Dela via

Microsoft 20 Years in Ireland Academic Celebration

I'm delighted to announce the Microsoft 20 Years in Ireland Academic Celebration!!

Through this initiative, which we launched today, we will provide 20 Colleges and Universities across Ireland and Northern Ireland with a comprehensive library of technical resources.  We will also connect students with personalized resources and information, help them get a head start in searching for a job with .NET, and even send one student on an all-expense-paid trip to TechEd Europe 2005, Microsoft’s premier European developer conference!

So for those of you who helped us assemble the hypothetical Essential .NET Academic Library -- well, it turns out that our collective anthology of all-time favourites could find its way into every College and University library on the island.  To everyone who contributed: please e-mail me, I have a small token of appreciation I'd like to send you.

There's more information about the 20 Years in Ireland Academic Celebration here.  If you're a student enrolled full- or part-time in a third-level academic institution in Ireland and Northern Ireland, be sure to read up about it -- and join in

