36-inch HDTV that has served me well, especially considering I always move it between home and my school dorm.
trixie360: What’s the best feature of Xbox LIVE?
Ridley Rarzy: My favorite would be the party system. It’s just awesome getting all your friends in a party.
Oblivion is his favorite single-player game.
trixie360: What is your favorite multiplayer Xbox game?
Ridley Rarzy: Currently Gears of War® 2 Horde Mode, but also Left 4 Dead. I first met my girlfriend Amanda in Left 4 Dead, too, who I made that awesome Left 2 Die poster for.
trixie360: That poster is rad. What is your favorite single player Xbox game?
Ridley Rarzy: The Elder Scrolls® IV: Oblivion. I mean I do get to play as a Lizardman. SOLD.
trixie360: What do you think is the best game of all time?
Ridley Rarzy: Either the original Perfect Dark or Conker: Live and Reloaded. Long live Tediz!
trixie360: What do you think is the best film of all time?
Ridley Rarzy: Aliens or Shaun of the Dead.
trixie360: What do you think is the best album of all time?
Ridley Rarzy: Alive Or Just Breathing by Killswitch Engage.
trixie360: Rock Band or Guitar Hero?
Ridley Rarzy: I’ve actually never played either. But Rock Band does start with an R, so it gets points for that.
Killswitch Engage is one of his favorite bands.
trixie360: What’s the funniest thing you’ve ever heard on Xbox LIVE?
Ridley Rarzy: I don’t think there is just one thing … whenever my friends and I get a game going in a party, the stuff we say is so random and weird we can’t stop laughing at it all.
trixie360: What is your greatest Xbox LIVE moment?
Ridley Rarzy: Getting the Man vs Tank achievement on Expert in Left 4 Dead was awesome when it happened because as soon as it spawned, it killed everyone else and I was all that was left. The tank can’t handle Francis’s tattoos, that’s why.
trixie360: I roll with Francis too. What’s your favorite TV show?
Ridley Rarzy: I dun’t watch the TVs. But The Office is great.
trixie360: Who is your inner rock star?
Ridley Rarzy: The one with that cool hair. And by hair I mean lack thereof. Ya know, the guy that screams a lot. Yeah, him. That guy.
trixie360: Prince it is. If they made a movie about your life, who should play you?
Ridley Rarzy: I think I would be a good candidate for the role. I can relate to myself quite a bit so I would probably feel natural in the role. If I was unavailable however, I would say Jason Statham. He did play a character called Handsome Rob after all in The Italian Job.
trixie360: What’s your karaoke song?
Ridley Rarzy: Uuuuhhhhhhhhh … what? Probably an instrumental song. That would be good.
trixie360: Favorite cartoon character?
Ridley Rarzy: Wile E. Coyote. He knows what he is doing.
trixie360: A consummate professional. What superpower would you like to have?
Ridley Rarzy: Immortality. The good kind too, where you don’t age. If that doesn’t count, I would have to say telekinesis.
trixie360: If you could trade places with anyone for one day, who would it be?
Ridley Rarzy: Me. Oh man, it worked!
trixie360: I guess we found your real superpower then! What celebrity would be the worst roommate?
Ridley Rarzy: All of them.
trixie360: That’d be a big house. How many people are on your Friends List?
Ridley Rarzy: 19. I only play with actual friends. I have no intention of having a giant list with people I don’t even know on it.
trixie360: I feel shot down somehow. Who's your favorite superhero?
Ridley Rarzy: Venom! Oh wait … The Lizard! Oh wait …
trixie360: Hot celeb you’d like to be stranded on a desert island with?
Ridley Rarzy: Pffft … None of them. All I want is my amazing girlfriend Amanda <3
Who doesn’t want to be a Krogan?
trixie360: She can be your Wilson. If you could be any video game character, who would it be?
Ridley Rarzy: Wrex. Giant reptilian alien mercenary. Who lives for centuries. Yes. Or Francis, he hates things. That’s cool.
trixie360: You have trouble with decisions. What’s the worst food you’ve ever eaten?
Ridley Rarzy: That squishy thing that kinda slides around like it’s trying to avoid your teeth when you chew, like some kind of wiggly squishy … thing. It’s gross. It was probably old too.
trixie360: Ew. What’s the first video game you ever played?
Ridley Rarzy: Super Mario World on the Super Nintendo.
trixie360: What’s the last book you read?
Ridley Rarzy: Mass Effect: Revelation by Drew Karpyshyn.
trixie360: Nerd alert! If you could go on tour with any band, which would it be?
Ridley Rarzy: Rammstein.
trixie360: What do you predict will be the “next big thing” in gaming?
Ridley Rarzy: I love what Mass Effect is doing with decisions carrying over between multiple games, it would be cool to see more of that. One pet peeve I have with a lot of games though, is why do I have to be human? Mass Effect would be amazing if you could have chosen to be a Krogan or Turian. Granted, I am aware that would be a large undertaking.
trixie360: That absolutely is cool. What do you think is the best thing about Xbox 360?
Ridley Rarzy: The games. There are so many good games on the platform you don’t even need another system if it weren’t for Smash Bros.
trixie360: What is the Xbox 360 achievement that was hardest to get?
Ridley Rarzy: The one where you had to kill all those bad dudes, but they were all tough, and like NO I don’t think so, and they kill you instead. Then you think, dang, this is hard.
trixie360: I think you’re being facetious. What would you like to be doing in ten years?
Ridley Rarzy: Who knows, working in the games industry, having a family … as long as I’m happy that’s what matters. Hizaa!
Interview by TriXie
August 13, 2009
I say that you're a pretty cool person to talk to and kick back manAnonymous
August 13, 2009
What's up man, Awesome your a Featured gamer! cool, can you add me to your friends list?Anonymous
August 13, 2009
umm that's my last post sorry.. = )Anonymous
August 13, 2009
Hey u gonna have 2 join me in an l4d game some day.Anonymous
August 14, 2009
You seem like someone who would be delicious, yumAnonymous
August 14, 2009
you seem pretty chill(: you should add me, thats my gamertag^^^ we can play gearsss:DAnonymous
August 14, 2009
Mass Effect Revelation is sweet good choices in literature my friend.Anonymous
August 14, 2009
did she just make a house joke?! "she can be your Wilson" i hope cause then id soo add her as a friendAnonymous
August 15, 2009
great list stranger lol well good luck with yo gaming and with yo girlAnonymous
August 15, 2009
I wont add you as a friend... ever. LOLzAnonymous
August 16, 2009
Why are you people asking to be on his friends list? Didn't you READ it!? He doesn't add people he doesn't know! Duh!Anonymous
August 16, 2009
Just to tell you Skyrin Gans, she didn't make a house joke. She was actually talking about the movie cast away with Tom Hanks. Tom Hanks is stranded on a desert island and he becomes emotionally attached to a volleyball with his blood on it that he named Wilson(its a Wilson volleyball). That would be in context with the question. Please tell me that you were just being silly and you have seen the movie cast away. It would be a shame if you hadn't.Anonymous
August 16, 2009
Im glad someone pointed that out Matturius. Thanks.Anonymous
August 17, 2009
your dumb and not funny stop tryingAnonymous
August 17, 2009
I like what u said about mass effect we need more games like that. we need more kool kick bak people like u on xbox live no more trash talkers Kazz001 leader of the Gwsk epidemic Gamers With Skill Krew Looken for kool new gamers send message if u want in anyone is can joinAnonymous
August 18, 2009
OH YEAH. RAMMSTEIN!!! i think ridlet is a pretty cool guy, eh kills bad things and doesnt afraif of anythingAnonymous
August 20, 2009
The comment has been removedAnonymous
August 25, 2009
L4D you say? I just met my new boyfriend on l4d, and we make an unbeatable team. :) Challenge?Anonymous
September 03, 2009
The comment has been removedAnonymous
September 07, 2009
Long Live L4D! its the only "shooter" the wife like to play...You know..."quality time together!Anonymous
September 23, 2009
need help unlocking the nothing special acheivement on left for dead please helpAnonymous
December 10, 2009