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Operations Manager 2007 R2 on Windows 2008 R2 - Single server deployment

* OpsMgr 2007 R2 on Windows 2003 setup steps guide download (6.7 M) 

* Use Server Manager, Add Features, and under ".NET Framework 3.5.1 Features" select ".NET Framework 3.5.1"

* Install SQL 2008 Std x64, select Database Engine Services & Reporting Services (no SQL Server Replication, no Full-Text Search, no Analysis Services), then update to SP1. Use a domain account (such as MYCOMPANY\svcacct) for running SQL services. If you get this error "No mapping between account names and security IDs was done" then you might have not selected the "Generalize" checkbox when running Sysprep.

* Use Server Manager, add "Web Server" role. The following Web Server Role Services should automatically be selected: Static Content, Default Document, Directory Browsing, HTTP Errors, Request Filtering. Click to select additional Role Services: ASP.NET, .NET extensibility, ISAPI Extensions, ISAPI Filters, Windows Authentication, IIS 6 Metabase Compatibility, IIS 6 WMI Compatibility.

* Install AJAX Extension 1.0 for ASP.NET 2.0 (for WebConsole Health Explorer)

* NOTE: If SQL 2008 R2 is used, please use this setup guide Make sure to read this section first "High level steps for a new installation". T he tool DBCreateWizard.exe can be found in <SCOM Installation Media>\SupportTools\AMD64 folder".

* Install Operations Manager 2007 R2
- Management Server Action Account: MYCOMPANY\svcacct (the account used for agent push installation)

* Install Operations Manager 2007 R2 Reporting
- Start SQL Reporting service
- Data Warehouse Write Account & Data Reader Account: MYCOMPANY\svcacct

* Manual agent installation on managed servers:
- Servers to be managed often have personal firewall so manual agent installation is the easiest way.
- To allow agent manual install, in OpsMgr console, click the Administration tab, Settings node, then Security item, Properties: and choose "Review new manual agent installation in pending management view" if it is has not been selected.
- Copy the Agent folder (found in the OpsMgr installation media) to the servers to be managed, and launch "MOMAgentInstaller.exe"
- In OpsMgr console, Admin tab,, Pending Management node, approve the manual agent installation requests.

============= Exchange Servers monitoring

- By default, after the agents are installed on Exchange servers, these servers are still not discovered and displayed in the SCOM console until we do some Override.

* Enable Proxy for Agents on Exchange servers

* Download and install some typical Management Packs:
- Windows Server Base OS System Center Operations Manager 2007 MP.msi
- Active Directory Operations Manager 2007 MP.msi
- Exchange Server 2007 Operations Manager 2007 R2 MP.msi

* In Authoring/Management Pack Objects/Object Discoveries, override the following: (change the Disabled to Enabled, change the discovery frequency to 120 sec)
- Exchange 2007 CAS Role Discovery

- Exchange 2007 CCR Clustered Mailbox Server Role Discovery?
- Exchange 2007 CCR Node Role Discovery?

- See also: this article for Exchange 2010.


* To enable External OWA synthetic transaction monitoring:
- On DNS, create CNAME pointing to the Exchange CAS server.
- On Exchange CAS: Open IIS MMC, select Server node, create Domain Certificate, set common name and friendly name to; select "Default Web Site" node, Binding, delete existing SSL binding, create a new one, and associate the newly created SSL certificate with it.
- On Exchange CAS MMC, set both internal external OWA virtual directories to, run New-TestCasConnectivityUser.ps1, then Test-OwaConnectivity.ps1

* To see incoming emails with a specific subject from a Management Server
- Authoring tab, create a "command line" task for Exchange Hub Transport servers, Full Path: C:\Windows\System32\WindowsPowerShell\v1.0\powershell.exe, Parameters: -PSConsoleFile "C:\Program Files\Microsoft\Exchange Server\bin\exshell.psc1" -command "Get-MessageTrackingLog -EventID 'RECEIVE' -MessageSubject 'test email' | fl Timestamp, Sender, Recipients, MessageSubject"
- Monitoring tab, Exchange group, Hub Transport node, Hub Servers State, click the newly created task on Action pane


* OpsMgr 2007 R2 overview slide download

* OpsMgr 2007 R2 introduction labs video download (12M)
01.Importing Mgmt Pack .e.3m.avi
02.Creating n using Views.e.4m.avi
03.Creating n using Tasks.e.6m.avi
08.Role-based Security.e.7m.avi

+++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++  External links ++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++

* Monitoring Exchange 2010. Part 2

* How to test notification settings after you configure e-mail notifications for a recipient or for a subscription in Operations Manager 2007

* How to Obtain a Certificate Using Windows Server 2008 Stand-Alone CA in Operations Manager 2007

* How to Obtain a Certificate Using Windows Server 2008 Enterprise CA in Operations Manager 2007

* Creating Graphical Reports for Exchange 2007 (Part 1)

* Configuring the Native Exchange 2007 MP for OpsMgr 2007 R2 (Part 1)

* Why do my group memberships for Windows Computers have machines that don't belong there?  There is a relationship in this MP that we need to disable.

* Logical disk space monitoring