Dela via

Autofocus: My Outlook Tasks Implementation

In attempting to keep with a relatively "pure" Autofocus implementation, here's how I'm currently using my Outlook Tasks list:

I have a simple list view with the following columns: Categories, Priority, Subject, Due Date, and Complete. Completed tasks are hidden, and I sort by Due Date in ascending order.

I use the Categories column simply as a way to mark my current task. I do this by creating a simple "Current Task" category. When I'm ready to work on a task, I right-click it and then click Categorize > Current Task.

I use the Priority column to indicate blocked tasks. I do this by setting blocked tasks to High priority. This displays an exclamation mark in the Priority column.

When I finish a task, I click the box in the Complete column, and the task is hidden from view.

That's it!