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Technical Analysis: VIM, PowerShell and Signed Code

by jcannon on May 29, 2008 01:59pm

Abstract: In the UNIX and Linux world, vi and EMACS  have long held positions as the best-developed editors for handling large amounts of code or other text.  More recently, an improved vi clone has emerged named VIM (Short for Vi, IMproved).  VIM features syntax highlighting, a vi-like command-line interface, and many powerful features for editing large text projects.  It has quickly become one of the favorite text editors outside the Windows world. This analysis looks at using VIM with Windows PowerShell, with considerations for code signing.

Download VIM, Powershell & Signed Code.

Note: This paper represents testing and documentation in a lab environment. User Account Control (UAC) is an essential security component to Windows and Microsoft does not recommend turning off UAC in production environments.