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Office 365 Dev Patterns and Practices in upcoming conferences

There are quite a few Office 365 Developer Patterns and Practices sessions in upcoming conferences so wanted to combine these to single blog post. All of these sessions will be practical based on the work what we do with the customers on daily basis as part of the Office 365 engineering work. We will minimize the marketing messages and concentrate on technical facts. Key target of these sessions is to explain what are the practical leanings from the customer facing work and what are the recommendations for the community on covered topics.

Hopefully we will see you in these conferences. If you have any questions related on what we are doing, just drop by and say hi. All feedback and suggestions are more than welcome on the PnP topics. I know also that there’s many other sessions where the PnP guidance will be mentioned or referenced, but wanted to highlight the sessions where at least one of the PnP Core team members is presenting.

SharePoint Evolution Conference


Dates: April 20 – 22, 2015


Personally I’m honored to be invited to speak in this conference among the SharePoint and Office 365 rock stars. I’ve been asked to be here few times, but have been forced to delay my participation few times due family reasons. This year there’s excellent speaker line up with some really interesting topics which I’ll be also sitting in audience. We also have really exiting post-conference day together with Jeremy Thake, which is free for conference participants.

Office 365 Developer Patterns and Practices sessions in this conference:

Transforming Your SharePoint Full Trust Code to the SP App Model – This is a session which I’ve done quite a few times during past years in external and internal conferences. Content however keeps on evolving based on the learnings from customer projects. This session concentrates on the typical transformation process from farm solutions to the app model. What are the recommendations from process and implementation perceptive. This is relevant information is you are planning to move from on-premises to cloud or you are planning to transform your existing farm solutions or full trust code to app model implementation in on-premises deployment.

Deep dive into safe SharePoint Server/Online branding using repeatable patterns and practices – This on I’m doing together with Jeremy Thake. We will concentrate on branding topics with the app model and what are our latest recommendations for this topic. There has been lot of confusion on what is supported and what’s recommended on this topic recently, so we wanted to have a session with clear messaging from the Office 365 on these topics. Reality is that these things are never black and white, so we will concentrate on looking different options for SharePoint branding and impact of chosen model.

Site provisioning techniques with SharePoint App Model – One.xml, site definitions, web templates, site provisioning providers, feature stapling… they all are used to define how we provision SharePoint sites. Site provisioning is the heart and soul for any larger deployment to the cloud or on-premises. We will concentrate on how to provision sites using remote provisioning patterns and more importantly why this is the recommended approach for Office 365? We’ll also cover why you should not be using web templates or what is wrong with the Save site as a template capability. We will also demonstrate the newly released Office 365 Developer Patterns and Practices Site Provisioning framework

Our post-conference day titled as “Future proof your SharePoint Developer skills” will concentrate on how to achieve typical SharePoint customizations in the cloud. During this day we’ll concentrate on practical patterns on building typical SharePoint customizations and how those are hooked into to the Office 365. We’ll concentrate on scenarios like Management, Branding, UX components, User Profiles, Timer Jobs & Event Receivers, Site Provisioning, Search and Enterprise Content Management. This is free day for all seminar attendees, but you will need to register to this one explicitly. We only have 175 seats. Check more details of this day from the SharePoint Evolution conference site. This is going to be fun session and we will certainly not keep things too serious on the post-conference session… fact based, but still targeted to have a smile on the face for the whole day.




Dates – April 29 – May 1, 2015


This will be my first time at Build as we;; and this is one of those things which I simply could not decline when was invited to talk there. Never been in San Francisco either, so really looking forward for this visit, except the long flights. In Build we will have only one session specifically for the Office 365 Developer Patterns and Practices.

Patterns for modernizing common SharePoint customizations for the cloud – I’ll do this session together with my good friend Steve Walker. This is a session which is combination of few different topics, but we will concentrate heavily on how we can use Microsoft Azure together with the Office 365 to build typical SharePoint customizations. Concentration is on the provider hosted apps and how we can hook them in to the SharePoint sites in the Office 365. We’ll concentrate on more on the typical enterprise customization scenarios like the typical setup of having standardized information architecture and branding among One Drive for Business sites, collaboration sites and classic portal sites.

Microsoft Ignite


Dates: May 4 – 8, 2015


Certainly my first time in Ignite, since this is first Ignite ever now that the specific conferences have been combined to one massive conference. Really looking into visiting windy Chicago. We’ll also have our very own Office 365 Developer Patterns and Practices booth where you can drop by and ask anything about the program or see any of our patterns in practice. We will have numerous PnP core team members on the booth for helping with any questions you have.

Here’s the Office 365 Developer Patterns and Practices sessions in this conference:

Deep Dive into Safe SharePoint Branding in Office 365 Using Repeatable Patterns and Practices -   This is a repeating session from the Evolutions conference concentrating on our branding modification options in the cloud and what are the different options, including practical recommendations. There has been lot of confusion on this topic and we’ll cover the in and outs of the branding recommendations and reasoning. Are customer master pages bad in cloud? How to implement responsive UI in cloud?

Future-Proofing Your On-Premises SharePoint Development -   This one is really interesting session on highlighting how you can get prepared on possible future transition to cloud with your on-premises SharePoint customizations. We will concentrate on both app model and full trust code topics to provide guidance and learning's from the work we do with few of our biggest enterprise customers. We’ll talk about what the app model means for on-premises, what would be the model to set things up and differences compared to cloud. We’ll also concentrate on what would be the model to avoid future challenges, if you still continue working with the full trust code and farm solutions.

Transforming Your SharePoint Full Trust Code to the Office App Model (panel discussion) – Session will be kept with Bob German, Chris O’Brien, Erwin van Hunen, Frank Marasco and Vesa Juvonen. This will be really interesting panel discussion on few of the key topics related on the transformation. Each of the panel members are daily working in this topic and have real life hands on experiences on implementation the needed patterns for transformation. We’ll concentrate on topics like Branding, Sandbox solutions, Site provisioning, Office 365 API vs. SharePoint apps etc. Each of the topics will have quick demo and discussion on learning's and practicalities.

Deep Dive into Custom App Provisioning and Deployment in Microsoft Office 365 – Delivered by Steve Walker. This session focuses on the provisioning and deployment of custom apps and solutions into both on-premises and cloud environments of Office 365.

Setting Up Your On-Premises SharePoint Environment for Custom App Development - Delivered by Steve Walker. This session walks through the operations and management details of how to set up your development environment on-premises to develop cloud apps and solutions.


Office 365 Developer Patterns and Practices

Office365PnPLogoRed_thumb1We will provide updated samples and scenarios based on these APIs in the Office 365 Developer Patterns and Practices guidance, which contains already more than 100 samples and solutions demonstrating different patterns and practices related on the app model development together with additional documentation related on the app model techniques.

Check the latest updates directly our landing page at Please join us on sharing patterns and practices for the community for the benefit of the community. If you have any feedback, comments or suggestions related on the PnP program, please use our Yammer group at

“From the community for the community” – “Sharing is caring”