Dela via

Mesh Gush

Hi Everybody! I've been laying low for a while, in read-only mode, sorting, filtering, evaluating and generally catching up on stuff!

So, why break radio silence now? Well, I'm popping up to offer a quick endorsement for the Mesh platform, which was recently opened up to Australian testers.

I'm excited. I love it, and it's not even finished.

Right now, you could liken it to Foldershare plus Skydrive plus Remote Desktop, just with the out-of-the-box stuff in the preview.

But there's more to come, and the glimpse you get is absolutely compelling.

I love that I'm a mouse-over and click away from Remote Desktop to any of my machines.

I love that I can synchronize folders between any number of my devices, and have a copy kept online in my Live Desktop.

I love that it's a platform, and having seen some demos of what's possible from a programming perspective, I can't wait to get my SDK on!

At present, there are some To Be Implemented features, the odd glitch and so on (as you'd expect from a CTP), so feel free to ignore me for a while, I'll just say "told you so" later! :)

One tip I'll pass on: Quite a few people requested a versioning feature for files and folders in the Mesh forums (and note that right now, folders you share with other people are writable by them) - Windows Vista has this built in already, in the form of the Previous Versions feature that you can use to recover a document in a given folder - just get the Properties, and then check the Previous Versions tab for the folder (or document).

Go get a Mesh!