Dela via

DevOps Hackathon at Ignite


I know, I know. You’ve heard it over and over again by now. We’re having a big conference in May in Chicago. The mother of all Microsoft tech. conferences, Ignite. Very telling name if you ask me.

As with our TechEd event in the past, it comes with a pre-day. A Day 0 with plenty of great pre-conference seminars as we used to call them in the TechEd days. The aim for these day-long seminars is to dive deep into one specific aspect of a product, technology, or scenario to provide necessary insight and learning. Armed with expert knowledge attendees can go back after Ignite and apply new or updated expertise “at home.”

Internally at Microsoft all teams are all competing for your attention during the pre-day. Everyone involved is putting their very best foot forward to deliver the most interesting, most valuable experience of the event.

I want to draw your attention to a very special pre-day seminar that my team is putting together.

DevOps Hackathon

Over the course of Sunday prior to Ignite we will host a DevOps Hackathon. There is no better way to jump start Ignite if you are into DevOps or want to dive in into how People, Process, and Technology come together for you and your company’s ongoing success.

There are plenty of great DevOps sessions during the week but you will find no better way of getting together with subject matter experts, with peers from the developer community, IT ops teams and more to learn and practice what DevOps can do for you, your career, and your company.

From the session abstract:

The cloud-targeted app is failing in production. Competitive time to market advantage is at risk, the business is at an inflection point. "It worked fine in testing!" says the Development Team. "We had no visibility to production infrastructure needs until a week ago!" says the Operations Team. Does any of this sound familiar? Learn firsthand how to embrace a DevOps mindset, evolve your traditional ALM approach regarding people, process and tools, and help your business accelerate its journey to a cloud-first approach! Join us for the DevOps Hackathon where you will team up with fellow attendees from developer and operations roles to apply DevOps practices to a real world challenge.

And while there are plenty of pre-day seminars to choose from, I hope you pick this. There will be loads of time for hands-on, few presentations, and lots of peer exchange!

See you in Chicago on the first Sunday in May.
