Microsoft Technology Guru Contest - Question 12
In how many ways does WSUS Administration console allow you to group the client computers?
1. 1
2. 2
3. 3
4. 4
How to participate:
- Answer the above question and providing your email address along.
- Only the answer provided with email address will be marked.
- Only the first correct answer will be considered.
- For further details kindly refer to the Competition Rules and Guidelines.
- Anonymous
December 08, 2011
- server-side targeting and client-side targeting -
December 08, 2011 Answer is 2Anonymous
December 08, 2011
Answer: 2. 2 alihaider59@live.comAnonymous
December 08, 2011
Option 2 me@umair.meAnonymous
December 08, 2011
Waseemuddin Shaikh Option 2 waseem.uddin@live.comAnonymous
December 08, 2011
Answer: 2 Email: syed.sheheryar@live.comAnonymous
December 08, 2011
Answer 2 shaikhjunaid@hotmail.comAnonymous
December 12, 2011
Answer is : 2. 2 Email: awaisjaved1989@hotmail.comAnonymous
December 12, 2011
Option 2. 2