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More Events !!! about Open XML ..

Find out more about em' in Open XML links for 03-22-2007 

Here is a list :

Harvard Workshop. Brian Jones is at a workshop entitled "Cross-Boundary Governance through Agreements and Standards" at Harvard this week

Notes Developer Workshop. I gave a talk on Open XML at the Lotus Notes .NET Integration Workshop here on the Redmond campus this afternoon

Developer & IT Pro Days 2007. I'll be speaking on Open XML next week at the Developer & IT Pro Days 2007 conference in Belgium (Ghent)

Open XML workshop in Reading, UK. Wouter Van Vugt will be at it again, delivering an Open XML developer workshop in the UK on April 30 - May 1



Technorati tags: pranav Wagh, microsoft Blogger, office 2007, Open XML, event tags: pranav Wagh, microsoft Blogger, office 2007, Open XML, event
