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#MsTechEd: Come to Hear What’s New in WIF for .NET 4.5


You already read about the new tools, and a bit about the new object model: now you have the chance to spend ~75 mins hearing about what makes WIF in .NET 4.5 sparkle, straight form the horse’s mouth! Tomorrow I am scheduled to deliver a whole session about it here at TechEd in Orlando:

               Session Code: SIA321

What's New in Windows Identity Foundation in Microsoft .NET Framework 4.5

Speaker(s): Vittorio Bertocci

Wednesday, June 13 at 8:30 AM - 9:45 AM in S230A

With .NET 4.5, WIF gets a major update and is now directly part of .NET itself. Every Principal class in .NET now derives from ClaimsPrincipal, making claims ubiquitous in every .NET application. This session gives a quick intro to WIF, followed by a tour of the new tooling and demos of the most common scenarios. It then mentions some of the new features of WIF and .NET 4.5, and closes with some indications on how to migrate WIF 1.0 code to WIF 4.5. #TESIA321

I might not follow exactly the order described in the abstract, but I am going to cover it all. I might spice things up with some anecdotes about how some of the new features came to be, but I have to be careful not to tell too much Winking smile 

As a bonus, I am going to delve a bit deeper in the code behind the scenario that Stuart demonstrated yesterday in his excellent session “A Lap Around Azure Active Directory” which, among other things, allows you to set up web single sign on between O365 and your own web applications. You don’t strictly need WIF 4.5 for making the scenario work (in fact you don’t even need to write your app in .NET, any WS-Federation capable stack will do) but I think it is a nice opportunity to demonstrate how you can use WIF as your toolkit for building whatever identity solution you need.

Given that it is scheduled awfully early in the morning, and the morning after the Community Night, I expect 1) to deliver half of the session while still firmly in REM phase and 2) I don’t expect oceanic crowds. If you are not a morning person (me neither) you can always check out the recording afterwards, but of course if you come in person you can corner me with whatever question comes to mind: also, you might be one of the two lucky recipients of the 2 copies of the P&P’s Guide to Claims based Identity Smile