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Powershell script to update Azure VM Agent, can be used with script extension

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 #Download link for the latest Azure Guest Agent (windows)    $Link=""# Set download path D:\temp, if it doesn't exist - create it    $AzAgtPath="D:\temp"    if(!(Test-Path -Path $AzAgtPath )){    New-Item -ItemType directory -Path $AzAgtPath    }# Download and install    Start-BitsTransfer -Source $Link -Destination $AzAgtPath\WindowsAzureVmAgent.2.7.1198.778.rd_art_stable.160617-1120.fre.msi    Start-Process "D:\temp\WindowsAzureVmAgent.2.7.1198.778.rd_art_stable.160617-1120.fre.msi" -ArgumentList "/quiet"#optional delete D:\temp