Dela via

Recent TechNet event attendees - Please read this!


j0434681[1]Recent attendees to TechNet Events in the U.S., including my events, may have experienced an issue with the website we use to serve up product keys for the free Windows Vista SP1 software we gave away. Happily, the issue has been corrected, and it is now properly handing out keys. To solve the problem, we extended the deadline for obtaining your key through December 31, 2008. So, if you tried to obtain your key recently and were unsuccessful, please try again now and there should be no problems. Here's that link if you need it. (But you'll still need your unique code from the Vista software packaging to get your key.) 

If you still experience difficulties, try deleting the cookie for the registerwindowsvistasp1 website. Or, you can try the registration from another computer.  Please write a comment to this blog if you continue to have a problem with registration.  We sincerely apologize for the inconvenience.