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“This setup is not supported on 64-bit versions of Windows XP”

.Net Framework 1.1 installation fails with an error message “Microsoft .NET Framework 1.1 -- This setup is not supported on 64-bit versions of Windows XP” on a Windows 2003 x64 system.

After reviewing the Msi log, I found that it fails while executing the custom action LaunchConditions.

Action start 01:03:54: LaunchConditions.

Info 2898.Tahoma08, MS Sans Serif, 1

DEBUG: Error 2835: The control ErrorIcon was not found on dialog ErrorDialog

Internal Error 2835. ErrorIcon, ErrorDialog

This setup is not supported on 64-bit versions of Windows XP

MSI (c) (D0:24) [01:03:59:798]: Product: Microsoft .NET Framework 1.1 -- This setup is not supported on 64-bit versions of Windows XP

Action ended 01:03:59: LaunchConditions. Return value 3.

.Net Framework MSI contains a launch condition that specifically blocks the .NET Framework 1.1 from being allowed to install on 64-bit operating systems. In this scenario we need to add a shim to newer 64-bit operating systems that allows users to bypass that launch condition and install the .NET Framework 1.1.


Download the file sdb2xml.exe and save it under local computer

Copy the file %windir%\AppPatch\msimain.sdb to the same working directory

Run the following command: sdb2xml msimain.sdb -out msimain.xml –extract

Take the file netfx64.mst

Extract the contents of dotnetfx.exe to your temp dir n:\<Installation Source>\dotnetfx.exe /t:%temp% /c:"msiexec.exe /fvecms %temp%\netfx.msi"

The temp directory should contain the following files:

1. install.exe

2. InstMsi.exe

3. InstMsiW.exe

4. netfx.msi


6. netfx64.mst

From a command prompt in the same dir run setup like this: msiexec /i netfx.msi TRANSFORMS=netfx64.mst

Content by : Soumitra Mondal