Dela via

HOWTO: VB - Reading Delegates WebDAV Sample

Private Sub Command1_Click()
    'DoXML takes the href to a document
    'and returns the MAPI PR_ENTRYID property expressed in
    'a hexadecimal string format such as is used by CDO 1.21
    'Function DoXML(strHref)
    Dim objX
    Dim objXMLdoc
    Dim objNode
    Dim strR As String
    Dim retXML As String
    Dim parseStringtemp As String
    Dim parseString As String
    strHref = "<<Error! Hyperlink reference not valid.> folders/public folder/subject.eml>"  '<<https://servername/exchange/mailboxname/>>
    Set objX = CreateObject("MSXML2.ServerXMLHTTP")

    strR = "<?xml version='1.0'?><d:propfind xmlns:d='DAV:' xmlns:m=''>"
    strR = strR & "<d:prop><m:dlmembers/></d:prop></d:propfind>"

    retXML = DoPropFind(strHref, "<Domain\Username>", "<password>", strR)
    ' This won't work since we can load "Datatype 'mv.bin.base64'" into the DOM.
    'objXMLdoc.setProperty "SelectionNamespaces", "xmlns:d=''"
    'Set objNode = objXMLdoc.selectSingleNode("/d:dlmembers")
    'MsgBox objNode.Text
    parseStringtemp = Right(retXML, InStr(1, retXML, "<c:v>"))
    parseString = Left(parseStringtemp, (Len(parseStringtemp) - (InStrRev(parseStringtemp, "<c:v>"))))

    ' Insert your generic decoding code here:
    'DoXML = BinToHex(Decode64(parseString))
    DoXML = Decode64(parseString)

    MsgBox DoXML
    'End Function
End Sub

' DoPropFind
'   Searches an HREF for content.
' Input
'   sType - "SEARCH", "PROPFIND", etc
'   sQuery - Search to perform (XML query document)
'   sHREF - Http reference to item(s)/folder
'   sUserName - Domain/Username for server
'   sPassword - Password for the account above
' Returns: An XML document resulting from the search
Public Function DoPropFind(ByVal sHREF As String, ByVal sUserName As String, ByVal sPassword As String, sQuery As String)  As String
    Dim HttpWebRequest As MSXML2.XMLHTTP30
    Set HttpWebRequest = New MSXML2.XMLHTTP30
    'TO use MSXML 2.0 use the following DIM/SET statements
    'Dim HttpWebRequest As XMLHTTP
    'Set HttpWebRequest = CreateObject("Microsoft.xmlhttp")
    'To use MSXML 4.0 use the folloiwing DIM/SET statements
    'Dim HttpWebRequest As MSXML2.XMLHTTP40
    'Set HttpWebRequest = CreateObject("Msxml2.XMLHTTP.4.0")

    Dim sText As String
    ' Open the folder
    HttpWebRequest.Open "PROPFIND", sHREF, False, sUserName, sPassword
    ' Set up request headers
    HttpWebRequest.setRequestHeader "Content-Type", "text/xml"

    ' Send the query
    HttpWebRequest.send (sQuery)

    Debug.Print HttpWebRequest.Status
    Debug.Print HttpWebRequest.statusText
    Debug.Print HttpWebRequest.responseText
    sText = HttpWebRequest.responseText
    Set HttpWebRequest = Nothing

    DoPropFind = sText
End Function


  • Anonymous
    December 01, 2009
    Hello Daniel, I am working at one application which have to communicate with Exchange 2003 and to read the delegates and their rights for given user email with WebDav. The names of the delegates for a user email can be read from Active Directory (there is a property "publicDelegates") but the schema of their rights (right to read email,or rights to read/edit calendar, or tasks) is stored in Exchange. I tried a lot of WebDav queries but I did not found nothing to help. Unfortunatelly this sample which I found here does not work. The sample returns a XML string which contains more nodes for every folder from mailbox, like this one:  <a:href>http://servername/exchange/administrator/</a:href>
  • <a:propstat>  <a:status>HTTP/1.1 404 Resource Not Found</a:status>
  • <a:prop>  <d:dlmembers />  </a:prop>  </a:propstat>  </a:response>
  • <a:response> So in the node <d:dlmembers /> there is nothing even I added few delegates for the mailbox of the user administrator. I also tried with publicDelegates, or public-delegates.  How can I read the delegates and their rights from Exchange 2003 with WebDav ? I found nothing about dlmembers property in WebDav reference on Microsoft site. Regards, Ion Ciurea.