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How to Throw Typed Fault Exceptions from Orchestrations Published as WCF Services


In general, a WCF Web Service can return two types of SOAP faults: typed and untyped SOAP faults.

Typed Faults

In order to throw a typed fault, a service operation must be decorated with a System.ServiceModel.FaultContractAttribute that specifies a fault data contract defined earlier. The following code snippet shows a WCF web service called HelloWorld which implements the IHelloWorld service or contract interface. This interface exposes a single synchronous operation called SayHello that is decorated with the FaultContractAttribute. The attribute declares that the SayHello method can throw a typed fault exception defined by the CustomError data contract class. The implementation of the SayHello method in the HelloWorld class checks if the incoming request is null and in this case it throws an error of type FaultException<CustomError>.

 namespace Microsoft.BizTalk.CAT.Samples.PublishTypedFaults.Services{    [Serializable]    [DataContract(Name = "HelloWorldRequest", Namespace = "")]    public class HelloWorldRequest    {       ...    }    [Serializable]    [DataContract(Name = "HelloWorldResponse", Namespace = "")]    public class HelloWorldResponse    {        ...    }    [Serializable]    [DataContract(Name = "CustomError", Namespace = "")]    public class CustomError    {        ...    }    [ServiceContract(Name = "HelloWorld", Namespace = "")]    public interface IHelloWorld    {        [OperationContract(Action = "SayHello", ReplyAction = "SayHello", ProtectionLevel = ProtectionLevel.None)]        [FaultContract(typeof(CustomError), Action = "CustomErrorFault")]        HelloWorldResponse SayHello(HelloWorldRequest request);    }    [ServiceBehavior(Name = "HelloWorld", Namespace = "")]    public class HelloWorld : IHelloWorld    {        [OperationBehavior]        public HelloWorldResponse SayHello(HelloWorldRequest request)        {            if (request == null || string.IsNullOrEmpty(request.Name))            {                throw CreateFault(NameCannotBeNullOrEmpty);            }            return new HelloWorldResponse(string.Format(SayHelloFormat, request.Name));        }          private FaultException<CustomError> CreateFault(string message)        {             ...            return fault;        }    }}


Untyped Faults

Untyped SOAP faults are those that do not require a service operation to be decorated with a FaultContractAttribute that specify a custom data contract class.

BizTalk Orchestrations and Typed Faults

BizTalk Server 2006 R2 and BizTalk Server 2009 allow handling typed fault contracts when consuming WCF services from within orchestrations. The steps necessary to implement this technique are clearly described in the  article “How to Handle Typed Fault Contracts in Orchestrations” on MSDN. Instead, WCF adapters actually do not support processing typed fault contract exceptions within orchestrations published as WCF services. However, untyped SOAP faults can always be returned by orchestrations or pipelines. For more information on this topic review the article “How to Throw Fault Exceptions from Orchestrations Published as WCF Services” on MSDN.

This constraint arises from how the Receive Handler of WCF Adapters is actually implemented. The WCF Receive Adapter instantiates a singleton instance of the BizTalkServiceInstance class for each WCF Receive Location. This class can be found in the Microsoft.BizTalk.Adapter.Wcf.Runtime.dll assembly. In particular, as you can see in the picture below, the BizTalkServiceInstance class is decorated with the attribute ServiceBehavior(InstanceContextMode=InstanceContextMode.Single, ConcurrencyMode=ConcurrencyMode.Multiple).



Therefore, all the incoming requests towards a given WCF Receive Location are are managed by the same singleton object. When you enable a WCF Receive Location, the Adapter initializes and opens a dedicated instance of a ServiceHost-derived class (WebServiceHost), which dynamically builds the WCF runtime components within the in-process or isolated host process. This includes the channel stack, dispatcher, and generic service instance. Almost all of the WCF adapters can be hosted within the BizTalk service process itself – the only exception is WCF-CustomIsolated, which must be used in a BizTalk isolated host by design. Even the HTTP adapters can be hosted in-process now. The WCF Adapters build the generic service contracts shown in the table below. Each service contract implemented by the BizTalkServiceInstance covers a different scenario.

 [ServiceContract(Namespace = "")]public interface IOneWayAsync{    // Methods    [OperationContract(AsyncPattern = true, IsOneWay = true, Action = "*")]    IAsyncResult BeginOneWayMethod(Message message, AsyncCallback callback, object state);    [OperationContract(IsOneWay = true, Action = "BizTalkSubmit")]    void BizTalkSubmit(Message message);    void EndOneWayMethod(IAsyncResult result);}[ServiceContract(Namespace = "")]public interface IOneWayAsyncTxn{    // Methods    [OperationContract(AsyncPattern = true, IsOneWay = true, Action = "*")]    IAsyncResult BeginOneWayMethod(Message message, AsyncCallback callback, object state);    [OperationContract(IsOneWay = true, Action = "BizTalkSubmit")]    void BizTalkSubmit(Message message);    void EndOneWayMethod(IAsyncResult result);}[ServiceContract(Namespace = "")]public interface ITwoWayAsync{    // Methods    [OperationContract(AsyncPattern = true, IsOneWay = false, Action = "*", ReplyAction = "*")]    IAsyncResult BeginTwoWayMethod(Message message, AsyncCallback callback, object state);    [OperationContract(IsOneWay = false, Action = "BizTalkSubmit")]    Message BizTalkSubmit(Message message);    Message EndTwoWayMethod(IAsyncResult result);}[ServiceContract(Namespace = "")]public interface ITwoWayAsyncVoid{    // Methods    [OperationContract(AsyncPattern = true, IsOneWay = false, Action = "*", ReplyAction = "*")]    IAsyncResult BeginTwoWayMethod(Message message, AsyncCallback callback, object state);    [OperationContract(IsOneWay = false, Action = "BizTalkSubmit")]    void BizTalkSubmit(Message message);    void EndTwoWayMethod(IAsyncResult result);}[ServiceContract(Namespace = "")]public interface ITwoWayAsyncVoidTxn{    // Methods    [TransactionFlow(TransactionFlowOption.Mandatory), OperationContract(AsyncPattern = true, IsOneWay = false, Action = "*", ReplyAction = "*")]    IAsyncResult BeginTwoWayMethod(Message message, AsyncCallback callback, object state);    [TransactionFlow(TransactionFlowOption.Mandatory), OperationContract(IsOneWay = false, Action = "BizTalkSubmit")]    void BizTalkSubmit(Message message);    void EndTwoWayMethod(IAsyncResult result);}


As you can easily see in the code above, all the service contracts implemented by the BizTalkServiceInstance Class are generic and asynchronous. In fact, one-way service operations are decorated with [OperationContract(AsyncPattern = true, IsOneWay = true, Action = "*")] attribute, while request-response methods are decorated with the [OperationContract(AsyncPattern = true, IsOneWay = false, Action = "*", ReplyAction = "*")] attribute. Besides, they receive a generic inbound message of type System.ServiceModel.Channels.Message and eventually return a message of the same type. As a consequence, these methods can accept any request message and eventually process any reply message. However, since these operations are generic and untyped, they are not decorated by any FaultContractAttribute. As a consequence, WCF Receive Locations cannot return typed fault exceptions. Since every WCF Receive Location is implemented as an instance of the BizTalkServiceInstance and this class cannot be customized or inherited to expose typed service contracts, BizTalk Server does not natively support throwing typed fault exceptions within orchestrations published as WCF services or more in general throwing typed fault exceptions within a WCF Receive Location.

At this point a question arises: is there any workaround to throw typed fault exceptions within orchestrations published as WCF services? The answer, fortunately, is yes.

The Solution

The WCF-Custom and WCF-CustomIsolated Adapters provided by BizTalk Server 2006 R2 and BizTalk Server 2009 allow to define a custom WCF binding configuration to meet your precise communication needs. These adapters can be used to define custom WCF configurations for Send Ports or Receive Locations and extend their standard functionality using custom components as endpoint and service behaviors, message inspectors, custom bindings, binding elements, channels, etc. Therefore, I decided to create the following custom components:

Microsoft.BizTalk.CAT.Samples.PublishTypedFaults.WsdlExportExtensions assembly: flattens and extends the WSDL generated by the BizTalk WCF Service Publishing Wizard to enable WCF Receive locations to expose typed soap faults.

Microsoft.BizTalk.CAT.Samples.PublishTypedFaults.MessageInspector assembly: intercepts a reply message and when this latter is a fault, it creates and returns a typed fault message.

The following picture depicts the architecture of the proof of concept I implemented to test these components:


  1. A WCF-CustomIsolated Request-Response Receive Location receives a new xml document from a client application.
  2. The XML disassembler component within the XMLTransmit pipeline promotes the MsgType context property. The Message Agent submits the incoming message to the MessageBox (BizTalkMsgBoxDb).
  3. The inbound request starts a new instance of the HelloWorld orchestration type.
  4. The orchestration checks the incoming HelloWorldRequest message, and if the Name element is null or empty, it creates and return a new fault message of type CustomError. Otherwise, the orchestration returns a reply message of type HelloWorldResponse.
  5. The HelloWorld orchestration publishes the reply message to the MessageBox (BizTalkMsgBoxDb).
  6. The response message is retrieved by the WCF-CustomIsolated Request-Response Receive Location.
  7. The reply  message is processed by the CustomErrorMessageInspector component. If the response is a fault message, it creates a new typed fault message using the configuration data set on the Receive Location.
  8. The reply message is returned to the client application.

The following picture shows the XML Schema which defines the CustomError typed fault.



The following figure shows the configuration of the WCF-CustomIsolated Request-Response Receive Location.

RLConfig01 RLConfig02
RLConfig03 RLConfig04


The Receive Location exposes an endpoint that uses the WsHttpBinding and make use of the serviceThrottling service behavior (see System.ServiceModel.Description.ServiceThrottlingBehavior for more information), a custom service behavior called errorHandler and a custom endpoint behavior called wsdlExport :

The custom service and endpoint behaviors must be configured in the machine.config as follows:


 <?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?><configuration>    ...  <system.serviceModel>      ...    <extensions>      <behaviorExtensions>          ...        <add name="errorHandler" type="Microsoft.BizTalk.CAT.Samples.PublishTypedFaults.ErrorHandler.CustomErrorBehaviorExtensionElement,                                        Microsoft.BizTalk.CAT.Samples.PublishTypedFaults.ErrorHandler, Version=, Culture=neutral,                                        PublicKeyToken=d7f63d8d08d8f3a2" />        <add name="wsdlExport" type="Microsoft.BizTalk.CAT.Samples.PublishTypedFaults.WsdlExportExtensions.WsdlExportBehaviorExtensionElement,                                     Microsoft.BizTalk.CAT.Samples.PublishTypedFaults.WsdlExportExtensions, Version=, Culture=neutral,                                     PublicKeyToken=d7f63d8d08d8f3a2" />      </behaviorExtensions>    </extensions>  </system.serviceModel></configuration>


The Include exception detail in faults option must be set on the Messages tab to enable the WCF Receive Location to return the error detail in fault messages. Below you can see the code of the CustomErrorHandler component. The constructor retrieves configuration data from the Receive Port configuration, while the IErrorHandler.ProvideFault method allows, in case of error, to generate a typed fault exception using the configuration data.

CustomErrorHandler Class

 namespace Microsoft.BizTalk.CAT.Samples.PublishTypedFaults.ErrorHandler{    /// <summary>    /// This class can be customized to create a message inspector.    /// </summary>    public class CustomErrorHandler : IErrorHandler    {        #region Private Constants        private const string Source = "CustomErrorHandler";        private const string SoapActionFormat = "[CustomErrorHandler]: SOAP Fault Action = [{0}]";        private const string SoapFaultCodeFormat = "[CustomErrorHandler]: SOAP Fault Code = [{0}]";        private const string SoapFaultReasonFormat = "[CustomErrorHandler]: SOAP Fault Reason = [{0}]";        private const string SoapFaultDetailFormat = "[CustomErrorHandler]: SOAP Fault Detail:";        private const string MessageTypeFormat = "{0}#{1}";        private const string DefaultAction = "CustomError";        private const string DefaultFaultCode = "CustomError";        private const string DefaultFaultReason = "CustomError";        #endregion        #region Private Fields        private bool enabled = true;        private bool traceEnabled = false;        private int maxBufferSize = 2097152;        private string typedFaults = null;        private Dictionary<string, CustomErrorFaultInfo> faults = new Dictionary<string, CustomErrorFaultInfo>();        #endregion        #region Public Constructors        public CustomErrorHandler(bool enabled,                                  bool traceEnabled,                                  int maxBufferSize,                                  string typedFaults)        {            this.enabled = enabled;            this.traceEnabled = traceEnabled;            this.maxBufferSize = maxBufferSize;            this.typedFaults = typedFaults;            try            {                if (!string.IsNullOrEmpty(typedFaults))                {                    TypedFaults faultData = SerializationHelper.XmlDeserialize(typedFaults, typeof(TypedFaults)) as TypedFaults;                    if (faultData != null &&                        faultData.FaultList != null &&                        faultData.FaultList.Count > 0)                    {                        for (int i = 0; i < faultData.FaultList.Count; i++)                        {                            if (!string.IsNullOrEmpty(faultData.FaultList[i].Name))                            {                                faults.Add(string.Format(MessageTypeFormat, faultData.FaultList[i].Namespace, faultData.FaultList[i].Name ?? string.Empty),                                           new CustomErrorFaultInfo(faultData.FaultList[i].Action,                                                                     faultData.FaultList[i].Code,                                                                     faultData.FaultList[i].Reason));                            }                        }                    }                }            }            catch (Exception ex)            {                EventLog.WriteEntry(Source, ex.Message, EventLogEntryType.Error);            }        }        #endregion        #region IErrorHandler Members        public bool HandleError(Exception error)        {            return true;        }        public void ProvideFault(Exception error, MessageVersion version, ref Message fault)        {            try            {                if (error != null)                {                    string action = null;                    FaultCode faultCode = null;                    FaultReason faultReason = null;                    XPathNavigator details = null;                    RetrieveErrorData(error.Message, out action, out faultCode, out faultReason);                    XPathDocument document = new XPathDocument(new StringReader(error.Message));                    details = document.CreateNavigator();                    MessageFault messageFault = MessageFault.CreateFault(faultCode, faultReason, details, new CustomErrorSerializer());                    fault = Message.CreateMessage(version, messageFault, action);                }            }            catch (Exception ex)            {                EventLog.WriteEntry(Source, ex.Message, EventLogEntryType.Error);                throw ex;            }            return;        }        #endregion        #region Private Methods        private void RetrieveErrorData(string message,                                        out string action,                                        out FaultCode faultCode,                                       out FaultReason faultReason)        {            action = DefaultAction;            faultCode = new FaultCode(DefaultFaultCode);            faultReason = new FaultReason(DefaultFaultReason);            if (string.IsNullOrEmpty(message))            {                return;            }            if (traceEnabled)            {                TraceHelper.WriteLine(SoapFaultDetailFormat);                TraceHelper.WriteLine(message);            }            string rootElement = null;            string targetNamespace = null;            using (StringReader stringReader = new StringReader(message))            {                XmlReader xmlReader = null;                try                {                    xmlReader = XmlReader.Create(stringReader);                    bool ok = true;                    while (xmlReader.Read() && ok)                    {                        if (xmlReader.NodeType == XmlNodeType.Element)                        {                            rootElement = xmlReader.LocalName;                            targetNamespace = xmlReader.NamespaceURI;                            ok = false;                        }                    }                }                catch (Exception)                {                }                finally                {                    if (xmlReader != null)                    {                        xmlReader.Close();                    }                }            }            if (!string.IsNullOrEmpty(rootElement))            {                if (targetNamespace == null)                {                    targetNamespace = string.Empty;                }                string messageType = string.Format(MessageTypeFormat, targetNamespace, rootElement);                if (faults != null &&                    faults.ContainsKey(messageType))                {                    if (!string.IsNullOrEmpty(faults[messageType].Action))                    {                        action = faults[messageType].Action;                    }                    if (!string.IsNullOrEmpty(faults[messageType].Code))                    {                        faultCode = new FaultCode(faults[messageType].Code);                    }                    if (!string.IsNullOrEmpty(faults[messageType].Reason))                    {                        faultReason = new FaultReason(faults[messageType].Reason);                    }                }                if (traceEnabled)                {                    TraceHelper.WriteLine(string.Format(SoapActionFormat, action));                    TraceHelper.WriteLine(string.Format(SoapFaultCodeFormat, faultCode));                    TraceHelper.WriteLine(string.Format(SoapFaultReasonFormat, faultReason));                }            }        }        #endregion    }}


The following table contains the XML snippet used as configuration data by the CustomErrorHandler component. As you can see, the convention I used allows defining multiple typed faults in a declarative way. At runtime the CustomErrorHandler component will read and store configuration data in a dictionary. In particular the value of the Name and Namespace elements of each TypedFault will be concatenated (Namespace#Name) to form the  message type of the corresponding error message. If the orchestration returns a typed fault, the CustomErrorHandler component will determine the message type of the typed fault (targetNamespace#RootElementName) and it will retrieve the corresponding information (Action, Code, and Reason) from the dictionary.

 <TypedFaults xmlns="">  <TypedFault>    <Action>SayHello</Action>    <Name>CustomError</Name>    <Namespace></Namespace>    <Code>SayHello Error Code</Code>    <Reason>SayHello Orchestration Error</Reason>  </TypedFault></TypedFaults>


If you set the TraceEnabled property to true, at runtime the CustomErrorHandler component will produce a trace that you can intercept and review with a tool such as Debug as shown in the picture below.


The WCF-Receive Location can be created using the BizTalk WCF Service Publishing Wizard. In particular,  this allows to create a WCF Receive Location to expose the HelloWorld orchestration as a WCF service. Moreover, setting the Enable metadata endpoint option it’s possible to enable the  WCF Receive Location to expose a Metadata Endpoint.



This allows a developer to use Visual Studio or a tool such as svcutil to generate a proxy class to invoke  the WCF Receive Location. Now, let’s say that you want to create a WCF client application to invoke the WCF Receive Location. Within Visual Studio you can create a new Windows Application, right-click the project inside the Solution Explorer and then select Add Service Reference. If the WCF Receive Location exposes a Metadata Endpoint, this operation will create a proxy class to invoke the corresponding WCF web service. However, if you review the code and in particular the contract interface, you’ll realize that the SayHello method is not decorated with a FaultContractAttribute. This is due to the fact, that since BizTalk Server does not support throwing typed fault exceptions, the native wsdl returned by the Metadata Endpoint exposed by the WCF Receive location does not contain any soap fault message. In order to sort out this problem, you can adopt one of the following techniques:

Create and expose a custom wsdl that contains the definition of your typed soap faults.

Create a custom endpoint behavior to dynamically  modify the wsdl produced by BizTalk.

The first technique is quite straightforward:

You manually define a custom wsdl using a text or xml editor.

You publish the resulting wsdl file to IIS (e.g. https://localhost/samples/service.wsdl)

You configure your WCF-Custom or WCF-CustomIsolated Receive Location to expose metadata and in particular the newly created wsdl file.

In order to accomplish the finale step, you can proceed as follows:

  • Start the BizTalk Server Administration Console.
  • Open your WCF-Custom/WCF-CustomIsolated Receive Location.
  • Click the Configure button in the Transport section.
  • Click the Behavior tab.
  • Right-click the Service Behavior node and choose to Add Extension.
  • In the Select Behavior Extension window, choose the serviceMetadata component.
  • Set the value of the httpGetEnabled property of the serviceMetadata behavior to True (see the picture below).
  • Set the value of the externalMetadataLocation property of the serviceMetadata behavior to the url of your hand-built wsdl (see the picture below).



The second technique consists in creating a custom component called WsdlExtensions to modify at run-time the wsdl returned by the the Metadata Endpoint exposed by a WCF-Custom/WCF-CustomIsolated Receive location. This component is implemented as an a custom endpoint behavior and it can be used along with any WCF-Custom or WCF-CustomIsolated Receive Location, as shown in the picture below.



The WsdlExtensions property exposed by the component accepts an XML snippet that allows to specify how the wsdl has to be customized at runtime.

 <WsdlExtensions xmlns="">    <Prefix>bts</Prefix>    <XmlSchemas>        <XmlSchema>            <Name>CustomError</Name>            <Namespace></Namespace>        </XmlSchema>    </XmlSchemas>    <Messages>        <Message>            <Name>HelloWorld_SayHello_CustomErrorFault_FaultMessage</Name>            <Namespace></Namespace>            <Parts>                <Part>                    <Name>detail</Name>                    <Element>CustomError</Element>                </Part>            </Parts>        </Message>    </Messages>    <PortTypes>        <PortType>            <Name>HelloWorld</Name>            <Operations>                <Operation>                    <Name>SayHello</Name>                    <Faults>                        <Fault>                            <Name>CustomErrorFault</Name>                            <Message>HelloWorld_SayHello_CustomErrorFault_FaultMessage</Message>                        </Fault>                    </Faults>                </Operation>            </Operations>        </PortType>    </PortTypes></WsdlExtensions>


As shown in the picture above, the components allows to define the following information:

  • The prefix for the namespace of new messages created inside the wsdl.
  • One or multiple Xml Schemas each defining a different typed fault. These schemas must be deployed to BizTalk. At runtime, the component is able to retrieve the content of each schema from the BizTalkMgmtDb that  subsequently is inserted in the outbound wsdl.
  • One or multiple fault messages, each containing one or multiple parts.
  • One or multiple operation-fault associations. At runtime the component search through the original wsdl structure and creates faults accordingly.

At runtime the WsdlExtensions component validates the XML configuration specified on the port and if the TraceEnabled property is set to true, it produces a trace with a tool such as Debug as shown in the picture below.



The following picture shows the wsdl produced by the WsdlExtensions component at runtime. In particular, the parts added by the component are highlighted by a red frame.


Note: Flattening the wsdl  to include the XML schemas used to define messages allows to make the wsdl document compatible with non-Microsoft development environments. In fact, Visual Studio supports import and include directives in a wsdl, but some non-Microsoft development environments are not able to consume the wsdl exposed by a WCF web service.

Note: the XML Schemas defining the structure of the XML configuration data consumed at runtime respectively by the CustomErrorMessageInspector and by the WsdlExportEndpointBehavior can be found inside the BehaviorSchemas project. The corresponding assembly doesn’t need to be deployed to BizTalk Server.

Proof Of Concept in Action

In order to test the WCF custom components, I created a WinForms application. In particular, when I leave the Name textbox blank and press the Call button, the HelloWorld orchestration returns a fault message. The client application intercepts the error with a catch (FaultException<HelloWorldBizTalk.CustomError> ex) block and opens a MessageBox to show the detail of the exception.


I created 3 different Receive Locations to test my ErrorHandler component with different WCF settings:




    Adapter: WCF-CustomIsolated
    Binding: WsHttpBinding
    Security Mode: None
    ClientCredentialType: N/A

  • PublishTypedFaults.HelloWorld.WCF-CustomIsolated.TransportSecurity.ReceiveLocation

    • Adapter: WCF-CustomIsolated

    • Binding: WsHttpBinding

    • Security Mode: Transport

    • ClientCredentialType: Windows

  • PublishTypedFaults.HelloWorld.WCF-Custom.MessageSecurity.ReceiveLocation

    • Adapter: WCF-Custom

    • Binding: NetTcpBinding

    • Security Mode: Message

    • ClientCredentialType: Windows


Show me the code!

At this point, you are probably saying:

- ok, cool, where’s the code?

Well, you can find the code for BizTalk Server 2009 here, but its should work fine also on BizTalk Server 2006 R2. Obviously, in this latter case you need to readapt the projects for Visual Studio 2005.

Obviously, everything there are many ways to implement the same functionalities, so I’d be glad if you could leave a message on my blog and let me know how you used/customized/improved my code. Enjoy! ;-)


  • Anonymous
    May 22, 2009
    PingBack from

  • Anonymous
    May 22, 2009
    Thank you for submitting this cool story - Trackback from DotNetShoutout

  • Anonymous
    June 02, 2009
    Excellent article and enough details there. Just what I had in my mind. Thank you.

  • Anonymous
    August 20, 2009
    Your sample code works fine with basicHttpBinding. But getting below error if I use the wsHttpBinding.Please advise The signature verification failed. Please see inner exception for fault details. Inner exception: Digest verification failed for Reference '#_0'.

  • Anonymous
    August 20, 2009
    Hi Vinoth, could you please send me a repro of your test to better scope the problem? My demo works fine and it makes use of a WCF-CustomIsolated Receive Location to expose the orchestration as a WCF service and this Receive Location is configured to use the WsHttpBinding binding.  

  • Anonymous
    November 18, 2009
    The comment has been removed

  • Anonymous
    November 18, 2009
    Hi Efung, I doubt that the problem is due to the Action, as the operation exposed by the WCF Receive Location accepts any Action as shown in te code snippet below (Action=""): [OperationContract(AsyncPattern = true, IsOneWay = false, Action = "", ReplyAction = "*")]    IAsyncResult BeginTwoWayMethod(Message message, AsyncCallback callback, object state); The next check is to verify that the binding used on the client side and server side (WCF Receive Location). Since you downloaded my code (that works fine on my machine, and several other people were able to successfully install and use the demo) I'm inclined to think that bindings are ok. So the next question is: are you hosting the WCF Receive Location within IIS 6.0 or 7.0? What kind of Application Pool (Integrated/Classic) are you using to host the WCF Receive Location? What kind of security did you set on the web application hosting the WCF Receive Location? Take into account that since the WCF Receive Location is using the wsHttpBinding with no security (no authentication), you have to enable Anonymous Authentication on the web application hosting the WCF Receive Location. Ciao, Paolo

  • Anonymous
    January 28, 2010
    Hi Paolo, Thanks for your work on typed fault handling in biztalk. If I would like to change to use my own typed fault schema, instead of customerrors, how should I proceed? Thanks. WK

  • Anonymous
    January 28, 2010
    The comment has been removed

  • Anonymous
    February 10, 2010
    Thanks for your info in previous conversation. I have another question, is this prototype working fine when we choose wshttp and nettcp, with security mode is not set to "None"? I found that it shows error as "Digest verification failed for Reference '#_0'." What information you would like to get for this issue? Thanks.

  • Anonymous
    February 12, 2010
    HI WK, unfortunately I'm quite busy in this period. However, I'll examine the problem you highlighted and follow up as soon as I'll have some spare time. Ciao, Paolo

  • Anonymous
    February 17, 2010
    Hi WK, I extended my sample as follows:

  • I created another WCF-CustomIsolated Receive Location that uses the wsHttpBinding with the Security Mode = Transport.
  • I changed the client application, so now you can decide if you want to invoke the orchestration via the RL via Security Mode = None (BizTalk option) or via the RL with Security Mode = Transport (BizTalkSSL option). Everything worked as expected and I didn't see the error you mentioned. Moreover, I tried to access the WSDL generated by the new WCF-CustomIsolated RL with Security Mode = Transport, and one again the results were as expected. For your convenience, I updated the zip file (only for BizTalk Server 2009) containing the up-to-date code and bindings. Let me know if this has been of any help. :-) Ciao, Paolo
  • Anonymous
    February 25, 2010
    Hi Paolo,       In our case, we are using nettcp binding with security Mode = Message. The message client credential type = "Windows".       As mentioned in previous message, a Communication Exception is caught in the client as "Digest verification failed for Reference '#_0'.       Would you mind helping to simulate our case in your environment?       Thanks again. Rgds, WK

  • Anonymous
    February 25, 2010
    The comment has been removed

  • Anonymous
    March 01, 2010
    Hi Paolo,      First of all, thank you very much for your quick response.      We have implemented the solution you provided in our environment. But unfortunately, we cannot get the expected result. The detail is:

  1. In CustomErrorHandler.cs, we debug the following code.        public void ProvideFault(Exception error, MessageVersion version, ref Message fault)        {            try            {                if (error != null)                {                    string action = null;                    FaultCode faultCode = null;                    FaultReason faultReason = null;                    XPathNavigator details = null;                    RetrieveErrorData(error.Message, out action, out faultCode, out faultReason);                    XPathDocument document = new XPathDocument(new StringReader(error.Message));                    details = document.CreateNavigator();                    MessageFault messageFault = MessageFault.CreateFault(faultCode, faultReason, details, new CustomErrorSerializer());                    fault = Message.CreateMessage(version, messageFault, action);                }            }            catch (Exception ex)            {                EventLog.WriteEntry(Source, ex.Message, EventLogEntryType.Error);                throw ex;            }            return;        } The fault message we captured is: <s:Envelope xmlns:a="" xmlns:s="">  <s:Header>    <a:Action s:mustUnderstand="1">CustomError</a:Action>  </s:Header>  <s:Body>    <s:Fault>      <s:Code>        <s:Value>s:CustomError</s:Value>      </s:Code>      <s:Reason>        <s:Text xml:lang="en-US">CustomError</s:Text>      </s:Reason>      <s:Detail>        <ns0:FaultMessage xmlns:ns0="http://testingschemas">          <ns0:Reply>            <ns0:ReplyCode>FaultCode_0</ns0:ReplyCode>            <ns0:Error>Error_0</ns0:Error>            <ns0:ID>ID_0</ns0:ID>          </ns0:Reply>        </ns0:FaultMessage>      </s:Detail>    </s:Fault>  </s:Body> </s:Envelope> The content inside the node <s:Detail></s:Detail> is our typedfault.
  2. The service behaviour extension "errorHandler" is empty.
  3. The endpoint behaviour extension "wsdlexport" is <WsdlExtensions xmlns=""> <Prefix>q2</Prefix> <XmlSchemas> <XmlSchema> <Name>FaultMessageType</Name> <Namespace>http://testingschemas</Namespace> </XmlSchema> </XmlSchemas> <Messages> <Message> <Name>InitializingEvent_FaultMessage</Name> <Namespace>http://testingschemas</Namespace> <Parts> <Part> <Name>detail</Name> <Element>FaultMessage</Element> </Part> </Parts> </Message> </Messages> <PortTypes> <PortType> <Name>ProcessEventPort</Name> <Operations> <Operation> <Name>InitializingEvent</Name> <Faults> <Fault> <Name>Fault</Name> <Message>InitializingEvent_FaultMessage</Message> </Fault> </Faults> </Operation> </Operations> </PortType> </PortTypes> </WsdlExtensions>
  4. In previous version, we can capture the typedfault "FaultMessageType" in the client catch exception                    catch (FaultException<TEST.FaultMessageType> ex)                    { ...                    }     But in current version, we can only capture the general fault exception in the client catch exception                    catch (FaultException ex)                    { ...                    }     The fault exception type we capture is "CustomError" Do you have any idea?        Thanks. Rgds, WK
  • Anonymous
    March 01, 2010
    The comment has been removed

  • Anonymous
    August 05, 2010
    The comment has been removed

  • Anonymous
    August 05, 2010
    Hi Mark, thanks for the feedback. I published a new copy of the code on my SkyDrive. Download it and try to unzip it and let me know if this time it works. ;-) Ciao, Paolo

  • Anonymous
    August 10, 2010
    Hi Paolo, Still getting the same error I'm afraid. Error states "No CE signature found" Regards Mark

  • Anonymous
    August 18, 2010
    Hi Mark, write directly to my email address ( and I'll try to send you the code in another format (e.g. rar). Ok? Ciao, Paolo

  • Anonymous
    August 30, 2010
    Dear Paolo, thank you for your great work on this solution. i wonder i you could answer my questions below; 1- from where should i start in order to write my own error ? 2- should I use the wsdlexport for client behavior, since, we are using a wcf-custom (in-process hosting) and we don't need the metadata option ?

  • Anonymous
    August 31, 2010
    Hi mate, The best way to create your own error is probably customizing the Xml Schema of the CustomError message contained in the TypedFaults project and deploy the assembly. When you have done that, you can simply use this schema within your orchestrations to generate fault messages, as in my example. At this regard, remember that you have to right-click the operation within the Logical Request-Response Port inside the orchestration and choose the New Fault Message item from the context menu to generate a new Fault Message that you can use to raise a typed fault which structure is identified by the XML schema. Then, you have to properly declare the name and namespace of your custom error schema within the XmlSchemas element of the xml configuration contained in the WsdlExtension property of the wsdlExport endpoint behavior. At runtime, the behavior will read the schema from the BizTalkMgmtDb and include it in the resulting WSDL. Last but not least, you need to properly "attach" the custom error to the operation exposed by your WCF-Custom Receive Location, as explained in my article. In other words, you have to declare a new fault message within the Messages element of the xml configuration used by the wsdlExport endpoint behavior and specify that message as fault for the operation in question. Regarding your second question, if you don't use the wsdlExport endpoint behavior on your WCF-Custom Receive location, the corresponding WSDL will not be adequately extended with soap faults. Therefore, when you generate a client proxy using Visual Studio "Add Service Reference..." functionality or the svcutil tool, the service contract will not contain FaultContracts and at runtime will not be able to handle typed faults. You can eventually configure the wsdlExport endpoint behavior on your WCF-Custom Receive Location just when you need to generate the client proxy, and then, when you have done this, you eliminate that. Let me know if I answered your questions! Ciao, Paolo

  • Anonymous
    March 15, 2011
    Hi Paolo, is this still the way to go in BTS 2010? Does it even work in BTS 2010? Ciao Kirby

  • Anonymous
    March 15, 2011
    Hi Kirby, as far as know, nothing changed in BizTalk Server 2010 that justifies another approach. WCF Adapter have not been changed or extended. The code should be ok for BizTalk Server 2010 as well, should you encounter any problems recompiling assemblies against 4.0 .NET Frameowrk in in Visual Studio 2010, just let me know! Ciao, Paolo

  • Anonymous
    May 02, 2011
    Dear Paolo, I tried with your code and it works fine! But I got a question and would like to know if you have any idea. I now want to have 2 operation in one port and I would like to have typed fault for both action. I found that the errorHandler could only handle either one of the operation. When I try to put 2 typefault there, it seems couldn't work. I wonder if that is a limitation? Thanks very much. Ken

  • Anonymous
    May 05, 2011
    The comment has been removed

  • Anonymous
    July 19, 2011
    The comment has been removed

  • Anonymous
    July 20, 2011
    Hi Ken, indeed the answer should be divided in 2 parts:

  • returning one or multiple typed faults from a single port or operation.
  • modifying the WSDL to declare that a certain operation can return one or multiple typed faults. The CustomErrorHandler component covers the first part of the equation, whereas the WsdlExportEndpointBehavior component covers the second part. In theory, returning multiple typed faults from a single operation should be possible by changing the configuration of the above components, without changing their code, but to confirm my assumption, you should try out the following approach. Let's say that your application can throw 2 different types of typed faults identified by the following information.
  • name and root element=ValidationError,
  • name and root element=BackEndSystemError, Let's assume that these 2 errors are defined by 2 XML schemas contained in a deployed BizTalk assembly called CustomErrors with targetNamespace equal to Under this condition, you can simply assign the following XML document to the TypedFaults property of the errorHandler service behavior: <TypedFaults xmlns="">    <TypedFault>        <Action>ValidationErrorAction</Action>        <Name>ValidationError</Name>        <Namespace>>        <Code>ValidationErrorCode</Code>        <Reason>ValidationErrorReason</Reason>    </TypedFault>    <TypedFault>        <Action>BackEndSystemErrorAction</Action>        <Name>BackEndSystemError</Name>        <Namespace>>        <Code>BackEndSystemErrorCode</Code>        <Reason>BackEndSystemErrorReason</Reason>    </TypedFault> </TypedFaults> Let's assume that your application exposes a single WCF receive location called OrderReceiveLocation with 1 operation called ProcessOrder. To declare that the latter can throw both the ValidationError and BackEndSystemError typed faults, you should assign the following XML to the WsdlExtensions property of the wsdlExport endpoint behavior: <WsdlExtensions xmlns="">    <Prefix>bts</Prefix>    <XmlSchemas>        <XmlSchema>            <Name>ValidationErrors</Name>            <Namespace>>        </XmlSchema>    </XmlSchemas>    <Messages>        <Message>            <Name>OrderReceiveLocation_ProcessOrder_ValidationErrorFault_FaultMessage</Name>            <>            <Parts>                <Part>                    <Name>detail</Name>                    <Element>ValidationError</Element>                </Part>            </Parts>        </Message>         <Message>            <Name>OrderReceiveLocation_ProcessOrder_BackEndSystemErrorFault_FaultMessage</Name>            <>            <Parts>                <Part>                    <Name>detail</Name>                    <Element>BackEndSystemError</Element>                </Part>            </Parts>        </Message>    </Messages>    <PortTypes>        <PortType>            <Name>OrderReceiveLocation</Name>            <Operations>                <Operation>                    <Name>ProcessOrder</Name>                    <Faults>                        <Fault>                            <Name>ValidationErrorFault</Name>                            <Message>OrderReceiveLocation_ProcessOrder_ValidationErrorFault_FaultMessage</Message>                        </Fault>                        <Fault>                            <Name>BackEndSystemErrorFault</Name>                            <Message>OrderReceiveLocation_ProcessOrder_BackEndSystemErrorFault_FaultMessage</Message>                        </Fault>                    </Faults>                </Operation>            </Operations>        </PortType>    </PortTypes> </WsdlExtensions> I didn't make any tests, so you should validate my assumptions. In this case, please, send me a feedback! ;-) Ciao, Paolo
  • Anonymous
    July 31, 2011
    Dear Paolo, Thanks for your advice! I need sometime to read it all. Thanks very much!! Ken