64-Bit (directory) performance rocks
From Dave Kearns' directory lookup benchmarking figures:
Eliminating the quad x64 machine left the remaining four with the following "entries per second" returned:
* 25,941 for the dual 2.2-GHz Opteron.
* 15,677 for the dual 1.5-GHz Itanium II.
* 3,482 for the dual 733 Mhz Itanium I.
* 3,560 for the dual 2.4 GHz Xeon.
That's right, the x64 was more than one and a half times faster that the Itanium II and a whopping seven and a half times faster than the Itanium I! For database work - and, after all, a directory is simply a special case of a database - these new machines are really going to rock. Start trying to get them into your budget just as soon as possible.
Read the full article here.
- Anonymous
March 28, 2005
Wow, nice! My next desktop is going to be a dual Operon, so that rules! - Anonymous
March 28, 2005
Remember that you have to account for the differences in the processor speeds.
Per Ghz, the numbers are a lot closer for the x64 and IA64 processors:
x64 11791 entries/sec/GHz
IA64-2 10451 entries/sec/GHz
IA64-1 4750 entries/sec/GHz
x386 1483 entries/sec/GHz
Those numbers were in my presentation as well.
Wook Lee - Anonymous
March 28, 2005
Better yet, you should account for the differences in price. I think you'll find the entries/sec/$ is even more in the Opteron's favor than entries/sec/ghz