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Disable ChkDSK to run on Clustered Shared Volume

For the chkdsk not to run we can run the following commands.

Run the below command on one of the cluster nodes that owns the CSV shared drive:

  • cluster res “CSV_disk_name” /priv
    By default, the value for the DiskRunChkDsk will be 0
  • set the value for DiskRunChkDsk to 4 using the below command:
  • cluster res “CSV_disk_name” /priv DiskRunChkDsk=4

New Chkdsk Functionality

ChkDsk options have been consolidated and expanded from previous versions of clustering to provide greater flexibility. There are now six options for the ChkDsk policy. This policy is enforced when a clustered disk resource is brought online.

The functionality of each policy is described below.

  • DiskRunChkDsk <0x0>: This is the default policy for all Failover Clusters. This policy will check the volume to see if the dirty bit is set and it will perform a Normal check of the file system. The Normal check is similar to running the dir command at the root. If the dirty bit is set or if the Normal check returns a status of FILE_CORRUPT, DISK_CORRUPT, then ChkDsk with be started in Verbose mode (Chkdsk /x /f).
  • DiskRunChkDsk <0x1>: This policy will check the volume to see if the dirty bit is set and it will perform a Verbose check of the file system. The Verbose check is similar to running the dir /s command at the root. If the dirty bit is set or if the Verbose check returns a status of FILE_CORRUPT, DISK_CORRUPT, then ChkDsk with be started in normal mode (Chkdsk /x /f).
  • DiskRunChkDsk <0x2>: This policy will run ChkDsk in Verbose mode (Chkdsk /x /f) on the volume every time it is mounted.
  • DiskRunChkDsk <0x3>: This policy will check the volume to see if the dirty bit is set and it will perform a Normal check of the file system. The Normal check is similar to running the dir command at the root. If the dirty bit is set or if the Normal check returns a status of FILE_CORRUPT, DISK_CORRUPT, then ChkDsk will be started in Verbose mode (Chkdsk /x /f), otherwise ChkDsk will be started in read only mode (Chkdsk without any switches).
  • DiskRunChkDsk <0x4>: This policy doesn’t perform any checks at all.
  • DiskRunChkDsk <0x5>: This policy will check the volume to see if the dirty bit is set and it will perform a Verbose check of the file system. The Verbose check is similar to running the dir /s command at the root. If a problem is found, ChkDsk will not be started and the volume will not be brought online. Modifications to the ChkDsk policy will only be possible from the Cluster.exe command line tools.