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Bring Some Game To Your Code!

A software engineer's glory so often goes unnoticed. With the new  Visual Studio Achievements Beta, your talents are recognized as you perform various coding feats, unlock achievements and earn badges.

With the Visual Studio Achievements Extension, achievements are unlocked based on your activity. Your code is analyzed on a background thread each time you compile.  In addition, the extension listens for certain events and actions that you may perform in Visual Studio, reporting progress on these events to the server.  When you unlock an achievement, Visual Studio lets you know visually with a pop-up.

Some examples of individual achievements include Regional Manager (have more than 10 regions in a single class), Close To The Metal (use 5 preprocessor directives), Stubby (generate method stubs 10 times) or Interrupting Cow (have 10 breakpoints in a file). All in all, there are 32 achievements awaiting to be unlocked, all of which are listed here.