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Pranav ... Blogging

This blog is all about Office Automation, VSTO, InfoPath and other programming stuff. Remember.. "Real Stuff is Out Of The Box...!!"

April Fool's Day RFCs

Just found something very intresting on wikipedia.. Every April Fool's Day (1 April) since 1989, the...

Author: Pranav Wagh Date: 11/02/2006

IndiMix-06 Steve Ballmer LIVE !

This great event is taking place in Mumbai ! on 9th of November. Register Soon !! There is even an...

Author: Pranav Wagh Date: 11/02/2006

Did You Ever Felt That PHP's Performance Is Not Very Good On Windows ?

Well atleast i did, when i was developing a project with PHP. but looks like those days are gone..!...

Author: Pranav Wagh Date: 11/02/2006

Quizing Fun We Had @ Microsoft GTSC India

No..! don't search me there..! I came late that day :(Video: Microsoft GTSC India

Author: Pranav Wagh Date: 10/12/2006

Meeting With BillG - Why My Dad Is Not A President

The first thought i had after reading this .."if only my dad were a president ..." :)Dare narrates...

Author: Pranav Wagh Date: 10/09/2006

XBOX 360 India Launch Commercial

One of the best launch commercials that I've seen till date..this features a very traditional...

Author: Pranav Wagh Date: 10/09/2006

Finally I Got A Wallop Invitation

Yeah..i was looking for it since days! well orkut is good but still i was curious to use wallop, and...

Author: Pranav Wagh Date: 10/06/2006

Ask Me!

If you are here you already know atleast something about me, but just to set the expectations right;...

Author: Pranav Wagh Date: 10/04/2006

Blog Got Updated To CSS 2.1

Still ..customizing my CSS ... you may see some strange things, bad look..and all of that sort, but...

Author: Pranav Wagh Date: 10/02/2006

Thanks To Raymond, I Revamped My Blog UI ! Again !!

Yeah, i did it again! why ? because i felt that my blog is too i wanted to change...

Author: Pranav Wagh Date: 09/27/2006

Well ..i know i didn't post since a few days

I am real busy since a few days ..but yes i am collecting matter for you whenever i am free...

Author: Pranav Wagh Date: 09/20/2006

Lost Blog Power ?

Scoble is asking ..did he loose his blog power Hey believe me you are still populer and we all love...

Author: Pranav Wagh Date: 09/07/2006

OWC Resources Hard To Find ?

A few days back i got a feedback from a customer that OWC resources are hard to find so i sent him a...

Author: Pranav Wagh Date: 09/03/2006

OWC Resources

The Office Web Components consist of the Spreadsheet Component, the Chart Component, the PivotTable...

Author: Pranav Wagh Date: 09/03/2006

How To Load Win32 dlls Dynamically In VBA

Well, by dynamically i just mean that i don't know the path of the dll (or the path will be decided...

Author: Pranav Wagh Date: 08/30/2006

Start Me Up..and Start Menu what's the correlation?

This is the lyrics of the famous song by "the rolling stones " If you start me upIf you start me up...

Author: Pranav Wagh Date: 08/29/2006

Blogging Gets Big In India !

It was good to hear that in a few days (on Sep 9 ) there is a bloggers conference in Chennai...

Author: Pranav Wagh Date: 08/26/2006

Whitespace Programming ? Yeah!

Found an intresting thing while web wandering, its an intresting thing to play with ! and please...

Author: Pranav Wagh Date: 08/24/2006

More about Duet .. Just In Case You Don't Know !

Duet™ for Microsoft® Office and SAP®, Version 1.0 (Duet) provides a development platform for the...

Author: Pranav Wagh Date: 08/23/2006

Duet Wins ComputerWorld Horizon Award

Today IDG's Computerworld, a premier source of IT industry news and analysis, has selected Duet(TM)...

Author: Pranav Wagh Date: 08/23/2006

Speculation Over

The veil has finally been lifted. .. Visit to discover what the buzz(and...

Author: Pranav Wagh Date: 08/23/2006

Breaking Language Barriers

This is one of the coolest stuff i have heard in last one month !(thanks for info alex !) do you...

Author: Pranav Wagh Date: 08/18/2006

MapPoint : Using Geofences in MapPoint Location Server Applications

I just came across a cool article that explains how you can achieve many tasks using geofencing that...

Author: Pranav Wagh Date: 08/17/2006

earn, learn and help the community !

Were you ever able to do all of the above at the same time ..? well .. now you can .. We've just...

Author: Pranav Wagh Date: 08/17/2006

XNA Game Studio Express

So guess was very incorrect it looks like...

Author: Pranav Wagh Date: 08/14/2006

Excel Changes Last Modified Date

I bet life is learning, and there is a good saying in IT "you stop earning; when you stop learning"...

Author: Pranav Wagh Date: 08/14/2006

Great Birthday Present ! Lucky Kid..

I just had a look the interview of Jon Lam (don't know !?! hey he is the one behind RubyCLR), there...

Author: Pranav Wagh Date: 08/14/2006

Bug in Windows Live Writer ?

Hello I found one little bug ? (or its a community server issue )in windows live writer ! I am going...

Author: Pranav Wagh Date: 08/14/2006

Announcing next BIG THING on Monday GameFeast

If you like coding, games, managed code and Xbox 360 I recommend that you follow what XNA team is...

Author: Pranav Wagh Date: 08/14/2006

Welcome Windows Live Writer !!

Sorry guys i had to keep my mouth shut for many days...! actually since a month (i guess ) i was...

Author: Pranav Wagh Date: 08/13/2006

Which Addin Should I Use - 1

I have seen many people asking same question. "which type of addin should i use for office".. well...

Author: Pranav Wagh Date: 08/07/2006

Microsoft's secret record of every website visited on your PC ?? - 2

Continuing the discussion in the previous post, offcourse index.dat is not a secret record of any...

Author: Pranav Wagh Date: 08/03/2006

Microsoft's secret record of every website visited on your PC ??

just had a look at the following at shashdot digg .. Windows creates invisible, undeletable files...

Author: Pranav Wagh Date: 08/03/2006

Bill Hilf Interviews Open Source Big Shots @OSCON

I don't think these guys need any introduction but in case you are intrested .. Matt Asay, formerly...

Author: Pranav Wagh Date: 08/03/2006

Visual Studio 2005: Issues When Using Microsoft Visual Studio 2005

1 Visual Studio Tools for Office does not support multipart XML schemas Visual Studio Tools for...

Author: Pranav Wagh Date: 08/02/2006

Steps towards interoperability

Yeah, I know long time no B(log). I was real busy those days, but don’t worry I will tell you what...

Author: Pranav Wagh Date: 07/07/2006

Tagging Information With Windows Desktop Search API

Found something interesting while wandering on the web . The desktop search API, for the records I...

Author: Pranav Wagh Date: 05/26/2006

Add Your Own Maps !!!

Believe it or not now you can add your own maps to Virtual Earth, at least I always wanted to do...

Author: Pranav Wagh Date: 05/25/2006

Microsoft Office Beta - 2 Is Available !!

Great News !!! Microsoft Office Beta 2 is available for public review, wow I am so happy ..let me...

Author: Pranav Wagh Date: 05/23/2006

Blogging With Word 2007

One of the greatest advantages of working with Microsoft is Dog-Fooding, getting the hands on the...

Author: Pranav Wagh Date: 05/22/2006

Being In Microsoft - 2

This is the continuation of my post "Being In Microsoft - 1" actually when I started writing my...

Author: Pranav Wagh Date: 05/20/2006

Being In Microsoft - 1

People keep on asking me how it feels being in Microsoft . Actually it's hard to explain because my...

Author: Pranav Wagh Date: 05/20/2006

Want me to blog on your tune..??

Just a new experimental idea .. I am starting to blog on your issues !! ofcourse they should be...

Author: Pranav Wagh Date: 05/20/2006


Now what's this ..? think of brrreeeport as a new kind of experiment , to compare search engines and...

Author: Pranav Wagh Date: 05/18/2006

Vagus Starts Blogging

It gives me immense pleasure to introduce my friend, actually I should not be telling his name

Author: Pranav Wagh Date: 05/18/2006

USING ADO AND ADO.NET WITH EXCEL: Resources and Known Issues

General-------Q326548 HOW TO: Use Jet OLE DB Provider 4.0 to Connect to ISAM...

Author: Pranav Wagh Date: 05/17/2006

Published New Article

Published new article..about ways, and issues associated with using ADO with excel, initially I...

Author: Pranav Wagh Date: 05/17/2006

Blogging From Word 2007

Hey so I guess it’s the time to share a few things. In my previous post...

Author: Pranav Wagh Date: 05/12/2006

DDE ..? How does it matter..?

When you are talking about office programs what happens when you open a new document seems to depend...

Author: Pranav Wagh Date: 05/10/2006

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