Fax May Send the Wrong Attachment
[Today's post comes to us courtesy off Chris Puckett]
If you use the fax functionality in SBS 2003 or Windows Server 2003 to fax documents or attachments, there is an issue where a document or attachment may end up being sent to the wrong destination. A hotfix is available for this issue. For the details, see KB 933804.
933804: Documents are faxed to the wrong destination if several fax clients call the "FaxSendDocument" API at the same time in Windows Server 2003. https://support.microsoft.com/default.aspx?scid=kb;EN-US;933804
January 01, 2003
January 01, 2003
The Official SBS Blog : Fax May Send the Wrong Attachment: http://blogs.technet.com/sbs/archive/2008Anonymous
January 01, 2003
The Official SBS Blog : Fax May Send the Wrong Attachment: http://blogs.technet.com/sbs/archive/2008Anonymous
April 08, 2008
as Joe Friday once said ...'just the fax mamm'