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Excel: Sample Formulas, Functions, Macros, VBA Codes - KB Jewels

XL Automation Example with Microsoft Word and Microsoft Outlook (Q213712)

XL Custom Function to Average a Range Without Highest and Lowest Values (Q213495)

XL Delete Links Wizard Available (Q188449)

XL Description and Examples of Data Validation (Q211485)

XL Example on Use of Solver (Q214263)

XL Examples of Interest Calculations Outside the United States (Q294396)

XL Filtering and Extracting a Record That Contains a Text String (Q214070)

XL Finding the Balance of a Loan for a Given Period (Q214091)

XL Formula for Distance-Velocity Returned in Hours, Minutes, and Seconds (Q214133)

XL Formula to Calculate the Standard Error of the Mean (Q214076)

XL Formulas That Return the Last or First Day of a Month (Q214101)

XL Formulas to Find the Log and Inverse Log of a Number (Q214116)

XL Function to Compute Interest and Growth Rate on a Single Payment (Q214113)

XL Macro That Changes Cell Dimensions on Multiple Sheets Doesn't Run As Expected (Q213823)

XL Macro to Change the Date-Time Format in a Header-Footer (Q213742)

XL Macro to Place Filenames in Given Directory on Worksheet (Q74493)

XL Macro to Sort Data in Multiple Columns as One Column (Q247311)

XL Method to Calculate Interpolation Step Value (Q95479)

XL Method to Determine Whether a Year Is a Leap Year (Q214019)

XL Returning the Smallest Number Greater Than Zero (Q60116)

XL Running Subroutines and Macros from Visual Basic (Q213837)

XL Sample Macro to Import Data with More Than 256 Fields or Columns (Q272729)

XL Sample User-Defined Function to Hide Formula Errors (Q280094)

XL Sample Visual Basic Code to Create Color Index Table (Q213801)

XL2000 A Visual Basic Nested Case Statement Example (Q213473)

XL2000 Algorithm Used for QUARTILE() Function (Q214072)

XL2000 Algorithms Used in the ATP Functions (Q213939)

XL2000 ATP Definition NORMSDIST (Q214111)

XL2000 Basis Argument for Financial Functions (Q214050)

XL2000 Branching to Other Sections of Code with GoTo and Call (Q213486)

XL2000 Calculating Depreciation with the Production Method (Q213497)

XL2000 Calculating Elapsed Time for a Visual Basic Procedure (Q213481)

XL2000 Calculating the Number of Days Between Two Dates (Q214315)

XL2000 Calculating Weighted Averages (Q214049)

XL2000 Changing an Integer to an Excel Serial Number (Q213446)

XL2000 Converting a Decimal Number to hhmmss Format in Excel (Q214122)

XL2000 Converting Hours in Decimal Form to HHMMSS Format (Q214125)

XL2000 Converting Multiple Rows-Columns to Columns-Rows (Q214024)

XL2000 Creating Charts with Multiple Groups of Stacked Bars (Q214119)

XL2000 Creating Macros for Different Language Versions (Q213833)

XL2000 Custom Function to Turn Nonadjacent Cells into an Array (Q213403)

XL2000 Determining the Number of Dimensions in an Array Variable (Q213273)

XL2000 Finding and Replacing Tildes and Wildcard Characters (Q214138)

XL2000 For Each Loop Function to Determine If an Excel Workbook Is Open (Q213299)

XL2000 Formula for Cumulative Category Total (Q214241)

XL2000 Formula to Count the Number of Rows in Which an Item Appears (Q214079)

XL2000 Formula to Find Number of Weekdays Between Dates (Q214141)

XL2000 Formula to Sum Digits of a Number (Q214053)

XL2000 Formulas to Count the Occurrences of Text, Characters, and Words (Q213889)

XL2000 Function That Uses the ActiveCell Property Returns Incorrect Result (Q213684)

XL2000 Function to Convert Degrees-Minutes-Seconds Angles to or from Decimal Angles (Q213449)

XL2000 Macro Code to Check Whether a File Is Already Open (Q213383)

XL2000 Macro Example to Return Item from a Worksheet Control (Q213381)

XL2000 Macro Examples to Delete Duplicate Items in a List (Q240077)

XL2000 Macro Examples Using Option Button Controls on a UserForm (Q213549)

XL2000 Macro to Add a Number to a Selected Cell (Q213491)

XL2000 Macro to Add Labels to Points in a Bubble Chart (Q279438)

XL2000 Macro to Add Labels to Points in an XY (Scatter) Chart (Q213750)

XL2000 Macro to Append Text from One Text File to Another (Q213642)

XL2000 Macro to Change File Type to All Files (.) in Open Dialog Box (Q213755)

XL2000 Macro to Check for Page Breaks on a Worksheet (Q213831)

XL2000 Macro to Count the Number of Records Returned in an AutoFiltered List (Q213275)

XL2000 Macro to Delete Every Other Row (Q213610)

XL2000 Macro to Extract Data from a Chart (Q213814)

XL2000 Macro to Import a Text File into an Existing Worksheet (Q213816)

XL2000 Macro to Link a Range of Cells in Word (Q213316)

XL2000 Macro to Loop Through All Worksheets in a Workbook (Q213621)

XL2000 Macro to Open All Linked Workbooks (Q213647)

XL2000 Macro to Open the Most Recently Used File (Q213758)

XL2000 Macro to Restore Tab Split Box to Default Position (Q213505)

XL2000 Macro to Search for Cell Formats Font, Border, and Interior (Q213622)

XL2000 Macro to Shade Every Other Row in a Selection (Q213616)

XL2000 Macros to Loop Through Range and Act Based on Cell Value (Q213805)

XL2000 Macros to Return Windows and System Directory Paths (Q213496)

XL2000 Method to Calculate Interpolation Step Value (Q214096)

XL2000 Methods to Use Custom Functions with Varying Arguments (Q213277)

XL2000 OnEntry Macro to Create a Running Total in a Cell Comment (Q213445)

XL2000 Preventing UserForm from Being Dismissed with Close Button (Q213713)

XL2000 Procedure to Export a Text File with Both Comma and Quote Delimiters (Q213448)

XL2000 Returning Data with Data Access Objects (DAO) to a Custom Worksheet Function (Q213710)

XL2000 Sample Code to Use a Date Range with NETWORKDAYS (Q213182)

XL2000 Sample Macro Code to Change Case of Text (Q213649)

XL2000 Sample Macro Code to Loop Through a List on a Worksheet (Q213636)

XL2000 Sample Macro That Won't Allow User to Cancel Dialog Box (Q213617)

XL2000 Sample Macro to Add Labels to a Bubble Chart (Q279399)

XL2000 Sample Macro to Add or Place Object in Relation to a Range (Q213607)

XL2000 Sample Macro to Determine If a Year Is a Leap Year (Q266672)

XL2000 Sample Macro to Find Duplicate Entries in a Column (Q213355)

XL2000 Sample Macro to Insert-Delete Rows or Columns on Multiple Sheets (Q213631)

XL2000 Sample Macro to Remove User Name from Comment (Q213766)

XL2000 Sample Macro to Retrieve Defined Name of the ActiveCell (Q213432)

XL2000 Sample Macro to Sort List Based on Custom Sort Order (Q213625)

XL2000 Sample Macros for Customizing Menus and Submenus (Q213550)

XL2000 Sample Macros that Customize and Control Shortcut Menus (Q213209)

XL2000 Sample Macros to Create a Module from an Existing Module, Named Range, or Text File (Q245801)

XL2000 Sample Macros to Return ID for a CommandBar Control (Q213211)

XL2000 Sample Visual Basic Macros for Working with Arrays (Q213798)

XL2000 Sample Visual Basic Procedure to Print Range of Cells (Q213451)

XL2000 User-Defined Function to Place Sheet Name in a Cell (Q213475)

XL2000 Using a Worksheet Function in a Visual Basic Macro (Q213765)

XL2000 Visual Basic Code to Use Instead of DIRECTORIES() (Q213474)

XL2000 Visual Basic Example for Using a Spin Button with a Date (Q213224)

XL2000 Visual Basic Example to Retrieve Value from Last Cell (Q213629)

XL2000 Visual Basic Example Using If and Case Statements (Q213630)

XL2000 Visual Basic Examples Using DDE (Q213626)

XL2000 Visual Basic for Applications Macro to Hide and Restore All Toolbars (Q213487)

XL2000 Visual Basic for Applications Procedure to Open or Activate a Workbook (Q213395)

XL2000 Visual Basic Function to Format Complex Numbers (Q213294)

XL2000 Visual Basic Macro for Validating Data upon Entry (Q213373)

XL2000 Visual Basic Macro to Break Chart Links (Q213443)

XL2000 Visual Basic Macro to Change Between Relative and Absolute References (Q213465)

XL2000 Visual Basic Macro to Concatenate Columns of Data (Q213477)

XL2000 Visual Basic Macro to Convert Number to a Different Base (Q213392)

XL2000 Visual Basic Macro to Determine if Selected Cell Is in a Specified Defined Range (Q259137)

XL2000 Visual Basic Macro to List Circular References (Q213826)

XL2000 Visual Basic Macro to Show Active Cell's Range Names (Q213413)

XL2000 Visual Basic Macros That Add or Remove Hidden Apostrophes (Q213440)

XL2000 Visual Basic Module to Create a Gantt Chart (Q213447)

XL2000 Visual Basic Procedure to Change the Standard Font (Q213469)

XL2002 Macro Code to Check Whether a File Is Already Open (Q291295)

XL2002 Macro Examples to Delete Duplicate Items in a List (Q291320)

XL2002 Macro to Extract Data from a Chart (Q300643)

XL2002 Procedure to Export a Text File with Both Comma and Quote Delimiters (Q291296)

XL2002 Sample Macro Code to Change Case of Text (Q291323)

XL2002 Sample Macro to Insert-Delete Rows or Columns on Multiple Sheets (Q291305)

XL2002 Sample Visual Basic Procedure to Print Range of Cells (Q291297)

XL2002 Visual Basic Macro Examples for Working with Arrays (Q291069)
