Microsoft Technology Guru Contest - Question 18
Where will you go for saving a selected text box to the text box gallery?
1. Home tab
2. Insert tab
3. Review tab
4. Format tab
5. None of the above
How to participate:
- Answer the above question and providing your email address along.
- Only the answer provided with email address will be marked.
- Only the first correct answer will be considered.
- For further details kindly refer to the Competition Rules and Guidelines.
December 12, 2011
Waseemuddin Shaikh Option 1.Home tab waseem.uddin@live.comAnonymous
December 12, 2011
1.home tab rehmansayani2@hotmail.comAnonymous
December 12, 2011
- Home tab
- Anonymous
December 12, 2011
- Home Tab
December 12, 2011
2 .Insert Tab dani_9211@hotmail.comAnonymous
December 12, 2011
Option 1: Home tab mary_khan87@hotmail.comAnonymous
December 12, 2011
- Home tab Email :
- Anonymous
December 13, 2011
Answer Home Tab