Microsoft Technology Guru Contest - Question 15
In the The MVVM (View Model) in silverlight, The Model
1. Should not contain reference to the ViewModel.
2. Must contain reference to the ViewModel.
3. It can be an auto generated proxy of domain class.
4. Only 1 and 2.
5. Only 1 and 3.
How to participate:
- Answer the above question and providing your email address along.
- Only the answer provided with email address will be marked.
- Only the first correct answer will be considered.
- For further details kindly refer to the Competition Rules and Guidelines.
- Anonymous
December 11, 2011
- Only 1 and 3.
December 11, 2011
Option 5. Only 1 and 3. me@umair.meAnonymous
December 11, 2011
- Only 1 and 3 Email :
December 11, 2011
Waseemuddin Shaikh Option 5.Only 1and 3 waseem.uddin@live.comAnonymous
December 12, 2011
Answer is : Only 1 and 3. Email: awaisjaved1989@hotmail.comAnonymous
December 12, 2011
Option 5. Only 1 and 3. mary_khan87@hotmail.comAnonymous
December 13, 2011
Answer 5 shaikhjunaid@hotmail.comAnonymous
January 05, 2012
Option 5, only 1 and 3.