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Azure Marketplace the IT Pro ally

Azure Marketplace, is our online store for thousands of certified, open source, and community software applications, add-ons, and data. In essence, with a Microsoft Azure account, customers just choose the software they want to implement, acquire it, and click to roll it out automatically.

The value for users is simple: In an on-premises datacenter world, the process would be much more complex, lengthy and costly. It is therefore not a surprise that there is a growing interests in accessing Azure Marketplace.

The value proposition for IT Pros is just as compelling: Azure Marketplace will bring you agility and cost reductions. Thanks to the Azure Marketplace you will be able to quickly react to the demands arising within your company; Azure marketplace indeed allows you, for instance, to easily provision VM images of many publishers (Partners, Community and Microsoft), even permitting  a self-service mechanism for developers to access the different VM images (more about this in the 2 accompanying articles).

The other major advantage for IT Pros is from a cost perspective. Whether you are looking for a test environment or for a particular service (Oracle, for instance), Azure Marketplace provides for per minute billing considerably reducing the running costs and investments (Capex investments).

With more than 3,000 offerings from Microsoft and industry leading software providers through the Azure Marketplace, the news have been received with great enthusiasm in the IT Pro community.

Check out the Azure Marketplace Today