Dela via

Howto: WebDAV COPY using VBScript

' This example shows how to do a COPY of a message to a folder. 
'  • Copying or Moving items across stores is not supported (that includes maiboxes)
'  • You will get a 404 (Resource Not Found) if the source item does not exist.
'  • A status  of 204 (No Content) will be returned if the destination item already exists
'  • To force an overwrite of an existing item, add a header of “Overwrite” set to “T”.
'  • Be careful specifying the destination – Example: Using a message as the source and
'    a folder as a destination may mess-up the folder.

' DoCopyMove - Used to move an item from one folder to another in the same store.
'  sSourceURL       - item being moved/copied
'  sDestinationURL  - the URL it is going to
'  bCopy            - TRUE if copying or FALSE if moving
'  sUser            - User ID for logging in.  Set to "" if using windows authentication
'  sPassword        - Password for logging in.  Set to "" if using windows authentication
Function DoCopyMove(sSourceURL, sDestinationURL, bCopy, sUser, sPassword )
    Set oXMLHttp = CreateObject("microsoft.xmlhttp") ' = New MSXML2.XMLHTTP30
    Dim sVerb 
    If bCopy = True Then
        sVerb = "COPY"
        sVerb = "MOVE"
    End If
    If sUser <> "" Then
        oXMLHttp.Open sVerb, sSourceURL, False, sUser, 
        oXMLHttp.Open sVerb, sSourceURL, False ', sUser, sPassword   
    End If
    oXMLHttp.setRequestHeader "Destination", sDestinationURL

    ' Send the stream across
    If (oXMLHttp.Status >= 200 And oXMLHttp.Status < 300) Then
          wscript.echo "Success!   " & "Results = " & oXMLHttp.Status & ": " & oXMLHttp.statusText
        ElseIf oXMLHttp.Status = 401 Then
          wscript.echo "You don't have permission to do the job! Please check your permissions on this item."
          wscript.echo "Request Failed.  Results = " & oXMLHttp.Status & ": " & oXMLHttp.statusText
    End If

    DoCopyMove = oXMLHttp.statusText

    Set oXMLHttp = Nothing
End Function

Dim sSourceURL
Dim sDestinationURL
Dim sUserName
Dim sPassword
Dim sRet

sUserName = "Administrator"     ' TODO: change
sPassword  = "test"    ' TODO: change
sSourceURL= "https://myexserver/exchange/Administrator/Inbox/testabcd.EML" ' TODO: change
sDestinationURL = "https://myexserver/exchange/Administrator/Inbox/test/testabcd.EML" ' TODO: change
sRet = DoCopyMove(sSourceURL, sDestinationURL, True, sUserName, sPassword)

wscript.echo sRet