Dell Says He’d Sell Apple’s Mac OS
Sweet. Maybe will help Dell selling nicer looking laptops in the future. For 6+ (six+) years I do my day to day work on Dell laptops. They're very reliable and powerful computers but I hate the dark grey color and the overall design just makes me ... well they're not my favorite when it comes to design. How important is design in your life? Dell certainly could afford a better desgin(er).
- Anonymous
June 17, 2005
What! - Anonymous
June 26, 2005
Yip have to agree with you there. I've got a Fujitsu Siemens laptop that looks absoultely stunning! Lovely silver color and the wide screen is quite yummy hehe. - Anonymous
August 09, 2005
Some time ago I read and wrote about Dell could/would/might/think about supporting the Apple...