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Sample data widget

The sample data extension, created by Mattias Sköld (project lead), Niel Zeeman, Hassan Fadili, and Igor Scheglovitov, allows you to create sample work item data for a project. The widget helps enable users to understand how to get started with boards, backlogs, iterations and teams.

Sample Data Widget

Board and backlogs

The sample data widget automatically creates a backlog of work. Whether you use the Agile process template or Scrum, work items will be created for you so you can understand how Visual Studio Team Services work.


You'll see work items to help you get started to creating a new card, all of which have quick bitesize chunks of info in the description when you open the work item to links to get more in-depth information and images.


All work items are linked with either Tasks or Parents, so you can really get a feel for how you could use VSTS for your projects. All great aids to help you get started!


The widget also generates a few iterations to help you get started and how you would use them. You'll see a few work items already placed in there to get you started.



The widget also generates 3 additional teams to your default team that gets created when you create a new project. The teams are empty but you get the idea.


Deleting sample data

Once you are done exploring, you can head back over to the dashboard, and delete the sample data so you can get started creating your own. The widget will remove any unmodified data that was created.

Delete            Deleting

Create your own sample data

You can also create your own sample data if you want to use it in demos or other scenarios, through the configuration pane by inserting your own json. Once you hit save, you'll see your custom template in the dropdown in the widget.

Custom data

What's next?

We are thinking about adding sample data for Version Control and Test. We would love to hear what you think is important and want to see next. Leave your comments below or get in contact with us via twitter.




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