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More Good Cross Platform MP Articles

Kristopher Bash has written some more good articles on using cross platform agents for Operations Manager. Here’s a quick run-down of his recent articles:

Operations Manager Cross-Platform Authoring: Invoke Action Monitor

When monitoring UNIX/Linux servers, command execution or script-based monitors can provide a great deal of flexibility in many health-checking applications.   The Operations Manager 2007 R2 cross-platform agent facilitates the execution of shell command lines or executable binaries and scripts with the Microsoft.Unix.WSMan.Invoke.Probe module.   In this post, I will walk through the use of this module in an example monitoring scenario:  monitoring UNIX/Linux systems for the count of defunct/zombie processes.   The management pack described in this post can be downloaded here.

Building an Oracle Management Pack for OpsMgr Cross-Platform Agents (Part 1 / Part 2 / Part 3)

Over a series of future posts, I intend to describe my efforts to build an OpsMgr SCX Management Pack for monitoring of Oracle running on UNIX/Linux platforms.   In this initial post, I will describe the first step in building this MP:  creating a custom shell command invoker probe action.  As I had described in this previous post, the Microsoft.Unix.WSMan.Invoke.Probe in the Microsoft Unix Library MP provides a wrapped version of the Microsoft.SystemCenter.WSManagement.Invoker.   However, I wanted a bit more granular control of the invoke action (e.g. modifying the command timeout) and felt it appropriate to create a custom Probe Action to wrap the Microsoft.SystemCenter.WSManagement.Invoker module and decided to create a similar, but custom probe action.


Be sure to check out these articles!


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